Wwyd if venom literally has 10 minutes of screen time?

Wwyd if venom literally has 10 minutes of screen time?

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nothing because i'm not going to watch the movie because i'm tired of capeshit and i'm especially tired of sony

Saw the trailer and that's all it took for me to not watch this movie

incase anyone is wondering, OP pic is definitely not a leaked concept art piece of Venom. No fucking professional puts their colors on the side, letalone uses a fucking Intuos 4 small
t. fellow intuos 4 small user

Tons of artist keep a palette on the canvas, but yeah, no professional would use a Intuos4.

t. intuos 4 third worlder monkey

What's wrong with intuos 4? lol

intuos4's are fine

Trailer looked boring. I'll just watch the webms later.

>only two layers

Yeah right

What is Ctrl+e

trailer looked like shit
I would not be surprised
big guy singed for the wrong capeshit

Disgusting pajeet hands

Cintiqs are too affordable nowadays for middle class north americans and west europeans.

okay cuck

Looks like an M to me.

He's not a hero you fucking moron.
Don't you know anything?

>a hero
Ah to be this new again

>hes not a hero
this isnt the 80s grandpa. venom has been a hero longer then he wasnt a hero.
and its still capeshit, whether hes a hero or a villain, you idiot

So those are the hands of the people who call me a cuck on Sup Forums. Really makes me think.

as it should, especially when your women prefer it more and more every passing day

no its not
you don't see a mechanic using a crafts men
its always snap on

you don't know what you're talking about, please shut up

nnothing is "wrong" with them. it's just that there are simply better stuff out there and "professionals" are paid to do this work and would indefinitely pay for a better product.

The larger the intuos pad is in relation to your monitor, the more accurate your strokes etc will be. I find going from larger tablets to smaller ones makes this kind of jittery/speedy brush strokes, which can result in less accuracy.

>No fucking professional puts their colors on the side

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Because it can't risk being too edgy you faggots would throw a hissy

And then there's also preference. I find anything larger than a medium tablet is redundant. My hand stays more or less in the same position at all times when working.

well yeah that's personal preference, but you're also a minority.

anything larger than a medium tablet is redundant dependant on your screen really. If you had an appropriate sized 2k/4k screen for example, a larger tablet would be objectively better.

It's a bit hard for me to explain it. But anyways I own a wacom intuos small and have used varying sizes and tablets/ My ultimate preference would be a screened tablet, though good ones of those are around $10k AFAIK/last I checked. Apart from that, medium/large tablets feel great to me compared to small ones. The best way I can think of explaining it is like, a larger tablet requires more arm movement, but it's more accurate to real life strokes, where as strokes on smaller tablets are more digitalized. It's pretty minor stuff though, I only imagine this stuff being a major hassle if I was working on painting a fuck huge file and working on really small details and not zoomed-in for whatever reason. it's kinda minute.

Another thing is most people who opt for larger tablets (from my experience anyways) come from canvas paintings etc. so I assume there's a correlation between that as well.

I understand what you're saying and I agree. :)

In my entire time on Sup Forums I have never had someone agree with me or say they understand what I'm saying. I need to post more about things that actually relate to me IRL lol.

I literally don't understand a single word you're saying yet I'm intrigued

>watching capeshit
>Watching Sony or DC capeshit

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if i wait and watch it on bluray and slow down the playback to my standard -545x% marathon viewing setup
10 minutes of venom becomes 3 months

we're discussing the impact of a graphics tablet's working surface area compared to the size of a canvas on your screen, kinda. If you have questions I'm happy to try and answer.

>Apart from that, medium/large tablets feel great to me compared to small ones.
I worked on a Graphire4 for the better part of a decade. When I finally upgraded to an Intuos5 medium my senior year of college, the whole fucking world opened up to me. It's been my workhorse in all of my gigs since then.

My friend just got the Cintiq13 HD and it seems pretty cool. It's about the same size as the medium tablet so it's pretty good for portability. Hoping to get one soon since I will never have the room for a full 22".

>watching films

>He watches film instead of experiencing cinema

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Cintiq13 HD is my favourite. something about actually seeing where you are drawing from 1 screen is just, i dunno it feels so right even after getting used to standard screenless tablets.

I've basically decided my small intuos will do until I can afford to get the cintiq (only just seen these are around $1000 now - back when I used one, screened tablets were atleast $4000)

another subtle but important giveaway that this is not official leaked art is that it looks absolutely fucking atrocious, no one would go with that concept

Yeah, that "sketch" is so shitty I doubt anyone was wondering that.

Obvious samefagging

Come again?

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After Spider-Man 3, Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2, and Homecoming, I think I'm pretty much done with Spider-Man movies.