Daddy I want to be president someday just like Hillary Clinton. She showed me that girls can be strong too...

Daddy I want to be president someday just like Hillary Clinton. She showed me that girls can be strong too. You voted for our first female president right daddy?

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>not redpilling your children

Hillary would have molested you if she had the chance, so no.

Of course. Now let me introduce you to the world of Hillary Clinton. *unzips dick*

no, now put daddys cock back in your mouth

Fuck off ya little cunt. Who let you out of the basement?

Girls are too dumb to be leaders. Go play with your dolls kiddo.

>Australian parenting

Absolutely, sweetheart. I had to fight off hordes of bigots, hatemongers, frogs, and misogynists all the way to the polls to cast my ballot. I did it all so beautiful young women like you can aspire to shoot for the stars.
*pats head*

You do mean Drumpf would have yeah?


Girls can be strong. Strong mothers.



You are grounded missy

This election is very simple really. GOOD vs. EVIL



where is her screen? wtf

>implying my daughter (if i have one) will be that white.

She murdered, cheated and stole to get there.

You're not a cunt, are you?

Heh. Wonder what these idiot Trumpkins will say in forty years when their grandchildren are ashamed of them. They're gonna be the creepy uncle that everyone barely tolerates at Thanksgiving and tries to forget about the rest of the year.

You know why you look in the mirror and see white and not berka. UNSTUMPABLE.

>doesn't know what a typewriter is

I had a vasectomy, who are you?

We're not Americans, why are we speaking in English?

What kind of dumbass kid assumes they can't do something just because they've never seen someone of the same sex do it?

If anything kids don't understand their own limits. When I was 4 I said I wanted to be a fucking pumpkin, I swear to god.

Shut up and enjoy your Trump presidency you dumb bint.

Sorry honey, but I was more concerned about your security. I don't want you to get gang raped by tens of refugees just because John Oliver said I should take that risk.

Yes, sweetheart.

Now it's time for some equality...

*unzips dick*

I sure raised a delicious loli.

You've been tricked sweetie. Girls are something called "nurturers" which makes them really good at helping people. Thats why girls are really good at being nurses and teachers.

Boys on the other hand are something called "protectors and providers". That makes boys really good at dealing with bad guys and solving problems. Thats why boys make good police officers and engineers.

You're gonna be the best nurturer when you grow up sweetie.

She's clearly blind.

Blind people don't use monitors because there would be no point.

She's not strong at all, though. She couldn't win fairly and on her own merit against Bernie and she can't against Trump. She's being propped up on all sides because she's so weak. It's actually pathetic.

>When I was 4 I said I wanted to be a fucking pumpkin, I swear to god.
You were a very speshal kid, weren't you.

do not molest the loli


The women out there who really are voting for her vagina aren't helping each other. If the first female pres is the most corrupt in history it will leave a bad taste in people's mouths about it again.
Sort of like how king nignog's legacy is doubling national debt to get ISIS and expensive shitty healthcare.

only niggers use this kind of logic tbqh

No I didn't vote for the most corrupt person in american politics.

I can not believe in 2016 you are chosing to be a CIS SCUM, perhaps I should vote for Trump to teach you a lesson.


Yeah, honey, in 2024 I voted for Ivanka. Hillary was never President, whoever told you that was probably a kike.


Sweetheart, I know it's difficult to understand now, but if Hilary Clinton became the first female president, she'd also be the last female president.
You see, with the catastrophe that Hilary's short time as president would inevitably be, no one would ever trust our beautiful country in the hands of a woman ever again. I want a strong, intelligent and patriotic woman to be our first Madam president, and by having Trump win, You have the chance to pursue your dreams, muffin.

First I would be wondering how I could have an aryan daughter when I'm Chinese.

You say that, and yet she just keeps going and going, like the Energizer bunny.

No matter what bullshit Trump or the Repugs throw at her, no matter what stupid, baseless investigations Congress comes up with, no matter what horrible rumors you spread, she's STILL HERE and she's STILL RUNNING and she's STILL WINNING.

I'd say that qualifies as strength, myself.

No child of mine is speaking the white man's language in this house BOOGA OOGA OOGA

>"Ayo daddy gibs allowance moneyz"

>"Dey put me in timeout but I dindu nuffins"


Who else "Hardon for Ivan'" here?

Yes, I voted for Ivanka Trump.

Hell no child. That bitch would have a beautiful girl like you raped and murdered for a fee.

> eyes any color than blue
> to the gas chamber with you

>Having white children in 2016

I'd tell her that I voted for Trump to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

>Hardon for Ivan

Russian shills get out.

That's it, we saw you playing with those lego bricks the other day, we're injecting you with testosterone and you're becoming a man.

Are you fucking kidding me, women making good teachers? We need more men educating our kids, the next generation won't be nearly as fucked up.

