What is the final solution to the Spielberg problem?

What is the final solution to the Spielberg problem?

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>academy awards

He is correct. The Oscars are a joke, and this year's show was the least watched of all time. People don't really care what these people think anymore, but the media is paid to treat it as if we do.

How does any of that pretentious guff you just spouted make him correct?


>The Oscars are a joke
>The Oscars are not a show of quality screen, film, or of any screenplay

Meaning, the Oscars should no longer be taken as serious, or as any form of academic excellence. The Oscars are political nonsense, and bullshit.
Plain enough for you?


Spielshit is a hack of the highest order but i 100% agree with him here

We need Drew Barrymore and Ariana Richards to come forward

>one of the child stars he 'auditions' wears a hidden camera and microphone during the 'audition'
Short of that sort of evidence he's pretty much untouchable

Except, that doesn't agree with what Spielberg says.

>old, out-of-touch man who hasn't made an innovative movie in 2 decades and who now relies on recreating the past as much as possible is against progress
I'm fucking shocked.

alternative article title
>old man terrified by his inevitable slide into irrelevance, does all he can to delay it


Spielberg is old, and lost his edge years ago. It would be great if he died soon, that way we could remember him as the great filmmaker he was, instead of the one he is today, and old man making boring political statement movies we don't care about

Were they before now?

If he died right now the thread for his death would be filled with edgelords calling him a shitty filmmaker and so on. I want him to make at least one more truly great film before he dies so he can go out as the legend he used to be. Probably Indiana Jones 5.

Yes, Mudbound was up in a few categories and a couple of Netflix documentaries (Icarus and The White Helmets) have actually WON Oscars.

You committing suicide

Spielberg was never good


That sounds like a clickbait title. He probably meant that there are no Netflix originals worthy of an Oscar, and its 100% true.

I seriously doubt another Indiana Jones film would be satisfying. Crystal skull was forgettable.
He would actually have to provide something completely new, that is inspirational that is NOT politically motivated. Movies are fun when it is an escape, not another history lesson from his point of view.
But usually fun, and inspiring doesn't win Oscars. We can nostalgia Spielberg until the end of time, but honestly do you believe he really has anything interesting to say?

He is Jewish (not isolating Judaism specially) but as far as I know all religions are narrow minded mythologies looking forward to end times. People who want the world to end because the myths taught them dying means you then get the chance to go to an imaginary happy place in the clouds. All dreary delusions based on myth.

>What is the final solution to the Spielberg problem?

hasent made a good movie in over a decade anyway

Lincoln is good but in a very facile, safe way. It's certainly nowhere near as dull and calculated as The Post and Bridge of Spies. The guy probably should have hung it up after Minority Report or Catch Me If You Can. Everything since has been dull (his historical movies especially) or cloying (his kids movies especially) in the worst way possible. He doesn't have a lot of middle ground in terms of drama or storytelling.

i think War of the Worlds was his last half decent movie if only from a technical standpoint.

everything his made since has been been boring dull inoffensive oscar bait as you insinuated

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I'll tell you exactly what he meant.

“I don’t believe that films that are just given token qualifications, in a couple of theaters for less than a week, should qualify for the Academy Award nominations,” Spielberg said.

“Fewer and fewer filmmakers are going to struggle to raise money, or to compete at Sundance and possibly get one of the specialty labels to release their films theatrically,” he continued. “And more of them are going to let the SVOD [Streaming Video On-Demand] businesses finance their films, maybe with the promise of a slight, one-week theatrical window to qualify for awards But, in fact, once you commit to a television format, you’re a TV movie.”

The director says that streaming service content could “deserve an Emmy, but not an Oscar.” Netflix has used an awards-qualifying theatrical run for movies such as Mudbound and Okja. The former earned multiple Oscar nominations this year, including Best Supporting Actress and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Funny how as soon as this site became filled with Nazis it suddenly became "cool" to hate Spielberg. What a )))coincidence(((.

He’s absolutely right.

Netflix movies have merely filled the void by the old tv movie of the week

Good for him. Fuck Netflix and fuck millennials, I don't want to live in a future where the only way I can watch great films is in my fucking basement. The theater experience is infinitely superior.

It doesn't

Lots of Disney shills on the board today...


That has nothing to do with what he said though

Can TV movies get Oscar noms? If not the Netflix movies really shouldn't be in the Oscars. Netflix is obviously a TV format.

>Spielberg also said that TV has better writing, directing and performances than movies these days and is in a true renaissance.

