Lick those feet real good. Get in between the toes and under the toenails too. This is your place, white Christians.
That's right
This picture fucking infuriates me
Christianism is a cuck religion. Don't get me wrong, I think that all religions are worthless
This is why Christians must be ignored. Follow the Old Gods of YOUR ancestors.
>oh noez a white man licking black feet
Closet homosexual detected. Putting sexuality into a religious practice rooted in something Jesus literally did
Catholics =/= Christians
the pope isnt christian
Isn't turning the other cheek the core tenant of christianity?
They follow the same books and the same values
>does exactly what Jesus did
Pls actually know Christianity before you accuse someone of not being Christian
Catholics are the more redpilled ones. Don't get me wrong, christianity is pretty cucked but protestants are even worse. They all vote left here.
Jesus would have done the same
as a gay guy with a foot fetish this isn't even hot
Jesus was a faggot, the new testament is for beta bois and non-whites.
Old testament is all you need.
Pope Francis is literally a liberal.
what was the point of this again?
Christianity sounds pretty gay
This tbqh
I've got a huge foot fetish, but black guys are fucking disgusting.
Jesus didn't kiss anyone's feet in the Bible. He just washed the feet of his disciples.
>as a gay guy
You are also a faggot?
Why, you want him to lick your feet homo?
Its literally the pope in the middle of a religious ceremony, you aren't supposed to be attracted to it.
Go ahead and try to make fun of the Catholic faith you Protestant shitlord. But at least we practice what we preach. Evenglicucks in the US love to wear those WWJD bracelets while simultaneously being some of the most hypocritical people on the planet.
do you think race exists in heaven?
you are no christian.
That´s racist!
Of course. Women are disgusting, spiteful creatures. The next holocaust should be aimed at women and the migrant hordes they worship.
With his tongue
never said it was sexual little guy
No nigga, I just find it curious that most anons who recognize to be faggots, are europeans
Easy for you guys to preach against condoms since all you fuck is little boys. you have child sex rings in your church and your holy figure kissing nigger feet. you may as well being in the Clinton campaign.
How did catholics go from crusades to kissing the feet of muslims?
Can we have the old catholics back please?
Orthodox here. Can any cathocucks plz explain why the Patriarch of Rome is kissing some niggers feet?
He was supposed to wash the foot but he got a little too excited and started slobbering on it instead. Just couldn't contain himself.
Because he comes from fucking South America and has no cullture
I only recall Jesus washing feet of people in the Bible. No kissing whatsoever though
Yes, it's not like Christianity is a cucked religion.
>the meek will inherit the Earth
>yes goy just turn the other cheek, don't fight for yourself
Christianity is If you kill your enemies, you win: the religion.
It's a traditional catholic thing were the Pope washes the feet of some poor plebs sometimes because Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.
Supposed to be humbling or something I guess.
It's just disgusting in this case because the Pope is a fucking disgrace who wants mass muslim immigration into Europe.
Is there some way for catholics to remove this heratic who's trying to destroy the Christian foundation of Europe?
Such a poser this pope.
I get the washing part. WHY IS HE KISSING HOMEBOY'S FEET?
washing ≠ kissing
read the bible
I did, burger enthusiast. Show me the verse where Jesus kisses a man's foot.
Only the perfume woman is mentioned kissing feet, Jesus's feet that is
It's weird but it's just part of the ceremony.
Maybe the pope who started it was a foot fetishist or something?
We knew what that guy was like in the 1500's ffs.
This foot washing ceremony started with Jesus, you fucking atheists
>still can't read the fucking posts
Where in the scripture does it say Jesus kissed feet? I know it said he washed them, but that pic is fucking degenerate popery.
I dont think the kissing and licking was part of the ceremony. You can tell the people there were getting kind of freaked out by how hard he was going at those feet.
ok you got me
Catholicism is not Christianity, Catholicism is another name for the occult mystery religion from ancient Babylon.
I swear. Pope Francis is one of the worst popes we've ever hah. He actively encourages the destruction of the Church and Europe. And 100 quid bets he is actually atheist.
>Is there some way for catholics to remove this heratic who's trying to destroy the Christian foundation of Europe?
Yes, but that would lead to another schism. Nobody wants that because Islam would sweep right in and fuck everything up.
The bit where you're posting this two days after the pope has reversed his opinion says just about everything that needs to be said.
He's not atheist. His god that he follows is the same as the occult the fallen angel known by many names including lucifer.
>lmao jezzus did it in da bible. I can't quote it but it happend!!1
Jesus only WASHED he feet of his DISCIPLES. Men who looked up to Jesus and followed his every word. Men who would sacrifice their life and everything they had to him.
Well on the other hand. Heretic chuck boy Francis kisses the feet of a fucking shit stain who doesn't even give a shit about Christianity to the point where he is actually reading a news paper while having his feet kissed.
Francis needs to be physically removed.
hahaha because your god is powerless, he literally delivered you up into your enemies hands
you guys are cucked to hell, please die
You think God will let us prance around like defenceless fairies. He sends the enemy into our hands. For us to crush them with the might of our fists.
And army of God cannot be beaten.
i dont think kissing is a part of maundy
I though you guys said spics hated niggers?
Shut the fuck up little bitch. Europe is an Islamic continent now.