Can we talk about how great and underappreciated The Flashes Rogues Gallery is. Specifically The Rogues themselves

Can we talk about how great and underappreciated The Flashes Rogues Gallery is. Specifically The Rogues themselves.
>Treat robbing banks more of a way of life or passion than because they are evil
>Don't actually kill innocent people and many of them help the homeless or support good causes in their free time
>Don't actually hate The Flash but fight him and even try to kill him because they are both in the game

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Which most of them got no reason to be bad guys.

I love Flash but its rogues gallery is terrible.

That all sounds horrible. Sounds like none of them are a threat and only exist because they follow rules that the Flash laid out for them.

How are they underappreciated? Anyone with a passing interest in DC knows about them from JLU, the TV show, and games like Injustice.

How bout we talk about Rogues members who are underappreciated, like Dr. Alchemy and Mr. Element?

>I've never read a Flash comic but I'll act like I know what I'm talking about because I saw meme images on Sup Forums that said Flash is overpowered

>Facts not snark

I mean how you say it, it sounds like the rogues are playing a weird game with the flash.

It doesn't sound like they are enemies.

>because I saw meme images on Sup Forums that said Flash is overpowered
Sounds like you're the one who never touched a flash comic in his life.

They are, I think people overstate the degree with which they have a rivalry with Flash. They respect Barry as an enemy but he's still the thing keeping them from succeeding. What Johns explained was that they stay in Central City out of a desire to beat Flash, and they retired when Barry died.

Nice try, but I read Johns' run as it came out and it did a fantastic job of showing how the Rogues are still a threat despite Wally/Barry's powers. Also read Waid's and Cary Bates' runs and am currently reading Mike Baron's. Flash is one of my favorite characters.

Its the opposite. Barry is shit but his villains are great. You just have bad tastes

Keep crying Wallyfag

Does Flash even have any enemies that aren't the Rogues, Grodd or evil speedsters?



Could he see that coming from a mile away?

Great argument. I knew the retarded Barry drone didn't read comics.

Kil%gre and other great one timers

Except Sup Forums has thought this since even before Barry came back. Maybe you should go back to Sup Forums or tumble.

Snart’s gunna Snart

>Hi guise, I don't read comic books but I will decide to go to a comics board and share my opinion on them as if I did
Saying Sup Forums is love is what allowed these faggots to infest our board.

That depends on how fast the cold comes out. I figured it did it at near instant speeds since it's energy being taken away.

What comic is this from?

They're underrated for 95% of the casual filling world, yeah.
To anyone who's heard of them they know they're great.

They survived alone in Salvation Run against the elements when it was just them.
They survived against the chaos of Final Crisis and even got a good kill in.
They held off Blackest Night and did what's right by ending one of their own who broke the rules.
They went all over the world and survived in Forever Evil.

They're the thieves and thugs that make up The Rogue.
They're the men and women who fight the fastest man alive and together slow down all foes.
Many imitators, no surpassers.

Forever Evil
N52 event
Pretty good, and the Rogues tie in is also good.

I love that the biggest members of Flash's Rogues are actually close friends and like hanging out with one and other. They're everything that people wish the Batman rogues were like.

I wish Abra Cadabra was a member of the Rogues. He's shown to interact and join forces with them but he's not really a permanent member. I want the time traveling magician to be a member so bad, he'd actually fit right in.

Shit taste. Go watch the CW show, faggot

The Flash has amazing villains. Grodd, Autisbard Thorne, The Rogues.

IMO this is Snart's finest hour.

Or even as just a Flash villain he'd work pretty well.

Don't forget Hunter Zolomon

Aren't Hunter and Eobard essentially changed around depending on whether it's Barry or Wally?

Like I don't know if I've read any Barry vs Hunter or Wally (as Flash not Kid Flash) vs Eobard. I could be wrong though.

>I haven't read Wally vs Eobard
Are you seriously telling me you haven't read the best Professor Zoom story and top 5 best Flash stories of all time?

That's genuinely fucking great.
And ice cold.

Flash suffers from a worse problem with his rogues gallery than Superman.

