I guess we use this thread. >Booru in the OP again. Come on dude, it's in the pastebin, it don't need to be in the OP anymore.
Angel Cooper
fyi I deleted the other thread myself, that wasn't the mods pruning us that time. OP is still causing trouble by deliberately making duplicate threads, though.
Aiden Sanchez
Weiss is nice!
Austin Kelly
Nah, her semblance evolves into running away from core concepts such as pain so she can't actually be hurt any more.
Jackson Lee
Kali is a better cat.
Samuel Torres
Fair enough.
Sebastian Murphy
Cinder is for worshiping.
Grayson Hall
If by worship you mean spitroasting I agree.
Alexander Morris
>Bump off the called thread to shill your shitty booru Fuck off
Brandon Johnson
her ability to run away is so amazing i cant hardly believe how she beat all those people with it alone.
i mean she defeated adam in that last fight with him right ... RIGHT!
Jason Baker
This dumbass again
Jace Rivera
Daniel Bennett
>cinder will never mock you as she steps on your balls
Sebastian Rodriguez
I don't even know where to start
Lucas Harris
I think you might be in the wrong thread user. /weg/ is on /aco/.
Jason Brooks
Please stop ignoring people calling the next thread. It creates needless confusion and risks moderator attention. In case you didn't know, your Booru is in the pastebin now, so it's in the OP no matter what.
Carson Lewis
Oliver Green
It was a list of fetishes user, all that's missing is incest and would be one of the top eight /weg/ games.
Thomas Morgan
They are tags from a fic on Ao3. And the author didn't understand paragraphs and ended words like this~ which was even worse than the cuckshit
Bentley Perry
Why is it cluttered with so many images? Also why is it being spammed every thread when it only happened two days ago?
Did you contribute to part of this? Is that why?
Dylan Ortiz
I would assume English wasn't their first language. Then thank God I was born in an English speaking country because I suck at learning languages.
Josiah Carter
Nah, I just need more memes. If it's really annoying you I'll stop. For a while.
Thomas Torres
The few lines I glanced at didn't look like ESL. My gut feeling it was written by a horny teenager.
Learning English is also fairly easy, actually. The media is so saturated by it that there's a strong incentive to understand what is happening when you're playing pokemon or some shit. Compare to something like Hindi or Japanese where you have to go out your way later in life to engage in the languages.
Logan Watson
>He reads fanfiction based on FF8 fanfiction
Hunter Butler
>tfw I've been studying French for five years but still suck at it.
Cameron Kelly
Why is the love it or hate it just don't tell us is its good rule removed?
Michael Gray
We watch a show based off FF8 fanfiction. If we're this bad we might as well go the full monty.
Kevin Long
Do you think they'll use illusion fuckery to twist Jaune's post-Pyrra depression? It seems like the bad guys would know to exploit it since Cinder and co were making a profile on students while they were undercover.
David Lewis
Because A) memes and B) the rule is retarded anyway
Logan Allen
An user wanted to change the rules in the OP.
Nicholas Rogers
Why is there always some asshole that tries to start shit in the threads and getting mod attention on us,
Adam Perry
To be fair, that rule vanished for like three years anyway.
As long as it's got a number and links to the pastebin and latest episode, I don't see why anyone really cares.
Joseph Price
We regularly changed the OP rules in /trash/ (usually just rule 3). I guess that some people want to keep doing that. Personally, I'm neutral about it. As long as it's funny,
Joshua Robinson
The real problem is he keeps making threads before were on page 9 and ignores anyone thats already called threads
Lucas Ward
The dreams include stuff she couldn't know about. There's definitely something going on with the dreams.
Jackson Morris
They said the dreams were important, we just have to wait and see why. That Pyrrha soul thing sounds interesting
Christian Mitchell
To be fair, this time he did wait for page 10. But he still ignored the thread being called which got us yet another two threads scenario. I guess we'll just have to try and be quicker than him so he doesn't get the earlier thread.
Jonathan Thompson
Probably her silver eye power doing shit to her like imprinting other people's power or some bs like that
Joshua Lewis
True Not true
Zachary Hill
He's a troll
Brayden Campbell
It is true, you do ignore people calling the threads. You doing this always results in two threads being made, which causes confusion, arguments, and potentially mod attention.
user, I think we both just want a nice place to discuss RWBY, right? I'm sure we can both agree that there's nowhere better to do that than in our own RWBYg. So why jeapordise it? You can even call the next thread yourself, if you'd like to. There's no need to undercut other people making it.
Jayden Thompson
Adam will get his mask knocked off and his silver eyes revealed. None of Salem's people have seen him without it on; he has been trying to get close to Salem this whole time to assassinate her with the eye gimmick.
Screencap this fucking post. I finally figured it all out.
Gavin Bell
>OP right now
Kevin Taylor
Saw a theory that might explain why she knows stuff only Jaune/Pyrrha should know and why she's the anti-maiden according to Salem.
Silver eyed warriors take in souls/aura. Maybe when they die only or maybe they can control it too? They might be able to intercept (upon death) or in general suck in the maiden power with aura/souls which is why Cinder was vulnerable to her.
