Rules of RWBY/RT General:
>1. Love RWBY
>2. Read the pastebin:
>3. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion
>4. Have fun
1080p archive:
RWBY Volume 5 Episode 2 link:
(Edge runs it fine)
Previous thread
Rules of RWBY/RT General:
>1. Love RWBY
>2. Read the pastebin:
>3. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion
>4. Have fun
1080p archive:
RWBY Volume 5 Episode 2 link:
(Edge runs it fine)
Previous thread
P3N3 here
Previous thread:
weiss is nice
>1. Love RWBY
Friendly reminder: YANG IS GOAT
looks like a goat
>Call the thread
>Someone else makes it anyway
>Never made RWBY thread before
>Captcha has my name in it
nice job op
Press F to pay respects
I want to squeeze Yang's yangs!!
All the greats have a certain look to them desu
>it's another "RWBYg pretends that Jaune didn't love Pyrrha" thread
Sorry but I’ve called it so many times I just had to one without that cinderfag/booru shill knowing
I'm afraid you've been swindled, user.
That's an inferior knockoff Yang.
Jaune didn't love Pyrrha in a romantic manner.
Weiss/Pilot-kun is the OTP and Weiss had more chemistry with him than any other potential love interest.
But he really didnt love her? I think he loved her like a sister but thats it
Don't be retarded, even the writers acknowledged it.
He loved her as a friend, a partner, a teacher and possibly as a sister.
But he had absolutely no romantic feelings for her whatsoever.
>even the writers acknowledged it.
think of how far we've come y'all
You're a godsend user
Your faggery upsets Pyrrha
Pyrrha is dead.
That is a nice Pyrrha
Yeah well yeah? Pyrrha is FUCKING DEAD AN ASHES
I'm merely the Yang to your Yang
What’s she gonna do about it huh? Apologize?
its canon
she didn't bring enough money in her briefcase so how else was she going to pay for a trip like that
Yes, you can greentext. Good job.
Thanks my Yang bro
Yeah well Juane is literally shit.
I like Pyrrha’s family
only the cringiest OC are allowed past this point
Pyrrha is good.
And Pyrrha was worse.
"Oh I get it, it's Penny just spelt stupid."
Is Garrett still alive?
So, in real life, scorpions are apparently very timid animals. So, why is Tyrian a bombastically homocidal lunatic Salem cultist? We know Faunus often share personality traits with their animal counterparts, like Blake's aloofness/fear of dogs, and Velvet being too scared of fighting back against CRDL, Sun's love of bananas and general monkeying around, etc.. So what the heck happened to this dude to mess him up this badly?
Blake is scared of dogs? Also what about Neon?
How about we post some decent OCs instead
I like the idea that he was raised by Salem.
Where's the fun in that?
this one is pretty good
More importantly, how is he going to take a shit now that his tail's been cut off?
Probably killed his own mother, who was a frog Faunus.
>Also what about Neon?
She's a smug asshole, like a cat.
What do you think happened to Crocea's original sheathe? Given that the blade is supposed to be extremely old, I doubt the transforming sheathe/shield was always with it.
user his tail comes out of his back I dont think his digestive system took the scorpion route
Denying that other guy the opportunity.
Jaune sold it so he could buy more shitty cereal.
What if the sword Jaune has now is a fake and the real thing is still in the Arc household?
>his mother was a frog faunus
>his father was a turtle faunus
I imagine the sheath/shield is pretty old as well, like among the first generation of transforming weapons back in the Great War era.
Well, the two most prominent scorpions in mythology/fairy tales are Scorpius and the scorpion from The Scorpion And The Frog. The former literally exists solely as an embodiment of divine punishment while the latter is basically a moral about how some people will follow their inherent natures even if it's to their own detriment.
So, between the two of them, you've got the slavish religious devotion and the murderous psychopath parts of his personality. And, really, that's basically all his character is. He's just a nutjob who likes killing people for his Goddess. Kind of like this user was getting at. She freaks out whenever she's around Zwei. Also, Neon is the embodiment of cat memes. Also what this user said. Blake has four ears. Even if Tyrian's tail was full anatomically correct, he'd still have his human butt.
edit this with garrett strider as #1
also #5
There's also Serket, from Egyptian myths.
But apparently she's like a medicine/healing goddess or something.
I wonder how much his scorpion tail effects his overall biology, because not only does his body produce a venom, but scorpions are cold blooded
I need all your best Pilot-kun images, now.
Seems more likely than Jaune just being able to grab it off the mantle or wherever he got it. Given that it's an heirloom, you'd think it would either be on his father's person or locked up somewhere.
He still makes them
thats good to know
I'd post mine but they only exist in text form
Forgot the Fucking image
This is Pyrrha’s father
Can somebody help?
I need a hand.
I'm not sure I grasp your meaning
Well, considering the Ilia managed to survive in Atlas/Mantle/Solitas despite being part Chameleon and managed to pass for human for a while, I think we can assume Faunus with aspects from cold-blooded animals default to being warm-blooded.
Yeah, she's also a thing. Although Egyptians eventually sort of ended up lumping her in with Isis. We don't really has much in the way of mythology about her besides "She protects against/treats scorpion stings and snakebites and stuff."
No, this is Pyrrha's father
Garett Strider is cool and all, but he’s no Real Deal or Kyle.
Hello, Pyrrha's father. You daughter would have had better luck had she been based off of St. Catherine of Alexandria.
Can't help ya.
I gotta hand it to ya, that was pretty good
These lame jokes are getting out of hand
I still think the venom is his semblance, hence the eye colour changing
as soon as i get a life
Well he can be very timid, obviously in the picture you posted and in that scene when Salem is present, he's a complete opposite to what we were first introduced to.
Really it's only in Salems presence or when thinking about how he failed her that he becomes like that, which is probably thanks to some form of heavy emotional manipulation
This is the bun’s father
>tfw trying to get hammered at a bar after losing your job when some blonde chick comes in and beats the shit out of you after trashing the place
>"More than I thought, less than you'd think."
What a little pussy, no wonder he raised such a spineless slut
While it being a semblance does make sense given his eyes switching between gold and purple, having a semblance so closely tied to a character's Faunus trait and overall biology is rather unprecedented. After all, real life scorpion venom glands are located in their tails. Then again, the same episode is the one that established that Qrow's a low level unconscious reality warper, so I suppose the sky's the limit regarding semblances.