Why so sad :(

why is the whole world so unhappy?
especially western countries, who seem to have everything
have become breeding grounds for depression and anxiety

Separation from nature, lack of community and identity, hyper individualism, and nihilism.

And globalism

>Separation from nature, lack of community and identity, hyper individualism, and nihilism.

This & governments raising debt levels and decreasing quality of life

Humans evolved to be happiest when constantly overcoming conflict and solving problems. When you take away difficulties, humans become unhappy because they arent being challenged.

We have solved our food problem, and paying off student loans is a lot more abstract than killing enemies.

I get it now ... our body just isn't the designed for this current world ... everything is artificical and distant.
Add to that the permanent stress of a modern-day workenvironment and you have the perfect conditions
for depression

I don't get hyper-individualism, tho?
What did he mean by this?

We are in war time, it isn't a normal war though, it's a meme war.

Most people care only for themselves and their needs. They don't give a shit for others.

Because we let the third world fucks into our western civilization.

Pretty much this.

Every step you climb, you forget about the one below you.

Of course you're going be unhappy, especially when people have climbed farther than you, and despite your privelege (white) you see niggers climbing quicker and higher.

The youth is great representation for the future, as they are. I work in a ward. The common issue I come across, despite them not knowing about it, is them not having any belonging. Any kind of belonging the oyuth can find is in criminal circles. I've seen 12 year old speed junkies. I go to work everyday, and my heart taking on the burden of hearing about this youths' experience doesm't get any easier. No religion, no purpose, no nationality; Onlly guilt. Hitler was right. Genuinely, Hitler was right. We lost the war and our souls in the process. We have sold our souls for everything that we have. The Burgerbros atleast have a chance at National Revival with Trump. I hope you take it, I really do.

also.. too much information, too many options for entertainment and everything else. The internet actually is a net negative thing for humanity. Automation is taking away more jobs, and social media is an absolute cancer.

it also means that people these days very much want to think they are 'special'.. they want to feel like they truly are a special snowflake, and not just a blade of grass in a field of grass. It's a selfish, ego-driven, shallow thing. It is also fueled by social media, which makes it easier than ever to show off and be like..look at me, look at me.

Meinst du das fucking ernst? Wenn ja musst du ein extrem verwöhntes Arschloch sein und ich bemitleide dich.
Wenn man halt nichts im Leben hat als seine Hautfarbe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nazis sind heutzutage bloß ein Meme, verstörend, dass du das missverstanden hast.

>Emojis auf Sup Forums

Bernd...geh schlafen.

Because the media we consume always leaves us in wanting.

For example when a women watches shit reality shows with drama and her friend group is rather calm she invents that drama that keeps her in suspension because that's what entertains her.

For men, it's listening to sales and marketing seminars hoping one day we can reach financial independence but in reality we are chasing the carrot.

We are unhappy because we are trying to live a life that entertains us. The thing is reality is what you make of it.


It's the same here in California. Everyone still has identity issues, but nobody seems to have a calling in life to be something, unless it's some sort of easy street career like being a model or a DJ. Nobody has real passions in life. No REAL artists like sculptors or architects of the Renaissance. No people who want to be actual doctors or firemen. Maybe you'll get someone who wants to be a veterinarian, but most of them drop out once they realize it's going to medical school.

And like this German fellow mentioned, most of these younger generations, including millennials, join some sort of fringe criminal group to feel a part of something. Like they have Antifa, we have the very same group in California, and they form "protests" against innocents, when they've been lied to and told it's a righteous cause. The same with Black Lives Matter. You put righteous buzzwords on anything and someone's going to join, even if the truth behind the movement is negative.

You want to know what people want here? An easy life where you can just be some sort of "player" or a "baller" as black people call it. A playboy who sleeps all day, fucks all night, and flaunts it to his peers to make them jealous. That's literally it. To be the next scenester kid of today.

Globalism is the direct cause of lack of community and identity.

Wrong. Not enough information. The internet is the greatest tool the common man has shit posting and memes carry the same exact weight depending on the eyes viewing it. Automation taking away the jobs is a good thing, what we need is less people in the world and more robots to do shit for us. Why is it so hard to grasp that all should fall behind if they're unfit to climb further? We are going up, if you cannot go up then you do not belong.

Not everyone wants to be an engineer.

because we've been sold a lie so insidious that we did even realise it happened.

>Separation from nature

The Western world is long dead since at least 500 years due to its own stupidity.

Pic related

818 here.

You nailed it.

Lack of culture.

not our fault. git gud or starve

Right, most people strive to be janitors and fast food workers? How about jobs that have that do the exact same thing as these yet, require human involvement to prevent error and will for hundreds of years to come? Just Look at pharmacies, restaurants, hair salons, dentists, doctors, hell even bricklayers. Are you really so dense to think that these jobs are going anywhere in your lifetime?

totally this.

population needs to be at most a 10th of what it is now.

instead of governments spending on welfare to bring new taxpaying units of production into the world they should be rewarding those who choose not to reproduce.