Supes is a very multi-faceted superhero, with a variety of powers: flight, super-strength, heat vision, durability, etc. so his villains have to either be beings that can go toe-to-toe with him (Doomsday) or are characters that test his humanity (Luthor).

Flash on the other hand has only one real power, superspeed. Sure it's been expanded on many times, like vibrating molecules to phase through matter or time-travel, but it all comes back to speed. His villain gallery has quite a few non-powered characters that rely on gadgetry like Cold and Trickster, and they usually have to have Flash be quite gullible in order for them to be able to be a threat to him.

In the end, Flash's rogue gallery is very lackluster when compared to most other top-level DC heroes.

Do you anons ever think thatbonce in a while, Flash just takes a moment to go have a drink with such a great Rogue's Gallery?

One of my favorite Flash moments was when Batman tried to big-dick threaten the Flash over the fact that Capt. Boomerang killed Tim's dad (the Identity Crisis event), and if the Flash couldn't manage his rogues, then he would.

Flash immediately said, "Bruce, the reason your hand is on my shoulder is because I let you do it. My rogues are not your rogues. They aren't insane, they aren't trying to prove some point, and they don't get off on leaving clues. They are career criminals, and they aren't aren't afraid of working together. You wouldn't even know how to handle them. Fuck right off, you goddamn furry."

>I don't read The Flash, the post
Nice one power level faggot

Most of them had unhappy upbringings. So did Wally (I'm not counting Barry's dead mom retcon since that's fairly recent), but that just shows the difference between them and him. He chose better than they did. That said, Wally did have positive role models in the form of Barry and Iris, and most of the Rogues didn't have that.

Johns pls go.

> Fuck right off, you goddamn furry
This is a great direct quote.

It's pretty true to real life. Batman's rogues keep having this "one bad day" meme to deal with, but the majority of Wally's (I guess Barry's) rogues geniunely grew up with shitty, abusive childhoods. And a lot of those guys were smart people, but never given a chance to grow into something good.

This happened a lot in my town. Some of the most creative, smart people, just didn't have the opportunity to get out, so they run scams or get involved in drugs. You can still see the spark in them, but they've definitely given up on some level.

They look similar (although there are clear visual differences between them, primarily in their eyepieces), but that's about it. They have completely different powers and completely different motivations.

Pied Piper is Top tier.


I really like the way The Rogues and Wally both had parental problems growing up. As a kid it made them all very relatable.

Leonard is pretty cool. Not many guys tray prostitutes with respect like he does.

It just comes off as more real with the rogues. Tons of villains had bad childhoods, but Snart trying to protect his sister from his alcoholic father came across as something more true-to-life to me.

Mick is genuinely sick and should have gotten the proper help years ago. He burned his family alive, stood there hypnotized by the flames, and couldn't bring himself to move. He tried to go straight too

What are the best Rogues stories?

Rogue War
Final Crisis: Rogues

Pretty much anything with Rogue in the title


Yeah, If it would be fine if they were poor and dumb.

Some of them are doctors and time travelers.

Yeah. The Rogues have a lot of wasted potential in terms of what they *could* have done with their lives, but they're doing what they think makes most sense. And most of them are angry on some level.

And she tried to protect him too, which I like.

The Top and Dr Alchemy are pretty sick too. Alchemy got treated well in prison because they didn't have many options for him (he came and went as he pleased), but the Top was treated quite brutally in prison and it almost certainly added to his mental illness and anti-social tendancies.

If life fucks someone over again and again and they really don't have positive role models, how are they going to turn out? I'm not actually defending their behaviour, I said they made the wrong choices but it's no great surprise they ended up that way. Plus, as noted here and above, some of them are seriously mentally ill.

Two time travelers, Abra Kadabra and Professor Zoom, and two doctors, Doctor Alchemy and Murmur, in his recurring rogues gallery. Doctor Alchemy has long-term mental issues, Murmur is schizophrenic, and Thawne's childhood could be seen as abusive on an institutional level.

Zolomon is also arguably scarier than Thawne.

