Legit question: How can anyone turn down that face?
Legit question: How can anyone turn down that face?
It's easy if they're not obsessed with Young Adult Novel Female Protagonist No. 698454.Or waifu bait characters in general.
>i only read MATURE comics for MATURE adults!
She just killed an entire event center filled with people
And? Every protagonist has to be a moralfag?
She's behind her.
That was in reference to how bland and stereotypical that genera's characters are rather than whether or not they're 'for babies and I totally only like super adult stuff guys'. Ava fits the blank slate self insert girl archetype that is common in most of those novels and she's written like one as well. I could've gone for 'anime moe shy girl with hidden power cliche' too but that didn't quite roll off the tongue.
Another user in another thread called most of the characters something along those lines and they're right. I was just repeating what had been said elsewhere.
>I was just repeating what had been said elsewhere.
Aaaaand that sums up the modern young adult. It's a wrap, folks.
>repeating what had been said
>modern young adult
You do realize that's the basis of human communication, right?
By being cuter like Maggie is
>regurgitating old ideas is communication
where'd you read that?
Basis of communication does not equal communication.
Update tomorrow, friends. Place your bets!
Crying, lesbiandrama, and/or forced kiss.
To be fair, Michelle had the idea for Ava's Demon circa teenagehood. So, wouldn't surprise me if she read a lot of young adult novels and comics that influenced her own. Although, now that she is older, hopefully, she refurbished some of the ideas she had.
I'm just hoping she's going somewhere. Not everything has to begin amazingly, but I just want some good story shit to go with this art.
I hope Ava actually explains what's going on to Gil / what happened to her at the HQ
maybe this group of 4 can somewhat come together
Yeah, know what ya mean. I'm hoping too and a reason I am sticking around.
>Ava will never become an assertive fire demon and femdom you.
I don't get why a few people get so anal about the plot on this. It's better than the usual webcomic that Sup Forums flaps to like Six Billion Demons.
The seven deadly sins cliché is in KSBD as well. The overarching plot in both is stupid.
what's ksbd about btw? It looks neat but i haven't read any
the aimless college chick gets a literal key to creation meant for the chosen one, due to cosmic shenanigans. and the real of gods is a mishmash of hindu, buddhist, and christian concepts mixed together and given a Doom makeover.
Reach heaven through violence, baby!
Nerdy homely girl receives the Artifact of Ultimate Powerâ„¢ and is thrown into a weird world ruled by seven corrupt demiurges who want that artifact.
>posting old KSBD to lure in suckers
Stop overthinking stuff and just enjoy the ride or step down, ffs.
you're right! I WANT TO FUCK AVA!
That's the spirit
it was only an arc ago
I've seen Sup Forums claim these were like MSPA. Do they have anything like the scope of HS or the meta shenanigans of PS? MSPA burned out my dopamine receptors and now no webcomic can satisfy me.
I can turn that face down and into my pants
They both come from people who were into MSPA. IIRC Michelle used to make HS fanart and KSBD first came out as a play by post on the forums.
Yeah, and it's changed so fucking much.
it began as an MSPA style fan-adventure but the author scrapped that and retooled it as a regular webcomic.
it shows promise to have the scope of HS, but isn't there yet. I wouldn't say "If you liked Homestuck you'll like K6BD"
But I would say that if you like Shin Megami Tensei you'll like K6BD
He won't believe her for a moment anyway.
I just posted an answer to the question in the OP. I read for the art, not the story.
>making a blank slate as a main character in a YA story for 15 year old girls is bad
I bet you hate Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter too.
update when?