Thor: Ragnarok AMA
Thor: Ragnarok AMA
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Please tell me that the CGI in the trailer isn't the fucking final product. That's all I'm asking.
Dolan'it was all green screen'.png
Is Thor more compelling than in previous movies?
Are there any action scenes?
nor Spider man nor GotG2 have any
how much of the movie was quips?
Best MCU Movie Yet or Best Marvel Movie Yet?
I thought Dark World was ~4/10
This one was closer to ~4.5/10
There is no interest for this movie. Holy shit
Did they turn him into Punished-Thor or was he still quipster chad Thor?
quip master is in play
>nor Spider man nor GotG2 have any
Define an action scene
Punished Thor: A man cheerful despite losing his Dad, his homeland, and friends.
The final CGI's way better; Hulk doesn't look uncanny valleyish/videogamish either.
More comedic and fun, but not retarded.
Sun's getting real low.
Best Thor movie.
Cheerily lacking an eye Thor.
>Sun's getting real low.
top kek
Sun's getting real low sun's getting real low sun's getting real low sun's getting real low sun's getting real low sun's getting real low sun's getting real low sun's getting real low
>his Kiwi gladiator friend
What about the story that Thor tells of when he was 8?
Oh, he loved snakes, and Loki disguised himself as a snake, snuck up to Thor, and then went "OH IT'S ME" and stabbed him.
How much are you being paid to shill this abortion?
The guys on Collider told that they almost died with this joke
I hate humanity
It's a very good joke.
It's all in the delivery though. How about you watch the movie?
Not OP, but as a huehue I can corroborate everything he said. Also, Strange's part was all I hoped it would be.
Nah bro. I feel like MCU movies are not for me anymore. I've got too old for them.
Does Lady Sif and the Warriors Three die?
>How about you watch the movie?
Nice try Disney employee.
Isn't in it
>Warriors Three
Yes. Volstagg and Fandral get one hit BTFO, Hogun at least has a fight scene
Sif's not in the movie.
Fandral and Volstag die by Hela's hands pretty early on.
Hogun puts up more of a fight against Hela, but ends up being stabbed by a hugeass blade through his chest.
More like too jaded. You're too old for it, but you'd rather come in a thread to rage on a second hand account of a joke you haven't been properly exposed to.
Ok man. Enjoy your kids movie
>mocking for enjoying a kids movie
>in a discussion about a super hero
What is the first after credit scene.
What does Strange do?
The Asgard refugee ship being confronted by a fuckhuge Thanosian ship in space
Tells Thor where Odin is. And traps Loki for shits and giggles
He's a wizard.
Then tells these asgardians to get off his lawn.
>Movie opens with Thor being captured by Surtur
>Surtur gloats about how he will bring about Ragnarok when his crown is placed into the eternal flame, and that his ascension is near now that Odin is no longer on Asgard
>Thor busts his way outta Muspelheim in a really cool fight sequence involving a fucking flame dragon and other shit, while asking Heimdall to bifrost him back
>Heimdall's revealed to be MIA after "Odin" charged him for treason; the new bridgekeeper is Skurge (who sucks at his job)
>Skurge finally activates the Bifrost and gets Thor back.
>Thor then confronts "Odin", who has erected statues of Loki in Asgard, and propagandised the citizens into believing Loki's a hero. Thor exposes his identity, and demands to know where's Odin.
>Loki then brings Thor to Earth, where he reveals that he dumped Odin at an eldercare home... which has been demolished.
>Loki then gets portaled out, leaving only a calling card for Bleeker Street.
>Thor heads to the address, only to find a strange Mr. Doctor.
>Thor's surprised that Midgard has... wizards now. Mr. Doctor offers him tea, but Thor politely declines, and the drink is replaced by a mug of endless beer.
>Mr. Doctor explains that he knows where Odin is, but that Odin has requested his location be kept private.
>Thor explains that he needs to speak to Odin as it concerns the fate of Asgard. Mr. Doctor agrees to help, on the condition that he and Loki haul their asses off Earth. (The Doctor keeps mindfucking Thor by porting him all over the Sanctum randomly)
>Meanwhile, Loki has been [s]falling through an endless portal loop for 30minutes[/s]
>Loki then tries to kill Strange, but Strange ports them both to Odin.
>Odin reveals that his end is near, and that Thor has a sister: the firstborn, Hela. Hela is imprisoned on a realm for as long as Odin lives, and his end will mean her return. They have a pleasant reunion, and then Odin passes on.
Would you say it was Hela f*cking epic?
I would say it's IMMIGRANT SONG EPIC
They probably blew the budget on that song knowing how hard Zeppelin make it to license their shit. Also Blanchett was boner fuel
I watched it, and honestly I didn't really like it. But it seemed to entertain a lot of people, so I guess it's just me. It had lots of good bits, particularly the set design and the entire third act. But for the first half the film felt like it just couldn't take itself seriously. Ragnarok itself feels like an afterthought, though when it does actually happen it's kickass.
Also is it just me or did something happen to Thor during AoU that made him more... jokey? Here he's talking much more casually and cracks more self-aware jokes. It might be my memory fucking with me, but between the last Thor movie and Ragnarok it feels jarring and out of character.
I've seen lots of praise for it because it's "campy fun" though, so good for Marvel and hopefully it doesn't affect Justice League's reception.
Hogun's badass gets a few hits on Hela.
Volstagg was still tough.
Fandral dies like a fucking CHUMP.
>just couldn't take itself seriously
I really don't get this. Why are Marvel movies emphasizing the "lol chill kids, we know this is nonsense and not real -wink" part of their movies so blatantly? I want to be at the edge of my seat and cheer my heroes against impossible odds, not ... you know.
