Colin Farrell was 25 in Minority Report

Colin Farrell was 25 in Minority Report.

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I-is it too late for me to get into acting bros?

Scarlett Johansson was 17 in Lost in Translation.

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can you act?

Post a profile pic.

And Tom Cruise was 49.

I never have but feel like I could do hack it

You're actually never too old to get parts as an extra. If you get real acting experience, a retiree could probably score a SAG card doing shit on TV or in commercials. There aren't very many shows that pretend old people don't exist. Hardly any old fuckers bother because, you know, they're old.

wikipedia says he was 54

you don't need to act, you just need to be hot

What The fuck Do you want me to Do about it you fucking faggot ?

Is this true though? I'm not trying to be a leading man.
I feel like there are plenty of atypical looking actors.

Oh my bad, I was thinking of Top Gun.

For the most part, probably. There are lots of ugly actors that are talented enough, or popular enough from other reasons, that they still get roles. If you fit the part, age doesnt matter, and if youre a good enough actor, you dont need the looks. Steve Buscemi is an obvious ugly actor that made it big because he has acting chops. If youre gay, its probably easier in this day and age.

Post your profile pic. We are waiting.

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What am I doing with my life?

he looks 50

Has he gotten less Asian as he’s aged?

Eh not surprising. Female celebrities are known to start their career when they are teenagers. It's men who usually start during their mid 20's

Lol no, fag
I'm by no means ugly (women and men tell me I'm handsome). I feel like I could play a decent villain/antagonist.
I feel like it's about having a memorable appearance more than anything else dontcha find?
I also get accused of being a faggot from time to time for whatever that's worth

Alright, here's the only semi decend picture of myself i have at hand.

>Inb4 epic racists posts
Just looking for some help lads.

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haha hice ploy, soyboy

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Nigger, could've been an extra in Black Panther

You're black

Lol black.

>I also get accused of being a faggot
If you can do gay for pay you have an unlimited supply of cock sucker producers who will hire you.

Thanks for reminding me I'm 27 and haven't achieved anything in my whole life. Cheers!

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>more like 5AM



More like 5'4

You'd be perfect for the coming American History X reboot.

Why post yourself in Sup Forums, it's always a mistake.


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It's a random photo.

omg they were serious? i thought it was some elaborate joke

You can do something in whatever biographical movie about a rapper that comes next.

Tom Cruise is my uncle.

Diverse is in.
Move to LA, take acting classes. Self submit on LA Casting, Backstage, Casting Frontier. Work a shit job, get into debt, watch as all your friends become rich from their real jobs. Go in for auditions, get rejected. Casting doesn't even look at you.
Get an agent/manager, still self submit. Put yourself up for everything. Get a break as a guest star in a shit procedural right before you want to give up. Make 4000 in a few days. Pay off your debts.
Keep grinding, your next guest star comes quicker. When you go into auditions, sometimes the casting directors recognize you. You start saving. You finally go home for Christmas on your own dime after 7 years.
Get a role as a recurring guest star on a decent show. Get recognized as talented. Start doing some indie features. Most of your acting friends have given up at this point.
Get a role as a series regular. Be elated, you no longer have to wonder where you rent check comes from. Script comes in for the second episode. It sucks and you start getting a nagging feeling. Your show goes for one season and gets cancelled. You cry yourself to sleep. The grind continues.

If this looks like a solid 10 year plan then go for it.

>tfw I'm 28 and people think I'm in my early 20s

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Whoa! no way

Bigots BTFO

>Mfw 22 and people think i'm on my late 30s
Send help bros.

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Where do you think you are?

Mc ride knock off

You look like Dave Chapelle with a beard

>move to LA

Damn, Will Smith browses Sup Forums?

im about to be 33 and most people think im in my mid 20s

Wanna fuse so we can make a perfectly accurate guessing age guy?

Morgan Freeman started acting regularly in his 40s and had his breakthrough role when he was almost 50.

Or you could move to Atlanta or Vancouver, I guess.

if you are really attractive you might have a chance

your uncles a fag lol

Fellas I think we found our new Bond

ITT:Wannabe actors won't even post their fucking pictures on Sup Forums


I'm 24 and I'm constantly mistaken for being in high school

Mads Mikkelsen was 30 when he did Pusher, his first movie

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My wife thinks you're hot

I'm 39 but I still have the skin of a baby and no wrinkles at all.
too bad I'm balding :(

>implying posting your photo on Sup Forums is a good place to start

please, user

I doubt a random user is as handsome.

23 but usually mistaken for 17, carded etc. Feels similar man.

In all fairness Mads looks ugly as fuck in Pusher.

I am legit hot. I get propositioned by women daily.


What do you make of your Edward James Olmos types?

I hope you make good roadkill

Orson Welles was 25 when he made Citizen Kane

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>Need to be Jewish


look like you'd be good in something like the wire/the deuce

Winona Ryder was 16 while filming Heathers.

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They don't. Whenever I say what I think someone's age is I always drop it by a few years. It's just the polite thing to do.

The chinese guy in the Hangover movies and Community was a doctor before became an actor.
All you need is connections. People congralute Greta Gerwig on having made it but she was dating a director beforehand

Stop baiting people faggot, and tell beforehand you are a nigger.

>Greta Gerwig

Literally WHO?

You don't know the chinese guys name but you know that.


Brigitte Helm was 16 in Metropolis

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heres your you

im 27 soon as well same breh


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You could play the innocent victim of police brutality on a Black Lives Matter episode of Law & Order or the friendly non drug dealing neighbor on a sitcom that needs non threatening black males.


i'm 22 and i've been getting a lot of offers/hits
live in north hollywood tho

>mfw 21
>mfw all my teen years have passed and I have achieved nothing and have become noone

Some part of me says it's not too late but deep dwn I know it's over

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>all the racism in this thread

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It´s almost as if people hate niggers.

lmao faggot, some people on this website or around the world are 30 and have fuck all. you can still change your shit and have a decade headstart

ken jeong was a bit different, indeed he was a real doctor but he actually has passion for comedy and he has been doing it as a side gig underground for decade now


booo hooo faggot. you are NOTHING at 21. you're barely even human by my standards, 21 year olds still look and act like children.

>all the racism in this thread


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yes, but look at all the fucking actors and athletes


ah yes, that excellent inner city edyewcashun

We are 7 billion living on a dying rock. Expect a lot of us not achieving anything worthy.

who cares? look at directors for example. most of them are well over 35 when they start. my friend dropped medicined at 26 and is now earning top buck as a programmer. stop looking at the people surrounding you and just do what you want. you'll never get to where you want if you keep putting yourself against someone else.

wait for the Black Panther sequel

People only manage to become actors (or famous in general) by being whored out while a kid, or being rich and well connected to begin with.
So unless you are a massive faggot, being a "nobody" is preferable to having sucked a bunch of old Jewish cocks and having a blown out anus by the time your 18.

my wife has worked with a lot of actors and this is true tbqh, seems even worse for models though

Mike from breaking bad had his big break with that role and what is he..65 ?

I actually had to check, I just rewatched minority report and he surely looks older