If she has Pyrrha inside her then that would explain how she knows what Pyrrha knows and the dreams she's been having. >It is true, you do ignore people calling the threads. Didn't read the rest of your post. 1.This is the first thread I've ever made 2.You're a weird paranoid dummy
Logan Myers
We need to this dumb thread shit now. This boorufag is gonna get us banned from Sup Forums
Mason Foster
You said that last thread too, stop acting dumb we know its one poster
Dominic Diaz
Hmmm...maybe the way she Ruby stops the Grimm then is that she intercepts the signal going to them from Salem and sucks it in. We know the summons can be controlled remotely, Ruby broke it by sucking in the signal it was supposed to be getting and it can't reboot itself?
James Rogers
This. Stop giving him (you)s and he'll get bored. They always do
Grayson Martin
Guess it's time to post porn,
Jack Parker
>that might explain why she knows stuff only Jaune/Pyrrha should know What stuff? I don't recall saying anything about something that only Pyrrha would know, if she did JNR would look at her weirdly and ask how she knew that.
Gavin Brown
Juan Reyes
>Didn't read the rest of your post. Okay, I'll do a TL;DR: > You can call the thread yourself, there's no need to undercut people who do call it. It creates needless trouble.
Gabriel Hall
That's just Tai's semen. First it was Yang's postcredit dream in V2. Then this.
Andrew Robinson
She knows the last conversation they had, rewatch vol 4
Brody Kelly
Didn't read, hidden
Juan Perry
That's the plan, Rwby belongs on >>>//trash// and it won't stop until the mods are forced to put you guys back there.
Noah Green
Well then, I guess it's undeniable. Boorufag is a troll who wants to get us /trash/ed. Fuck, it's like Reporter-kun all over again.
Jeremiah Kelly
How would she fare in Remnant
Grayson Powell
The conversation about Pyrrha going to fight Cinder despite Jaune's plea? For all we know Jaune told her about that because there was no shocked reaction from him
Would get ripped in half by Pyrrha's pole dancing magic before she could become relevant to the plot.
Nathaniel Brown
Good thing Pyrrha's dead
Sebastian Sanders
Ruby's first dream has >Do you believe in destiny? >Yes
She wasn't there, but she's dreaming it. The dreams are clearly important and are not just dreams, I can't believe this is still doubted.
Nathaniel Wood
Just like how Yang's dream about Raven was relevant, right?
Gabriel Anderson
Ethan Price
That was tacked on afterwards and not in the middle of an episode several times, user.
James Kelly
Why doesn't she ride on his shoulders instead? It'd probably be more fun. And if he's a huntsman, the weight of a cow faunus on his shoulders should be a non-issue.
Josiah Jones
>image of Adam in the OP >0 results for Adam on booru At least post more art of my psycho husbando!
Levi Reyes
Not like Yang tried to bring this up in a conversation with Qrow. Oh wait.
Asher Adams
Rooster "Good Enough" Teeth
David Collins
Maybe they just fucked up what scene to show in Ruby's dream, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised, it is RT, after all someone else put that Yang and Raven scene at the end of volume 2 and nobody was on the same page.
Isaac Morris
You're missing the point that Ruby's dreams contain information she couldn't have so they HAVE to mean something. Yang's dream was just a dream prompted by the rescue, nothing special.
Chase Reyes
user Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife ?
Jaxon Cox
shitty kitty
Daniel Cox
Bestiality is illegal
Brayden Butler
> it's a Blake episode next Get hype!
Blake Howard
pls no
Nathaniel Peterson
Daniel Rogers
>Silver eyed warriors >Anti-maidens according to Salem >Ruby scythe Reaper of souls
That seems like a very obvious thing to do
Blake Richardson
Besides that scene what other things have they shown that Ruby couldn't have possibly remembered or known? That Jaune was shoved into a locker by Pyrrha?
Oliver Bailey
Stop trying to lead, you're bad at it.
Cameron Jackson
I love the implication here that Blake had a Team RWBY flag made. What a team player!
Xavier Anderson
So how is Ghira going to die ?
Tyler Stewart
What do you want to happen this season that you think actually has a reasonable chance of happening? >Yang telling her mom off >Yang and Weiss teaming up to try to escape the bandits >Jaune hitting peak levels of depression and sneaking off from the group for 2+ volumes >one of Cinder's lackeys dying and Cinder not giving a shit about it, causing the other lackey to abandon her >Qrow and Raven teaming up against a bigger threat >Ruby finally winning a one-on-one fight against a named human opponent
Carson Ramirez
I suspect the OP is a Okrahoma Sooner and just trying to fuck with this wholesome Texan anime
Bentley Richardson
Not sure... The WF would look really bad if they were seen to do it. Could they somehow frame humans for it?
Brayden Green
Austin Perry
>Lancaster is endgame
Ryan Williams
>Could they somehow frame humans for it?
Of course they will blame a famous hutsman Samuel Hyde
Liam Reed
Then why are they super effective against the soullless creatures of Grimm?
Samuel Taylor
>Delusional AND retarded
Samuel Scott
What if Ruby went into a Ruby Tuesday's on a Tuesday?
Jordan Lewis
Because they get fed energy and commands via magic/aura somehow. How else does Salem/Winter/Weiss command their summons?
Adrian Price
>Someone else
Let's not beat around the bush, Monty always used to just throw stuff in because he felt like it and Burnie was loyal to him due to saving RvB so he let him have free reign.
If Monty were still alive, I'd question whether the voices in Rubys dream meant anything or was just a dumb error on RT's part, but this isn't something thrown in last minute because "that'd be cool" or "lol this would piss Miles off if Penny blew up an entire ship".
Brandon Jenkins
Jaune is being autistic over Pyrrha and Ruby isnt at all interested. They're just bros.