Some serious OP shit. Seriously. Should he be able to do that to a god? I can get screwing around with Thor, but Loki's a pretty powerful magician in his own right, he should have counterspells and stuff.
It's called character develpment.
Then Marvel movies are not for you, the only film in the whol MCU that takes itself seriously is Winter Soldier,
Was it enough?
Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, these movies were pretty on-the-spot as far as Capeshit films went. Post-Avengers, it's like, I don't know anymore, it's like they want to be with the "in" crowd rather than actually tell stories. It's like a joke about Superman's red underwear every nine minutes in a film or Dean going on about his car for a whole Supernatural episode.
I was surprised to hear it during the initial Muspelheim scene.
And then again during the final Hela fight scene.
Hogun was surprisingly good in this.
I'd say it's because Loki was caught off guard. They weren't aware that Midgard has wizards, after all.
It was.
I'll give you Norton Hulk, but you can't talk about Iron Man as a "serious" movie when it has the same goofy RDJ shit 50% of the MCU uses.
He was "funny shit" for the first 30 minutes of the movie - right up until Yinsen died. The tone may not have dropped significantly after that, but Tony was desperately seeking a way to make amends. It didn't have to be dark or brooding, but you actually felt that this was a guy trying to make things better. Outside of a few slapstick moments, he spends the middle third of the movie taking his new mission very seriously, testing out new components, etc. The only "quippy" part that I could actually recall from post-escape is the "This isn't the worst thing you've caught me doing" and that awkward ending where he stumbles over his lines.
I really felt this was Tony Stark's transformation story into Iron Man. The music, the tone, it all fit.
my debut rap album
Asgard is not the place; it's the people.
Character development should happen onscreen for it to work.
Man this movie was shit. Looked like an ugly videogame the whole time.
He looked very cool once whe embraced the thunder powers and lost the eye
>The final CGI's way better; Hulk doesn't look uncanny valleyish/videogamish either.
Complete bullshit. Hulk looks like he came out of a shitty THQ marvel game
That's an over-reaction
The only sketchy moments hulk had was that bonding time with Thor in his room.
Fenris, Surthur and his army, the space ships and all the other CGI creations looked damn amazing
I really didn't like Sakaar.
Amazing if it's your first time at the theatre and haven't seen thousands of movies with shitty cgi.
Bitch please, define "Good CGI", it's not like this shit was on the level of Battle of the 5 Armies, comparing it to a videogame is clearly overreacting
No mention of the Soul Stone?
>Also is it just me or did something happen to Thor during AoU that made him more... jokey?
He broke up with Jane.
So, bets on Loki having taken the Tesseract?
CGI was piss poor and took me out of the cutscene ..oh I mean movie.
He keeps doing real life jump cuts like those youtube videos and both thor and me really want to slap him in the end.
Already confirmed by the comicon IW trailer
Speking of this part, I lved how Thor was carrying aroun Mjlnir dissguised as an umbrella, nice nod to Donal'd's cane!
Yeah the transition between Thor 2 and this would be jarring but it's not so jarring if you think of it as a Guardians movie w/o the guardians.
No but Hela did walk past the Infinity Gauntlet in Asgard's vault and flips it away going FAAAAAKE
Good. Jane was the worst part of both other Thor movies. But why?
At least he had a lot character development onscreen in Thor 1.
Maybe the movie is really just an extended music video for the Immigrant song.
Speaking of which, they totally changed the location of Hela(sexy) breaking Thor's hammer from the trailer. I guess the New York part was previously longer
Because Nat Portman thinks she is better than Anthony fucking Hopkins
He spent time in australia...?
>Anthony fucking Hopkins
he did Transformers, duuuuuuuuude.
The scene of Thanos grabbing Thor's head is likely from the beginning of IW.
The Guardians answer a distress signal from the Asgardian 'd ship, hence "put on your mean faces".
stop bitching about everything
They made a Hulk-penis joke :3
>Sparing Sif
Since the Agents are playing with space/cosmic this season of SHIELD, I wonder if they are bringing her into it like they did Ghost Rider. Sort of have a 'Wonder Woman' in their tv show to try and prop up the ratings. After all, super strength and toughness isn't too rough on the budget.
This is actually giving me some hope for the film, after all the 'fun' reviews.
Is the tone... off? I mean, is Thor fully aware of everything he has lost while he is in good spirits through most of the film, and does he actually react fittingly as it's revealed? Or does he just sort of seem to brush everything off?
Where was that? I thought she was just 'safe', and they had basically shelved her while pretending there would ever be a continuation of their relationship.
>Is the tone... off?
It's weird but after watching Ragnarok, it's the tone of the first two Thor movies that seem off.
is the movie radical, or bodacious?
There's some dialogue in Ragnarok where Thor insists that he dumped her.
They originally shot scenes where Thor and Loki find Odin living rough on the streets of New York, with no idea of who he really is.
Is that why the scenes in Norway were so rushed and the cgi was so obvious?
>everything was so fast-paced, we wanted a peaceful place to slow things down
>scene ends up being Odin who fast-dumps exposition because he has litterally five minutes left to live
Another wasted villain.
Is he now punished Thor?
Wait, didnt the infinity war trailer have thor with his eye?
Though i expect they just did two takes to hide the change
Blessed would have given his all and would have fucking loved playing Odin. He's also got the physical presence for the role. He loves playing fantastical larger than life characters.
Hopkins just sees it as a paycheque and half-asses it.
Thor is now built around Hemsworth rather than played by him.
This is the reason they should have hired Blessed instead of Hopkins, who clearly could not give a shit and wanted out.
Interesting that they changed this scene from the trailers. Was some plot cut out?
I get the impression that originally it would have Odin die, then Thor and Loki travel back to New York, then Hela shows up.
> Preview audiences did not like Odin dying as a hobo.
> Gotta Reshoot.