I wish people would read these articles instead of just raging at the headlines.


occasionally that shat out a gem like beasts of no nation


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fucking murderer!

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Disney's about to release their own streaming service that will have tons of straight-to-VOD flicks you double nigger, they're thrilled that brainlets like you are gonna give them $10 a month for their garbage

>Angry little turd calls people brainlets
>Watches Netflix movies

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Hey dipshit, read the whole thread

Nah, fuck off cunt. I’m tired pf having this thread. Stay angry.


>there are people who think that Spielberg doesn't make kino anymore

They should, but journalists share some of the blame for writing misleading headlines that exist solely to force people to look at the article for context - exactly why the term clickbait arose.

Couldn't Netflix just open up a singular movie theater to show their movies in to make them eligible?

They basically already do that, but Spielberg doesn't like that.

>this year's show was the least watched of all time
is that the Oscars fault or is it the fact that most people don't watch tv anymore?

>final solution

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You know you can just edit it in the browser by pressing f12, right faggot?

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>Wow, why does everyone on the internet think we're Nazis?

Should have edited it to say he's directing a remake of Triumph of the Will.

If it was actually good people would watch it

do you have an alternate solution to the JQ?

yeh get smart, the meme ash jews have a higher IQ on average than everyone else.

if you want a solution then start producing smart offspring goyim

>Steven Spielberg doesn't think Netflix movies are party rockers in the house tonight
(and that's a good thing)


and in the mean time we should ignore jewish usury, economic manipulation, warmongering, and spread of degeneracy through the media?

As you wish.

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Big talk from someone who lives in his mom's basement. What are you going to "do" about that "degeneracy" you fucking virgin retard?

>das rite da kikes are keepin the goy man down

Looking good.

i actually recently rewatched it, its still excellent, cary funkunganga made a dope movie mate


based logical consistency posters

Based Spielberg! He's so right! I just bought a ticket to Solo: A Star Wars Story to show my support.

Complaining about da jooz keeping the white man down, literally nigger-tier.

The "JQ" is just you being mad that the Jews are outcompeting you. Clearly they've been doing something right if they have all the power you claim they have.




A bit of both I would say but Im leaning towards the latter. People just don't want to watch TV and if they streamed it they would pull a far larger audience.

>I don't want a future where I watch movies from the comfort of my home


What do you want to bet there actually will be an option to watch the Oscars live via Netflix at some point? They'd be fools to turn down those Netflixbux.

Depends if Netflix would have the infrastructure to support an actual live stream to millions of people, not just a show premiering. My bet would be that they put it on Twitch.

It would be much better, especially if you could have a built in thing that has your Oscar picks and whether or not they are wrong and tallying them at the end.

Notice how he mentioned living in his mom's basement? Lol, yeah, I can see why losers with shitty living conditions don't want to watch movies at home, but me and my kino home theater are loving it.

as if the opinion of this has been jew, that has not been relevant for 20 years carries any weight or matters at all in 2018.

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>I seriously doubt another Indiana Jones film would be satisfying. Crystal skull was forgettable.
Nay, it was heresy!!!!!!

He should have payed for his crimes and left the lime light for good.

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Regardless, Indy 5 has already been greenlit.

I bet they will use a second fridge to escape the Space explosions when he gets abducted by aliens.

What makes him say that? Which side is he on now? He supports "movie industry" against steaming right? Why?

Has streaming treated him badly? What does it cost him if streaming becomes mainstream ?

You realize you're complaining about silliness in a franchise where an evil ghost melted the Nazis' faces off in the very first movie.


How old is he? The problem will take care of itself soon.

I never understood the hate for 5. I get that it's a bad movie but what about Aliens is so far fetched? Especially for it being based on fun serials with a 50's cultural feel and Aliens were a big cultural thing back then.

Why is that too far but face melting ghosts isn't? Or an immortal templar isn't?

He's only 71. If Donald Trump can stuff his face with burgers and not have dropped dead years ago, Spielberg's going to last for another 20-30 years easily.

After the Raging Bull made his name in the sport of boxing, he didn't just disappear. He kept going.

>his inevitable slide into irrelevance
Spielberg is in his 70s and one of the most powerful and influential guys in Hollywood.

His movie company doesn't work with netflix?

>he thinks people can work demanding jobs into their 80s and 90s

I just watched youtube.com/watch?v=7C7mL6oOZFo


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Very interesting videos desu.



Christopher Plummer is 88 and he's still doing a ton of work.