'Cause I'm losing my sight

'Cause I'm losing my sight.

Losing my mind.

Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine.

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hello darkness my old friend

This is what happens when you betray fans of Snyder. It still would be shitty, but making usual 800M and getting fanbase praise just like BvS.
Now they went greedy and wanted more audience outside Snyderfags. And it failed to do so, also lost Snyder fanbase.

*until the snyder cut

Fucking hell is that actually loss?

BvS made almost 900m at the box office. More than what most studios can dream of reaching. Yet WB wanted more and more. To the point where they kicked their creative lead in favor of Marvelization.

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And who
Are you

>BvS has high home video sales
>JL bombs on home video

Hmm, I wonder what could be the cause of this.

What the fuck is this weird-ass website that Snyder uses?

i miss these threads

Budget of 300M (rumours about 500 with marketing) and barely doubled that number. 200something million domestic where studio gets about 50% and 400m foreign where take varies between 25% and 40% for each country.

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And here I thought what after Suicide Squad they will learn.


It's not Twitter though, it's like some cheap-ass knockoff.

It's called Vero.

Who's responsible for this?

Whedon or the brainwashed audience that wanted their quips?

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He looks like a guy standing in front of a firing squad in this picture.

The rotting degenerative leftism hijacking academia and relentlessly destroying other acts of free speech that stand opposite their narratives.

Shut the actual fuck up.

Huh. So it's actually like a mix of Instagram and Twitter, but with no ads and just a lot better in general. I see why Snyder uses it - as usual, he's ahead of the curve. I guess I will sign up as well.

Thanks Josh Whedon!

You're welcome!

>Aquaman! Aquaman will save us

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I’m only human after all, I’m only human.

Snyder and executives.

sucks they cant reboot because Wonder Woman actually worked for them

They can do a soft reboot. Wonder Woman worked because it basically had zero connection to the DCEU.

i literally didnt even realise there was a justice league movie until about a week ago holy shit

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How the fuck does a Sup Forums poster not realize this when we've been shilling DCEU movies constantly on this board? I can understand being unaware of something nobody actually talks about here but we create threads for DC movies NON FUCKING STOP.

BvS had everything to win on home video and it did. The Ultimate Edition of BvS had a much warmer reception than the theatrical and in turn made the studio millions in profit.

JL’s lackluster performance was 100% because the Snyder base abandoned it. This is what made BvS $900 Million at the box office. The hardcore fans always frontload the opening weekend, even if it negates the legs. Take them away and thats half the revenues just gone.

This guy is on the right track

Thats not an argument

Here's a counterpoint: Shut the actual fuck up.


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Thats what i told your cuck dad as i fucked your whore mother raw

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>Wonder Woman worked because it basically had zero connection to the DCEU.
Or because every single journalist was shilling the fuck out of the movie because of its female director and lead. Same like BP. Two sides of the same coin.



This is why Justice League failed.

No, right. Americans were obsessed with WW due to the massive media push. Same as BP.

WW did well because it was a good movie. JL was shit.

WW was just as bad. It's the second worst DCU movie. Even SS was better.

WW is the only good DC movie. Fuck your shit taste.

The DCEU is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.

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I've never seen this one before. She's like a sassier Kizuna Ai.

It flopped because of many reasons
>Tons of people hated BvS
>Retardedly high budget
>Warner Bros being incompetent
>Conflicting styles of Snyder and Whedon

>3 Crosses
>Reference to Justice League 2
>Probably the movie in which Lois would be killed off along with Mamartha and [insert friend of superman introduced in that movie or Man of Steel 2 just to round up to 3 crosses] to make Superman go full on Overman
>Snyder would probably have unironically just redid the family burial scene from Devilman

I actually found out about her because Ai specifically did a video talking about how great she is. She's so loud, and yet there's something pleasant about her voice.

I think the real reason is that while people like batman, superman, wonderwoman and maybe even the flash, nobody really cares about seeing them all together in a single film and to normies the 'super super-group' has already been done by avengers and isn't that interesting anymore.
To normies JL is avengers but shittier i.e. a super team takes on an alien invasion, but without loki or novelty. That's what really killed it, nobody really wanted it and its been done before and done better.

>The DCEU is dead

Not yet. Aquaman will be kino of the year.

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I'm going to watch Death Sentence soon and if it is any good I will have faith in Aquaman.

>because every single journalist was shilling the fuck out of the movie because of its female director and lead. Same like BP
Exactly. By no means, WW isn't a bad movie, but it's mediocre as hell.
It fucking annoys me to no end how people dickriding WW and call it the best DCEU film.

I still don't understand how people didn't see through this shit. Recent DC films have been pretty trash, but WW felt like they were doing a lazy knockoff of Captain America, but with less interesting characters and villians.

Don't steal our BvS lines you sad piece of MCUck shit.


This literally looks like a pre-rendered cutscene from the ps2 era

While I normally think people are exaggerating when they compare movie CGI to PS2 games, I would actually put forward that this somehow looks WORSE than a pre-rendered PS2 cutscene. I mean FFX looks better and it came out 20 years ago.

Which WoW boss is this?



What makes him look even more fucked up are his arms, his fists, they looks like how a kid would draw them. Bad design.


