We did not even make the list of targets?...they underestimate Sup Forums's power at their own peril

we did not even make the list of targets?...they underestimate Sup Forums's power at their own peril.
we make the memes stick around(force or otherwise) and they snub the board? this is an insult.

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but there aren't any white people on Sup Forums

The only thing I give a fuck about on that list is /k/, and even then just barely.

nobody gets Sup Forums not even other Sup Forums boards
Sup Forums???? Sup Forums was radicalized? when?
Sup Forums is there on reputation alone
the rest make sense

Sup Forums turned a long time ago.

last i read about them, all the other boards said they were sjws/leftists.

It's mostly laugh reacts. No one is taking it seriously. There's not even a discord link or anything. This is just another thinly veiled Sup Forums thread.

Sup Forums makes 0 sense ,is anything they could recruit liberals from Sup Forums now I think about it.
I really feel like this is a slight directed at Sup Forums at this point.

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Oh no i'm not on the sjw watchlist

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really? nigger go check out the cat on Sup Forums that board is under heavy fire,like 90% of the board this morning is shills.

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>Spam every other board with racebait garbage 24/7

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>like 90% of the board this morning is shills.
Go back to r/thedonald please

Aren't mods supposed to ban shitters like that anyway?

This. 99% of Sup Forums's problems post election can be traced to Sup Forums

>Kenny Blankenship and 125 people like this
This sounds really serious.

Right you are ken

You mispelled /r/thedonald

It's Kenny.

Sup Forums got less traffic over the years and we have been forsaken...how can we make the list?

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The best way to get people to hate Sup Forumsfags is to falseflag on other boards

I actively go to Sup Forumsto get away from the blatant politics on Sup Forums

Thor is now a chick,iron man is a black girl,captain brttain is a muslim chick...yeah Sup Forums is really non politics.

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>we've gathered people...to fight these nazis
I just don't get it. There are actually people coming to this site to try to change the views of all the other fags here? What level of delusion are they functioning on?

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These are the same type of people who claim that wanting any sort of meaningful border security and an enforced deportation policy makes a person a literal nazi who should be beaten/imprisoned/murdered. So, yeah, they aren't exactly geniaeiouses.