Are we gonna see her boobs jiggled again in Olaf Frozen Adventure ?
Are we gonna see her boobs jiggled again in Olaf Frozen Adventure ?
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Ey, Elsa is a fine as fuck waifu
olaf's gonna motorboard elsa's tittys and she's gonna slap him really hard and knock him off the peir and into the lake, where he melts and dies
Shes a cumslut
I will never ever understand, in a world with so much rule 34, getting your rocks off to a microscopic boob bounce.
Sup Forums is so used to incredibly tame media due to moral guardian influence that they consider something like Enid to be 'scandalous'. They wouldn't last an episode of Prison School.
>Muh superior nippon culture
Please tell me you're being ironic
I'm not, but I hope the people getting their rocks off to drawings only a step above stick figures are.
imagine being this thirsty
she's fucking flat as a little girl, because disney is afraid of giving girls womanly features
Nice I'll add this to my boob bounce in cartoons collection
This has to be an edit
You might love this then.
Shes got the biggest boobs compared to all other Disney Princess
Get some glasses, or at least some taste
>comparing borderline porn to a fucking childrens cartoon
> I am a fucking retard and/or blind
Prove him wrong
How do you guys make these edits?
Dumbass as usual
You get desensitized to one end of the spectrum after a while, and then the other end suddenly becomes appealing. And then the cycle repeats when you get desensitized to that end.
It's best to try and appreciate both innocent AND explicit sexuality, I say. Not everything you fap to has to be some raunchy, super degenerate porn, sometimes just a really sexy dress is enough.
Though I'll agree that this "bounce" is a pitiful thing to get horny over.
Reminder that the new dress is shit & they shrunk Elsa's boobs size.
man she's not eating enough food
Not him but Esmeralda and Pocahontas have way bigger breasts than Elsa
Make them grow! Make them grow!
I can't believe they shrank.
Make them grow! Make them grow!
That girl ends up as flat as a plank.
I like this better than the ice magic one but not as much as the coronation one.
Coronation dress + Hair down = All of my boners
That shot already had a little bounce so I guess they just extrapolated from there.
Gonna watch this and then leave. Not gonna bother with that Pixar thing that they play at the end of the short.
Can I see the rest?
different user here, I think it's a lovely dress that show off her assets quite nicely
Never liked the hair to be honest.
It's hotter when it's official sometimes, especially in the wake of "no lewds unless it's funny/on an ugly guy" PC shit.
If it were a porn video and this happened it'd be skipped to get to the porn, but this is official and it's interesting to see detail put into the breasts.
Can this just be a breast physics thread?
I'm sorry human anatomy that straight men are wired to like bothers you
That fur needs to be removed.
yea i cant see that juicy fucking succulent neck mmgmgn
shes so perfect
>dat gangbang SFM where shes fuck 10 men simultaneously.
Shes a perfect fuck machine
I have a gangbang fetish
It's a fine fetish
i kinda think her movement shouldn't lead to such a bounce
>2 Dildos with size of her hands is fit to penetrate her little mouth
>Triple penetration
>Using thighs to rubbing the cocks
>Doing all of the things above simultaneously
Wew, the ultimate gangbang indeed.
I wish we were in a timeline where we can get away with disney having a dressing scene, I want elsa in a fucking bra
I think if it weren't for the issue of squeezing it in to such little room, she could do an armpit job. Not my thing at all but it'd have perfected "the ultimate gangbang"
Plus her slick texturing takes away the bullshit of why an armpit job might be shyed away from
i'm waiting for that 21 minute Frozen movie that's coming up to cinemas within few weeks.
heard there's going to be some short movie afterwards.
just figured i'd post the real scene
sometimes its nice to see something subtle and mundane like clothed boobs bouncing
sometimes its nice to see a girl get anal gaped by 5 dudes
Fuck soccer moms
They look the same size, what are you mongoloids on about?
Could Elsa freeze your cum right as it comes out, effectively gluing and icicle to your dick?
she cant cum bend
It's been a long time since I've seen text Art. And I mean back before Google took over YouTube so probably 2010, back when people on YouTube were able to have a friend list. I saw them on YouTube bios all the time.
Probably not. Millennials would get triggered too quickly.
>back when people on YouTube were able to have a friend list. I saw them on YouTube bios all the time.
couldn't you also make a custom background, or was that another thing?
>It's been a long time since I've seen text Art
it's usually called ascii art and where the fuck have you been?
It doesn't happen often on Sup Forums anymore, so unless he frequents facebook or youtube comment sections he's bound to have seen very little since it was a huge fad
Go fuck yourself.
Good enough my man. Thanks.
De nada.
Mah nigga
I want to see her bottomless, in aman sized Tshirt, with messy hair.
What's got you so angry from that?
Man I miss old YouTube. That was my social media back in the day.
>those tits
Sup Forums you're a bunch of fucking lightweights.
The anime sucks.
Why does anime always have to blow shit out of proportion up to a point where it kills the attractivity of a character?
>hello, I'm underageb&, how do you do?
I do agree that she isn't flat. But
>biggest boobs
no, that's not how you spell Esmerelda
>kills the attractivity
Woah there, fag. Speak for yourself.
it's kind of a sliding timescale for tit sizes. After a few years of all the hugest titted girls being x size you have to make your new girl y size to make her seem big by comparison. eventually you get to shit like pic related.
Ryotas is a miracle.
Perfect tits should big enought to put pressure on the shirt covering them and carry some firm substance, but not too big to overwhelm the shape of the feminine body. Same thing applies to asses as well. If it isn't firm and kills the shape it's ugly as hell.
>but not too big to overwhelm the shape of the feminine body
m8 that's not an issue for any of the pics in this thread. You'd need tits the size of beach balls to obscure the body like that.
Maybe it isn't about attractiveness. least it shouldn't be.
>You'd need tits the size of beach balls to obscure the body like that.
Are you blind or stupid? That's not even remotely beach ball sized. Even when her tits are at rest you can clearly see her torso shape.
yeah man, totally not ridiculous at all
I want it as weII
whats this?
Occult 9. It's mediocre but has this titty monster.
Fuckyou too faggot , everybody love boobs jiggled just fucking go away.
I love proportional boobs, not cowtits shit.
Elsa got those proportional boobs
What is this, 2007? I remember seeing this on the runescape forums everywhere after the wilderness got taken away
It's because it's Disney, it's hotter than this "wholesome" company adds subtle lewd shit to their movies. Someone had to hand animate those titties.
The main Elsa rigs made for the film have boob controls user
good ol fashioned IK boob controls
Its SFM user.
Its not made by disney.
We're not talking about your mother
Elsa is pretty meh. Not a decent foot shot in the whole movie.