> they should be rewarding those who choose not to reproduce.
Yeah, you don't get it yet. How about you own up to the fact you can't find something to stick your dick in and spit out a child instead of waiting for muh guvnment to tell women to do it for you?

Because people are constantly feeling, and being forgotten, either culturally or personally

age of information revealed how little we actually matter in the eyes of the people who run shit and it continues to get worse and worse

>tfw want happiness in the world

Because the governments consists of psychopaths, and the population don't like feeling that such people have power over them.

people are unhappy because times are to easy, and they lost purpose.

No one knows who they are, because society and schools don't give them the tools to be inspired. So they define themselves by whatever adjective makes them feel like they are their own person.

you really told me this time.

dreamed about that since I was a kid

Too many people. Especially the wrong kind

Stop waiting for other people to tell you stuff and find something to stick your dick in that can spit out a mini (you)

Wow you are a huge wanker. I bet you wear a Bluetooth headset and drive a BMW.

9/11 happened
then obama happened
then sjws happened

Wish I could give a more perfect answer.

Western culture is degenerate, and instead of actually admitting this and talking about it, everyone just blatantly denies the degeneracy and pretends that we are still a prude traditional society that respects people and has dignity and values and honor and integrity. Even though we are the farthest from that we've ever been.

That's why.

I want you to be happy.

Only on weekdays. Let me guess you're not a huge cunt and the world should cater to the one and only british wanker on this site? Go fuck yourself.

you say the world is sad,yet I am having a wail of a time on BREXIT island...no need to be butthurt we fucked your aryan union in the ass,kraut...us BREXIT brits will pull a dresden on your entire country next time! hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!



BREXIT = happiness.

"Activist culture"

Didn't use to be like this. Used to be, if there was something you didn't like, you became an activist against that thing, with a specific goal in mind. You want the Japanese to stop hunting whales. Specific goal. Specific ways to work on it. There's an end to it where you can go back home and be a normal human being again.

But now there's an "activist culture". It's the idea that you are lazy and selfish if you aren't an activist against something literally 100% of the time. This is why you get nonsense activist movements like "Occupy Wall Street". What did they want, specifically? How did they hope to accomplish it? They had no fucking clue. But they were out there being activists and that gave them a stiffie and make them feel accomplished and that's what half the western world is like now, just insert [some other bullshit issue].

Gays can't marry! Oh noes! Oh wait that's fixed. Transexual high school students can't use the locker room of their choice! Rage! People can say mean things to me outside of my safe space! Rage! People don't respect the gender pronoun I just now invented! Rage!

They must rage all the time or they don't feel fulfilled.

Activist culture.

This is what the modern day left wing has produced and it's getting worse every year.

What can men do against such faggotry?

I'm pretty happy. I happen to have a lot of money though so there's that.

I'm sad because you lost the war, Hans.

i wish we had nice communities like this again
hell, I don't even care about stuff like this happening with only whites, but i guess immigration has ruined communities because everyone doesn't want to integrate, they want their own countries but in another one, and all that does is seperate people more. the suburbs are downright depressing, no one knows each other at all; the cities are full of crime
how can you miss something you never had and never will have so dearly

so mad

not who you are mad at but i am certainly glad im not you holy shit you must have no friends at all

It's good when a second world notices your emotions. Guess you people over there can actually pick up aggressive and criminal behavior.

>why is the whole world so unhappy?
>especially western countries, who seem to have everything
>have become breeding grounds for depression and anxiety

Because western nations have AWESOME militaries that are impossible to defeat...

So (((They))) just come over legally and start killing off our civvies.

That's why.


Nah, aggressive nature is thriving here in burgerland. You'd be great at remembering it.

haha you still havent worked it out

what you you pick?

burning passion or job (financial) security?

A lot are going. And if not they will be relegated to foreigners. And despite the retarded modernist mentality of muh needs there are a lot of modern "needed" jobs that aren't needed at all like pornography or law as a business.

Modernity and americanisation with this retarded thing that anybody can be anything and that only materialism matters is what is destroying the West. And the 'elites' made by people who climbed up the social ladder are not elites, for their 'nobility' is based in material gain, not in dignity of spirit or blood. Modern elites and 'top' people are just niggers (whatever their race is) with money. In fact all the New World is just a plebeian scum based 'society'.

Is automation and population reduction good? Yes, maybe. But only a retard or a shill will believe that the modern way to do it is the correct one.


Outside of Sup Forums, SJW views are quite common. I'm not sure if it's because they are just very loud, but the "being an SJW is the right thing to do" idea is very strong out there. Even on this site, people have pro-feminist, pro-SJW views without even realizing it. Someone else has to point it out for them.