No one has said that in years, stop using it as an excuse to whine

Abra Kadabra

>No one said it
It doesn't mean the sentiment isn't still there. It's why Sup Forums gets shit on by so many plebs so often.

Arguably, yeah, although I think it's debatable. Thawne's obsessive time travelling is pretty damned scary, but Zolomon is more difficult for a speedster to stop because they can't steal his speed.

Cold has a "cold aura", so the Flash is proportionately slower given proximity. Quick wouldn't have known that.

>Like I don't know if I've read any Barry vs Hunter or Wally (as Flash not Kid Flash) vs Eobard. I could be wrong though.
I envy you because you have some amazing Flash reading to do.

Thawne and Zolomon have a lot less in common than you think and Wally has had to fight both.

>Flash just takes a moment to go have a drink with such a great Rogue's Gallery?
Flash Vol 2 #19 IIRC.

The Rogues throw a party and invite the Flash as a joke, he (Wally) shows up and they all drink together and reminisce about Barry.

see The Flash has some of the best "villains" in comic book history.

Just read Johns run.

Top is actually a fantastic shout. He is the 'genius' Rogue and Barry actually couldn't beat him so did some pretty shady mind wipe bullshit.

I'd make Top my Flash movie villain desu.

Yeah, you got the issue number right and that's a great issue.

I'd watch that movie for sure.

>I'd watch that movie for sure.
I kind of see it as a mini Rogues war.

Act 1: Mirror master breaks boomerang out of prison. Digger wants some money to get on his feet so does a job, guy called the Top offering protection for a cut as he has a track record of rebuffing the Flash

Act 1 to 2 bridge: Flash battles Top and is forced to run so fast both are thrust 5 years into the future.

Act 2: In the future, cold now watches over the rogues (Cold, Glider, MM, Boomer, Heatwave, WW). MM and Boomer are scared of Top, so switch loyalty to him. Top kills cold and so Lena (glider) picks up the cold gun and declares war. It's Top/Boomer/MM vs sister!Cold, Heatwave, WW.

Meanwhile, Flash!Barry encounters FutureFlash!Wally. Wally brings him up to speed on the Rogues by visiting the Flash museum. Obviously Barry learns that the cost of his super heroing and justice league membership will be his life. Adds depth to the character, when he travels back to current time he knows he is going to die but that he has to do it to ensure the world he travelled to will exist.

Act 3: The two Flashes have to try and break up the war, beat back all the rogues and also jail the top for murder of cold.

End: Barry runs back in time, meets up with Cold and lays down some ground rules for the Rogues to ensure it never gets that out of hand again. Movie ends with Barry meeting young!Wally.

Gives us the chance for a Flash 2 (Flash / Kid Flash vs Thawne) and then Barry death in JL leading into any number of Wally stories.

Apologise for dumping the retarded fanfic. I just love the Flash

It's interesting how Wally even after he joined the Justice League didn't really connect with the other leagers.

>Thawne and Zolomon have a lot less in common than you think and Wally has had to fight both.

Oh I'm well aware they aren't the same. But Hunter is obsessed with Wally and Eobard is obsessed with Barry. While I dig that user has posted a Wally vs Eobard story I don't know if Barry's fought Hunter.

>It's interesting how Wally even after he joined the Justice League didn't really connect with the other leagers.
It was a massive part of his character arc that he looked to them as heroes and didn't feel at all their equal. Hell, Wonder Woman lasso'd him deep into his run and he said he was both attracted and intimidated by her.

It was some good character progression for Wally to earn his stripes on the league and even stand up to guys like Batman. Only for Johns to retcon Barry's death and fuck up everything.

It's amazing how much bringing back Barry fucked everything up. But according to the CW fags that makes you a "Wallyfag" for liking progression.

Does anyone think its time DC ditched Sam again? Throughout the New 52 his personality has fluctuated and he was always the least developed Rogue. Not only that, but the stories where he is prominent are always about Lisa getting hurt and him being whiny as shit. If not retire Sam, then I say end that terrible relationship all together.

Perhaps it comes from me thinking Evan is a much more interesting character or that I want Top to come back as Golden Glider's boyfriend/motive/mentor.

