Waist-length hair (or even longer)

Why is it the best hairstyle a girl can have in a cartoon?

Pixie cut

Because basic biology. Long hair is feminine.

It just is.

Because Star pulls it off the best.

Growing and keeping long hair looking good requires dedication and patience, good qualities for a woman. She doesn't go easy routes like extensions, or short or worse pixie cuts to stay attractive, she's ready to stay committed to a standard of genuine attractiveness. Feminine perseverance is wife material, bar to none.

I'm torn. I love both equally.

On the flip side, hair that long when it's unkempt can give off a sort of wild and untamed sort of look, which is also appealing

Then you're a fucking faggot.


user, it takes a lot of work to make long hair look unkempt and wild without it being dirty or tangled or dredded.

Because short hair is masculine, while long hair is feminine.

>female character character gets a redesign
>her hair becomes shorter

>Long hair is feminine
>Basic biology
... Nigga what.

Maybe I am a tad bi-curious, but I respectfully disagree that that makes me a fag.

She has magic.

Look at this faggot and laugh!

In a cartoon, a video game, real life...

Long hair is best hair.

Shut the fuck up Boco! You never go outside!

Yeah I do. I regretfully have to every day.

Fags like you are why the streets of America aren't filled with beautiful long-haired girls.
Go take a trip to Europe someday, thank me later.

Short hair along the neck.

>>Long hair is feminine.
>men & women's hair grow at the same rate
>has been associated with power, prominence & wealth
>has been favoured for men in several cultures
Long hair = good because it marks health & nutrition and it's been a status symbol.

Huge pigtails are also cute

cuz it looks terrible in real life and but we can enjoy it in the stylization of drawings

Because it kills you in close combat.

short hair and pixie cuts are actually extremely hard to pull off, only the prettiest girls can make it work
long hair is the easy route

Is hair really that deadly?


Doesn't male hair actually grow faster? Testosterone bonus and all that.


Pixie cuts are a crime against beauty

Some girls can pull off short hair, but I refuse to believe anyone finds that more attractive than this.



"I-I'm sorry user, b-but we can't have shit opinions here"