Who's to say trans women can't identify as men?
that reason is kind of bullshit right? Most likely she reacted how she actually believed and then realized it would fuck her image. I don't really understand using that as the reason by the agent
live by the SJW, die by the SJW
Yeah. People don't defend what they believe, or when they do, they never learn from their mistakes, so just lie about it. Good for her.
fake news.
Her name is literally jk why can't people accept she was jk?
based Rowling
She's not wrong though?
yeah, what will she do now? her career is over
Disney hard at work trying to kill another WB franchise I see
What did the tweet actually say?
left eating itself
>“I was shouted at by men at my first Labour Party meeting aged 18 because I asked them to remove a Page 3 calendar,” the campaigner tweeted. “I’ve been told to toughen up, be louder, stronger, independent. I’ve often not felt supported. Men in dresses get brocialist solidarity I never had. That’s misogyny!”
>Icon for feminism once upon a time
Haha the left is eating itself
>calling trans women 'men in dresses'
that's what they are though?
Being an SJW means being left didn't ya know?
>not left
Fuck off kike.
based deh poster
Trannies are men in dresses, you can't change your gender. Gender and sexuality are the same thing and you are born with either or.
Thank God Trump put the hammer down today.
Go swimming in her money vault, Scrooge McDuck style.
>supporting capitalism with a tranny face
>not right wing
>"middle-aged moment"
A truly lackluster response worthy of the writer of one of the dullest series of all time.
Hmmm, at least Harry Potter books were good.
ahhahahaha irl
Where’s the pasta?
You cut that out now, or you'll go home in an ambulance
Some one post it already I'm ready to climax.
Glenn Close?
>your career can be ruined by just clicking a 'like' button on a post somewhere
Jesus christ let me out of this fucking timeline
>right wing liberals
Raimi can get away with this, but Rowling can't? It sure was a different time
Why would the ambulance drive him home?
Get out communist scum. Everyone looks right wing when you’re the extreme on the spectrum. In your case both the autism spectrum and the political compass.
She's old. Of course she thinks decades behind.