Oh boy here we go

shut the fuck up kid, you think I take political advice from infants?

by the way uncle tony is here again, you guys have been going out for pizza an awful lot lately

>This what she used to say all the way until she died in the war

You are everything America is against. kys please.

my daughter won't be learning any of that retarded feminism crap


Only reason that dumb cunt was in a position to run for office is because her man is the president

She would have sold you to a goatfucking muslim, honey.

In school, she will.
On television, she will.
With other people, she will.

Except if you keep her locked up in a cave, she will learn about it.

You're not American you fucking idiot

Yeyeeeeee Fuck drumpf and fuck white people!

Wow! Hillary is getting REKT in the early voting data!

All of the swing states are either tied now or leaning towards Trump! How did this happen?!

Clinton is guaranteed to loose now. How could this happen?!?! She had the news media and Hollywood working for her. Plus she did everything she could to rig the vote. Why didn't she win?!?


"Daddy can't speak to you now sweetheart, he's trying to come to terms with the fact that he'll never walk again and that all of his friends are dead because Mrs Clinton sent them to Russia in a platoon made up almost entirely of women that would never have met the requirements to serve if it weren't for diversity quotas. Now, shouldn't you be attending basic training? You deploy to the frontlines next month. Don't forget, the evidence implicating Mrs Clinton in a child sex ring isn't just going to go away by itself and that's why we need brave soldiers like you and daddy to distract the American people until the demographics shift beyond repair."

Why would you tell your children that you were a fool and got played?

KEK agrees

I hate to break it to you shitskin, but America isn't yours. It never was.

The United States of America was founded by European people, for European people. Our race, our culture, and our homeland.

And so it shall be, once again.

No honey, I didn't vote at all. Let me explain voting to you...
*4 and 1/2 minutes later*
Honey, stop crying, it could be so much worse.

MOAR this girl is cute!

Well.. pre-school and primary school.

Professors? Higher education? Obviously no.

>The United States of America was founded by European people, for European people. Our race, our culture, and our homeland.

>Great Britian
Shouldn't have brought in all the niggers then, hm, smart guy?

>Daddy I want to be president someday just like Hillary Clinton...

What did the 5 fingers say to the face?


No, sweetie, we don't vote for stupid reasons in this family. Hillary Clinton is a criminal and a traitor, and she has no business running a DMV, let alone the United States government.

Our country is already in a death spiral with corruption and deficit spending, honey, so we're going to do the right thing and vote for people who recognize the rot and disease in the system.

>Clinton is guaranteed to loose now
She has been loose for decades now.


>MOAR this girl is cute!
FBI user here; check the Podesta emails for cheese pizza references. I can't say anything else at the moment, but trust me. I am very involved in this case and it involves multiple recipes. I will be breaking a very important clue tomorrow morning at 2am EST. Be here.

Fuck off with that feminist shit you little cunt

No you little cunt.

"No, sweetheart... I'm preparing you to be the first female president. Hillary is a dishonest piece of shit we can't let her steal your rightful place in history."

>I post some random shit because I just want attention and people posting RARE

Your country hasn't been in a real war for 25 years, don't push your luck.

That's very big talk for a country whose name has now become synonymous with "Russian door mat"

Also, this isn't my country, I'm here temporarily

I like this answer. I give it a 14/88

>Also, this isn't my country, I'm here temporarily
Same here, I'm a white flight.

White piggu go hommu

Goddamn it; Get the woodchipper ready.

9 years of work, and I gotta throw it out.


Let me tell you about the jews dear.

No, Molly, I didn't vote for her and not because she's a woman, no, but because she's a criminal. You see, Molly, anyone can be strong, YOU can be strong, but there is so much more to leading a global superpower than strength alone. You need a keen understanding of things like economics, diplomacy, history, and many more. To rule with strength is to rule with an iron fist and nations ruled in such a way are only doomed to collapse. Iron alone can only be strong for so long before it begins to rust and then ultimately break. That isn't to say that iron isn't needed. When combined with the right metals, iron becomes the mighty and timeless stainless steel. To rule this mighty nation, you must have more than your iron strength is what I'm saying. Now get the fuck out of my apartment, for the hundredth fucking time I'm not yer fuckin dad u limey cunt if yer dad sees that u waltzed in here again he'll kick me fookin teeth in.

Yes, i voted for Jill Stein.

Shut the fuck up, Maria, or else I will sell you to Hillary.


yes honey now lets go have a pizza party and suck some hot dogs

Wow! The shills are really out in force today.

this desu senpai

shut it paco

Father, one day I'd like to become the president, by riding the coattails of my philandering husband.

Lol my daughter screams trump at people when she see anything Hillary. My 5 yo is a fucking champion

What do you say then?