Sam needs to be a much more dynamic character for sure. I definitely want the Top back too and the return of the relationship with Lisa, but if we can't have that back then DC really needs to make Mirror Master an actual character again. He's a complete non-entity without personality as it is now, and so is Weather Wizard. It makes me so mad when I think about how badly DC fucked up the Rogues in the New 52 and beyond. I don't know why DC hasn't been rebooted them when they've rebooted a bunch of the other fucked up characters.

Oh God... Weather Wizard...

Remember when he was the Mark Twain quoting book lover? Remember how he used to be the angry one and not Heat Wave (I hate this characterization of Mick so much)?

In the New 52 they made him a South American drug lord named Marco. With no actual explanation as to where he got his Wand.

Unfortunately, there's no signs of them undoing that garbage with "Claude."

Nu52 Weather Wizard has a decent enough setup to run with, it's just no one's done anything with it. From what little Silver/Bronze Age stuff I've read, Scudder has never really had much going for him character-wise. Heatwave is also terribly one-note.

Disagree with HW being one note. He was a very compassionate guy.

Turn Sam into the information gathering specialist and double up on him being the reconnaissance guy.

Who would you cast for the Rogues? I would love to have Walton Goggins play Snart.

Cranston as Captain Cold
Steffanson as Top or Weather Wizard
McGreggor as Mirror Master.

The logistical guy in general.


Hilarious and classic, feels good to read that

whenever I see the Rogues, I think of the Clash song 'Bankrobber'
would link it, but youtube is blocked at work

'My daddy was a bank robber
But he never hurt nobody
He just loved to live that way
And he loved to steal your money'

You like reading generic shitposts?

Yeah, Marco is garbage.

His set-up could be good, but honestly the Central American drug cartel shit is cringeworthy and as you say, they've done very little with him. Okay, his emotions are tied up with the weather and vice versa. Now what? Where's his personality?

Pre-Flashpoint Sam suffers in that his appearances were during an era when villains didn't get much characterization. However, back in his day he was THE Rogue, who had the most appearances of all of them and was the most popular. He was the one who first suggested they team up, and he was the closest thing they had to a leader (back in the day they weren't tightly organized like they are now with Cold).

As for Mick, he's had a long history of reform and backsliding, and used to be one of the gentlest Rogues. He's pretty interesting.

My pick for the Top is John Hamm.

The drug cartel shit avoids being cringy by virture of Marco going, "Nope, shit ain't for me. Gonna rob banks in America." It'd also allow for an easy tie-in with the organized crime elements of the Flash, like Blacksmith and Tarpit.

I dunno man, a Central American guy who's heir to a drug empire is really tone deaf. If that had happened a year or two later DC would have been raked through the coals.

I want to start reading the flash, is it worth it to read it from Barry's first story? Or should i start later? I already torrented it from Barry start, it doesn't seem like the most binge worry thing

You mean from his first Silver Age story? You can certainly start there, and I personally love SA Flash and old-school Barry. It's not for everyone though, and if you find yourself not enjoying it then I'd suggest reading with Wally's series, which is Flash volume 2. That has more modern sensibilities.

It doesn't seem bad, just like I couldn't settle in and read 20 in sitting. There's just something about silver age syntax that makes it hard for me to get. I'm trying to read the chronological dr doom but those early fantastic four are painful.

No reason not to keep reading it as long as you're enjoying it, then. It starts to seem more modern as you reach the Bronze Age.

>and I personally love SA Flash and old-school Barry.

In my opinion Silver and Bronze Age Flash is literally the best Flash and some of the best comics period. Especially from a historian's perspective; there's so much in The Flash that ended up being massively important in both comics and DC in particular.

Also, Carmine Infantino is the best artist the Flash has ever had IMO.

It's certainly a lot of fun, and classic Infantino is a treasure. We owe him a lot.

There's a reason Barry started the Silver Age and ended the Bronze Age.

Its a good thing he left at the bronze age. Barry represents everything the Bronze age was about but didn't work in the modern age when character development was becoming popular

In Marvel they would be considered one of the greatest superhero teams in the setting