Watch an episode of Seinfeld for the first time in like ten years

>Watch an episode of Seinfeld for the first time in like ten years
>Realize that Susan is a terrible actress
How didn't I notice this before?

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>it's a susan episode
i thought the whole point was she was bland and unremarkable

Susan wasn't an actress, she was an NBC executive.

you were a kid

i saw her on an episode of deep space 9

you have autism

>elaine subplot

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full pleb kiddo

She was bad, not really that terrible until she became more prominent the season they got engaged and she started regularly being in scenes with the leads. You can see now why George essentially got her fired. There's really just not that much chemistry there and it feels like she's acting on a different show from everyone else.

That’s why they killed her off

>George essentially got her fired

Yeah, that's the whole point. Susan is boring and mean and a bad match for George. that's kind of the whole joke.

Why did she stay with him after all the shit he pulled?

Meant to say Jason Alexander.

Yeah I know, but what is the story?

i blame the writing more than the actress. there was no reason to develop the character, it goes against the shows' tone.

i had a bit of a crush on susan when i watched that arc. always thought she was a qt

Not that person but it wasn't just Jason Alexander, everyone else in the show as well. They didn't like her acting style and didn't feel like they fit very well but they supposedly liked her off the set.

she got killed off because of that
Jason Alexander kept on complaining about how she couldn't do comedy roles but no one listened to him till they wrote scenes with her and Julia or Jerry. They then realised there was a problem and Larry David said "let's just kill her"
nah they cast her because she looked identical to an executive at NBC

Neat. Imagine if she could act and George had a wife for the rest of the series. I can't even.

I always assumed Susan having no chemistry with George or the rest of the cast was the whole point.

I have the feeling that you guys will have ruined every Susan episode the moment I watch them again. Shit.

Doubt it, like this guy said I assumed her being unfunny and having no chemistry was the point. I thought she was just there to annoy George. Like the situations involving her are funny, but she herself never was.

If anything that episode where her and George are getting coffee and they're struggling to find things to talk about is at least accurate.


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weak pathetic cockstains

I just said it won't effect my viewing experience you dumb faggot. Like I'm even gonna fucking remember this thread in an hour let alone have it influence me.


I meant to quote dummy

I am that guy you dumb faggot.

I can't stand southern accent George/Jerry girlfriend. She sounds so annoying

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Elaine episodes are kino


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You just say that because of the Nigger thing. Kramer is more hilarious than hilarious Elaine.

Care to explain why you think affect is the proper word in this situation?

Kramer is literally rēddit and made to appeal to 12 year olds

because it's a verb and not an adjective

The audience never stops laughing at any scene with Kramer in it, even when it's not funny.

everyone else's acting besides the main cast seems so wooden and dated
nowadays. It's really weird.

>walks into the room
>hasn't said a word
>audience already cheering and clapping

proto-big bang theory

Glad you're putting that English degree to use.

As a non american I find it kinda hot

I actually agree, this is the only exception I can think of

you could say that about anything, you fool, you coward.

> effect
> adjective

I bet you feel silly now

yeah I do actually

you dont understand comedy.
kramer was great at physical comedy, you buffoon. you nancy.

yeah, there are several exceptions of course.

Because you cannot effect a viewing experience with information. You can affect a viewing experience. You fucking retard.

I don't hate Kramer and yeah the physical comedy was great, but it wasn't nearly as clever or as funny as what the other characters were doing

>implying he even had time to walk into the room
They erupt as soon as he opens the goddamn door.

Kramer is the top slapstick comedian of the 90s next to Carrey. Slapstick is the most widely liked and understood kind of comedy, while also being the hardest to pull off. Hence why normiert and kids love him and he is still a genius.
Pic related : chaplin

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Ironically, Seasons 4 & 7, where her character is most prominent, are the best

Or maybe not. Can't really think of anyone else now. Puddy maybe.

Why are you so angry? Rough day at Walmart?

Well, I'm from the south so maybe I just find it as a stupid sterotype

Kramer is Reddit before Reddit?

Well, he was a hipster doofus

It's just answering your question made me put myself mentally in your shoes, a person who doesn't understand the difference between affect and effect, and still feels like he is not beneath most people.

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Fair enough. I have a degree in psychology so I'm well aware of the difference between the two words, I had professors that would take marks off papers if you used the words incorrectly. I guess I just don't give a shit because I would wager that most people IRL don't even know the word affect exists, and I wasn't expecting an autistic english major to be grading my posts on Sup Forums at 4:30 in the morning. From here on out I will try and use the word in the correct manner and encourage others to do so as well.

what does psychology have to do with understanding English at the same level as an 8 year old?

If you were well aware of the difference between the two words you would have hardly first used effect wrong and then not even understood why it was wrong in the context of your sentence, would you, you absolute fucking retard.

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>I would wager that most people IRL don't even know the word affect

>American education


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Was Elaine the second biggest jerk on the show?

Get Out

I read a lot, I rarely see this word come up.

Perhaps I was making polite conversation, as it is odd to have that word corrected on Sup Forums. Perhaps I was actually trying to learn something? Try to bear in mind that I was being polite, you were the one that started insulting me simply because I asked you to explain your one word green text post.

Effect of an experiment. Affect on a participant. Something like that.

they were all horrible cunts, that was the point of the show

I know they were all terrible people, but Elaine was pretty bad, just not George bad.

no they werent. you cant be a guilty bystander.
it does not make sense.

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I like George.

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Biden started it.

it's really weird watching the commentary track on seinfeld because they never ever talk about susan. when anyone comes into a scene they go "ohh here's [actor] he's so wonderful and good here" but never a single mention about susan. i have never understood why, could be some conflict or whatever but i haven't been able to find anything about it.

more like @IToilet

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I'd love to see trump and george fight for some lupus charity

Yeah, nobody has ever been corrected on Sup Forums for being a brainlet. And then mocked for pretending to have been a brainlet on purpose but in reality a PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR. you are a really pathetic retard, as i keep trying to make you understand.

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not him but I know the difference between affect and effect AND I know the noun form of affect. meanwhile you can stay O B S E S S E D

Where's the joke?

>Affect on a participant
To affect a participant. Effect on a participant. Please die immediately

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>I read a lot
Obviously not enough.

>it is odd to have that word corrected on Sup Forums
No it's not. It's often corrected on here because troglodytes like you keep using the wrong word.

@realDonaldTrump. Pretty easy to locate to me.

I saw her on Galaxy Quest

>All these seething English majors

kek. I've never seen so many people get so upset by the misuse of a word. What happened did /lit/ get shut down or something.

Congratulations, you have the vocabulary of a 12 year old at least.

you still being a trumpyfag lmao

Not upset by the misuse, upset by the misuser. Probably just entertaining to shit on someone who is asking for it.

>oh god they're all laughing at my stupidity... Better act like they're actually mad while I'M the one who laughs! I'm such a genius!

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Enjoy the next seven years, fucking leftist losers

This scene feels incredibly out of place on the show

>everyone against me is a leftist
lmao this idea must live RENT FREE in your head

>Obviously not enough.

This other guy reminds me of Kevin Kline in Fish Called Wanda
>You're an ape!
>Apes don't read!
>Yes they do, they just don't understand it.

I understand. You can't act like this towards people in real life, so you do it anonymously on Sup Forums. We all do it.

Glad you're putting that
degree to use.

Not as out of place as the rape.

It was not the point so much as the conclusion but I challenge anyone to prove how they were terrible people especially given the other people they met.