Grug no like musicals

grug no like musicals

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Only gays like musicals. I am not a faggot.

Grug hasn't seen Cabaret then

>hating Dreamcoat

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>Not enjoying late 50s-early 60s musicals

Best musical era

Attached: FLower_Drum_Song_1961_poster.jpg (255x391, 40K)

Do you not like music? Faggot

>not enjoying 2010s nu-sicals

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>Jesus Christ Superstar
>Phantom of the Opera
these are the only musicals I have ever even remotely liked. Name one other musical that any non-faggot should ever watch. Protip: you can't

Not when it's in the middle of the movie, with actors singing like homosexuals

Fiddeler on the roof

Grug like Cave wars and rockit!

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>any musicals post-1980s


>trashing it and hasn’t even listened to the soundtrack
I guess South Pacific is more your speed faggot

>grug need explicit exposition sung repetitively to me and bright colours to understand story

>not at least enjoying Singin' In the Rain

oy vey

Le Mis is full of not so good filler but the peak songs are pure kino. Watch a recording if you don't like the movie which is full of reddit actors

JEsus christ superstar is hippy trash you fucking faggot

I once saw a play rendition of Jesus Christ Superstar and it remains the best stage performance I've ever seen.

Les Mis is bretty gud

Fuck off phillistine

It was on in my hotel room, I enjoyed it. sue me.

rock """music""" is fucking trash and mixing jesus with your satanic genre is blasphemy.


Les Mis is the greatest musical of all time and the book is the greatest piece of fiction in western literature. The Les Mis 10th anniversary concert is essential kino viewing

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Blame Canada! Blame Canada!
We need to form a full assault...
It's Canada's fault!

Carl Anderson as Judas Iscariot is one of the modt powerful musical performances, don’t be absurd goy

oh okay so you're fucking crazy

A black jesus and a satan worshiper in the supporting cast.

Brought to you this easter by your friends, the jews.


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