Where were you when we had daily threads about the show that changed television ?
ITT we discuss lost
>we discuss lost
this board is populated with brats unironically being invested in capeshit and nu-Star Wars, do you really expect you'll get a legit discussion?
did they DP her?
Wish I'd never seen it so that I could watch it all again for the first time.
i probably will rewatch i already dont remember some of the episodes especially from the first seasons also have hot waifus so its worth it
>you can't discuss Lost much because everyone only brings up the ending
When you do, try to keep track of all the times people ask, "Why are you telling me this?".
I wish I had stopped watching after Series 4. I loved the show for a long period of time, but after the time travel plot and the introduction of what was unmistakably Purgatory I started hating the show. The ending was awful. Like, everybody watching the show guessed very early on that the Island was a stand-in for Purgatory, so the show's executives (Burk and Cuse, specifically) changed it to where the Island wasn't going to be Purgatory but a real life situation. But then they just made Series 6 Purgatory. That was a bad cop-out to a problem that reared its head early in the show's history.
Dunno i think they did this because the fans come up with this theory. I think at the start writers had other plans for the show but went with the purgatory for some reason
Purgatory wouldn't have been bad if they played it straight and made the Island itself the barrier between the Real World and Heaven/Hell. But the 6th Series kind of flushed that down the toilet with something a little more Hallmark Channel and hackneyed, which I just didn't appreciate.
I think the original story plan took a hit when Mr. Eko had contractual issues with the producers and left. It's been a while since I looked into it, but I remember reading about at some point.
i had serious daydreams a few months ago about what i would change about the last few seasons. the ideas i always came back to were cut the time travel, kill kate, sun, claire and desmond and have jack be the mib instead of locke.
Sounds bretty gud, although I would cut have had them not kill Juliette and Desmond
That's the wonder of Lost. Still rattling around in your head after all this time. I realized it had an impact on my life when I literally moved to a tropical island and lived their happily for years until monstrous hurricanes showed up and destroyed it.
the ending was objectively good
>tfw you realize this show was all about relationships and the castaways and how they dealt with various flaws in their character.
>the mysterious Island the power struggle and all the wacky shit where just a sub plot
Jehn Lecke, man I miss the L O S T memes
I concur, the finale is a pleb filter, it's unironically kino and a perfect ending to the series. Was it everything I wanted? No, I wish we learned more about the Island in the end, but as a finale for the characters, you can't get better than what we got, it's a very emotional finale, and ending it with the same way it begins, Jack lying on the ground next to Vincent, him seeing the plane fly overhead and then closing his eyes for the last time... fucking PERFECT ending. I legitimately bawled my eyes out at that ending watching it live.
I then remember being dumb enough to believe that that stupid fucking Jimmy Kimmel live show after the finale would have some sort of alternative ending or some shit and got played.
Yeah. It's really just a soap opera with an interesting concept/location and high production value. If you look at the show from that perspective all the character shit makes more sense as a basic drama show. The behind-the-scenes stuff from the first three or four series really opened me up to the perspective the creators had when doing the character writing and plotting; it's probably one of the few examples of a show I've dug into the bonus features of extensively.
>the finale is a pleb filter
This, plus the answered a bunch of unanswered questions with that Linus & Hugo bit at the end.
The themes and motifs of LOST were truly ahead of it's time for prime time television, and the finale is one of the most spectacular conclusions to a long-running TV series. Nothing will ever top LOST in terms of mainstream television.
They answered questions that were initially open-ended with a lot of intrigue in rushed ways with an explanation that would oftentimes amount to a short segment of dialogue that somebody clearly took 5 minutes to write. I appreciate LOST a lot for how it transformed the storytelling format of late-night TV, but there are a lot of problems that weren't reconciled by that clustrefuck of a finale that people to this day insist was clever because it did a very basic job at tying up loose ends.
Do you even understand the ending? What do you think happened in the finale?
It was about ascension, but that sort of fantastic, spiritual resolution where everybody meets in the afterlife and all the loose ends are tied up isn't necessarily satisfying if you can see it coming from the very start of Series 6.
If you stopped at Season 4 you'd miss Ab Aeterno which is easily one of the top 5 stand alone episodes in the series.
That is an extraordinary and strange episode with some interesting religious themes, I'll give you that.
>tfw I watched the finale with Sup Forums and cried like a baby
All those moment lost in time, like tears..
The biggest problem people have with LOST is that they're fucking brainlets.
The show was never "about" the mystery and weird shit, it was always about the characters. The people who only gave a fuck about the mystery shit didn't actually care about the characters or the show, they just wanted some retarded shyamalamadingdong twists every episode.
For a tv show it had one of the greatest original soundtracks of all time.
>yfw she was fucking charlie the whole time
>and when they broke up, he asked to be written off
To be fair to the people who had misplaced expectations as it related to dramatic content, the writers/producers of the show deliberately went out of their way to make things as spooky and intriguing as possible, and repeatedly put in plot twists for the purposes of attracting more viewers and garnering more attention for the show. They've said as much in commentary and behind-the-scenes interviews. Like I said earlier, it's basically a soap opera, but the people who ran the show put an enormous amount of emphasis on the style the soap opera was presented in, and as a result it became about the mystery as much as it became about the characters.
Literally ran into this cunt yesterday in the gym of my hotel and then saw him again when he got out of the elevator with dinner for one later that night. Looked lonely asf for being in Hawaii.
Rewatched it all 2 years ago and I liked it a lot, even on second watch. The quality has huge dips especially towards the end but I still really enjoyed a lot of it and the ending is IMO very good and fitting.
L O S T, those were the days. ARG shit, theories. Good times.