What's the best Vietnam war movie?

And why is it Apocalypse Now?

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apocalypse now is not a vietnam war movie. its an adaptation of heart of darkness set in a fictionalization of the vietnam war.

*tips fedora*

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Unironically Full Metal Jacket

If you like Apocalypse Now you owe yourself to go watch Hearts of Darkness.

Those are my two favorites of all time.
What do you think should be the third in the Nam trilogy? Platoon? Deer Hunter?

Common wisdom is usually Apocalypse Now > FMJ > Platoon, and I agree.

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Most overrated movie of all time next to the thing.
>I be ur le pleb and other reddit garbage

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he just wanted to learn how to cook man

It's definitely Apocalypse Now, but Casualties of War deserves more attention, it's brilliant.


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Hamburger Hill, obviously.

The Deer Hunter

Casualties of War

Tropic Thunder is unironically the best Vietnam movie

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Out of the ones I've seen, it's the best. Recently watched Aguirre and saw how much Coppola took from that film.

Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
We were soilders
Ham burger hill

Definitely Apocalypse Now. Probably for its soundtrack, it's take on Vietnam, the soldier, and humanity. Great performances from Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando and Robert Duvall. Great music choices. Coppola uses a number of techniques that all tie together well and the editing is seamless.
Probably about as much as he nabs from Heart of Darkness. Aguirre is amazing too

We Were Soldiers never gets enough love, one of Mel's best performances.


we wuz soldjas

The Last Jedi.

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yeah I agree with this, all 3 are great though

Deer Hunter imo



it is extremely problematic as it comes from the point of view colonizers and treats indigenous people as savages and speaks in a view that is not their own

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Thin Red Line is set in the pacific during WW2

It borrowed the concept of a rogue colonel.
It's a Nam movie that perfectly captures burger ignorance

Does first blood count?