Netkino is back on the menu, bros!

Netkino is back on the menu, bros!

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looks like a cringefest

Marginally better than the last 3 seasons of Workaholics

who keeps hiring the tool in front?


>Rotten Soymatoe's

Looks like we got a treblemaker here

>netflix """"""""""film"""""""""""

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fuck yeah bout to watch this right now

I watched it yesterday and it was good.

I just watched this with my gf while we smoked weed. pretty good

why are the scores so inconsistent? It had 9.4 on imbd yesterday.

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rate your gf

Because the mouse shills cannot allow netflix anything to be praised no matter if good or not.
Their upcoming service will be built on the growing netflix disdain, even if artificially provoked.

>that ass eating scene
movie was kino

trips of truth

This is the dumbest fucking waste of everything since Hotrod and it's 1000 times worse than Hotrod, talk about a virtual lobotomy.

found the jew. we get it, you dont like netflix, so you will do everything to sink it. now go back to shilling your capeshit and starwars threads

Stoner comedy for 13-16 year olds?

the autoerotic asphyxiation scene was too fucking funny but overall it was meh

i could have lived without seeing so much dick, balls and butthole in a non porn, but other then that it was ok.

Movie sucks watching it rn

I enjoyed it for what it was, an over the top raunchy comedy. That said, I don't know why they even bothered coming up with new characters and jobs. They could have easily made this the Workaholics movie with Telamericorp being taken hostage. (Now that I think of it there was an episode almost like that except they weren't criminals, just IT guys.) There was no part of me that didn't see these dudes as their characters from Workaholics because they didn't actually change characterization.

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He's basically the new Jack Black.
Get off the internet grandpa, Hotrod is great.

Blake's just a virgin not gay

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The movies not bad, but what I like most about workaholics was when they were vulnerable and more realistic personal relationships. This felt too movie-y and over the top for the sake of being over the top

come the fuck on this movie was a cringe fest and not funny at all.

I couldn't tell if they were making fun of making fun of themselves or what.

The acting was utter shit and everyone was phoning it in, the jokes all fell flat and the delivery was horrendous.

Skintendo....durr durr hurr lol lmao lol herp derp

weed smoking stupid ass motherfuckers. The shit rap music alone was enough to bleach bit the hard drive it was downloaded onto.

you don't need to put press enter after every sentence

If it triggers you then I certainly do.

>wanted more workaholics
>got exactly what I asked for


>Skintendo....durr durr hurr lol lmao lol herp derp
We got an intellectual over here


Oh wow didn't expect a serious response.
Thank you

Zombie robot scene was kino

This scene was kino

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only part where I cringed

It was ok, kinda ran out of steam in the second half. Ders kind of annoyed me though. He's my favorite of the three in the show, but he didn't seem like the loveable asshole that he is in Workaholics, he just seemed like an asshole. Jillian's cameo was fucking funny.

>Netflix Presents the TV Movie of the Week

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mediocre. it ran out of steam pretty early. i think they figured they could just come up with a basic plot and adlib the majority of the comedy... this needed to be a home run but it just wasn't... 4.3 rating out of 10