>COLUMBUS(WCMH/AP) — The FBI says dozens of pimps, prostitutes and associates have been arrested under international efforts to combat underage human trafficking.


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Reminds me of Sia - The Greatest.
A bunch of kids locked up in a house with tainted windows.



this is legit, but does it tie to the Clintons?

looks like the drumpftards are grasping at straws again

This was posted october 28th. This is old.

Clickbait fake link

I bet Shillary Handed out the Suppliers to keep her ability to Run for President.


>october 28



yes, that's a week ago

No way... that can't be unrelated. It'd be way too much of a coincidence.


Which one did Trump rape?

I know it must be tough for you, but I suggest trying to use words.

Wait wat

So you guys already did the raids a week ago!?! But you wanted us to break the news!?!!!!!

Even if it does ties to Clintons, you will never know, because FBI would never go public with it.
A) because ti would hurt USA standing in world - Hilary was top dog in USA domestic and foreign politics
B) Because directors and peopole in upper elite are part of their game.

It's tinted you derp


Looks like they are just knocking out competition.

>windows are tinted
>anus is tainted

The FBI is already fractured along these lines. Supposedly we have a generation of justice-boner-getting personnel who were threatening to mutiny if Comey didn't keep pushing the Clintons on the email shit.

The US kind of needs its standing hurt. We need other countries to give us shit over the Clintons digging in this deep. We need pressure on us to fully DrainTheFuckingSwamp and make it as close to impossible as we can for shit like this to ever happen again.

And we need Trump. So even if it hurts our standing in the world, and even if it really fucks up our upper echelons and infrastructure, we need someone to blow the lid on this thing and indict as many responsible people as we can.

Fuck image. Too many people were asleep at the wheel for this to get brushed under the rug. We dropped the ball, but we need to face some consequences if we hope to be better in the future.

Its not just a random generation of "justice-boner-getting personnel", its because these people are employed to do a job which they want to do.

For these people not only do they see evidence of a crime and want to pursue it, im sure for the FBI agents involved they feel bringing Hillary down would also be a massive personal boost to their fame and career prospects. Imagine having "I brought down Hillary Clinton" on your resume?

So you're some field agent who has found significant evidence of a crime, you pass it along to your superiors and suddenly they tell you nothing will be done about it. You would be pissed off and only want to pursue it more.

So it isn't random, and we can expect people like this to congregate in areas of government which were traditionally meant to provide oversight and regulation of corrupt powers like the ones we have today, even as they also defended our country and its people from outside threats?

>Jolly Fucking Cooperation

Either way, I hope to see this movement grow. Whether we start the second Reign of Terror or send these globalist fucks into full retreat early, Trump is going to need our support once he's elected to clear out the rotted heart of the tree of liberty.