I remember when Whedon was announced, some were claiming it would be a nice mix of seriousness and fun. Then the 'it has a lot of flaws but it's fun' type of reactions came. Then all the drama with the RT score being delayed. And finally the OW projections getting lower by each day. Of all their shared universe movies they had to fuck up their event, Aquaman looks okay not bad news as far as I know, maybe it can become a decent hit cause not sure if these guys can get more inane.

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Pretty retarded that they cut a ton of Aquaman's scenes out of JL though. All that work for nothing.



Justice League 1st week Home Entertainment sales figures: 884,000 units for $20.44M total.

Man of Steel sold 1.97M units and made around $39M.

Batman v Superman sold 1.5M units and made $35.8M.

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source on those numbers?

Man of Steel was a monster on home platform sales. I think it played into why they gave Snyder BvS.

Yeah, I think MoS' box office killed the DCEU for a while which is why they took so long to do BvS. The DVD sales were instrumental in changing WB's mind.


> Batman v Superman had an 166 million dollars opening weekend
> made 50% of its domestic box office just in the opening weekend, meaning it had the worst box office drop-off ever
> a B grade on cinemascore, which is absolutely bad for a blockbuster because it's a sample of cinemagoes who go to the thursday previews, who are the biggest fans (black panther had A+ for comparison, wonder woman had A)

> justice league had a 94 million dollar opening weekend, worst opening weekend of all DCEU films and Thor Ragnarok had a 123 million dollar opening weekend just a few weeks before

> hurrdurr justice league flopped because snyderfags were upset

Zack Snyder had made commercial and critical bombs his entire fucking life except for 300, and Warner Brothers decided to put him in charge of their massive superhero universe. Most retarded corporate hollywood decision in the 21st century.

Superman and Batman knockoffs like Thor and Black Panther made more money than actual Superman and Batman. Absolutely fucking pathetic.

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Pretty much.

He's probably paid by Vero to advertise their product.

That makes him smart.

Why did Snyder and Joss make Batman a quipster? Every line that came out of his mouth sounded nothing like Bruce Wayne, and Affleck slurred all his lines.

>Is she with you?
>I thought she was with you.

But no, keep blaming Whedon.

I said Sndyer you illeterate retard.
However, Joss definitely added a lot more than Snyder because most of the quips are from the reshoots. You can tell by the amount of botox Affleck is using.

Agreed. WW got the new actresses in Hollywood hype. It sucks

it's obvious when anyone with half a brain or more that zack snyder is nothing more than a corporate hack
none of his dceu movies are in his style like 300, watchmen, sucker punch etc
man of steel was hack snyder being hired to rip-off batman begins for a Superman story
then avengers got popular and they forced him to make a mini-avengers in BvS instead of a superman sequel. Just like avengers had conflict and fights between the heroes in the beginning, so does BvS but done in a shittier and more boring way. I can't imagine anyone except a corporate boardroom would ever approve of miss israel wonder woman, the troll from lord of the rings as final villain, facebook guy as luthor and murderman bitching about the other murderman as the plot
it was nothing more than a cynical cashgrab from an ayn-rand worshipping faggot who laughs all the way to the bank while his fanboys try to pretend he's some artist with a deeper meaning

it is

Wrong. Outside of Gal Gadot's acting Wonder Woman is great.


Think final crisis, probably flash, wondy and batman


Why does everyone on this board Hollywood directors are as obsessed with their shitty Netflix weebshit as you are?

>MCUck decides to be this arrogant despite his favorite children's franchise has not won a SINGLE oscar over the course of 10 years

>Netflix weebshit
The original Devilman is literally what Evangelion wanted to be. Also I'm mostly joking, but wasn't Zack quoted as taking inspiration from Evangelion?

I was just trying a bit of low-effort trolling because I actually love anime but it's weird to me how I only started seeing people talking about Devilman after it got a Netflix series even though it's been around for like 40 years.

based Diversity Squad won oscar, not Suck Snyder
Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad are good fun movies. Batman v Superman is one of the worst superhero movies ever made, on par with Catwoman, Superman 4 or Ghost Rider 2

it does look worse
and here's the proof

>tfw people compare capeshit to video games as an insult even though video games are actually kino

Well, to be fair, I probably wouldn't have had it on mind if there wasn't the Netflix remake. I saw it like a decade ago (Not even sure which version at this point) but yeah. Me remembering that there were 3 crosses is probably Netflix's fault. For some reason, I thought the kid survived and only the parents bit it.

>jmmorpg intro from late 2000s

Dawn of the Dead and 300 made a lot of money for the studios. More than that they were both pretty influential as far as studio trash goes. One helped to bolster the zombie craze, and the other spawned countless copycat movies for like the next decade.
Suckerpunch flopped, and watchmen did better than most people expected, but considering it was traditionally deemed "Unfilmable" expectations were pretty low.

Strange, because it was the best one so far.



>video games are actually kino
Except cinematic games are literally the cancer killing the industry.
Video games have one strength that doesn't exist in almost any other form of media - your agency. You can't have that in a book (maybe a choose your own adventure) or a movie, or a tv show, or music (unless you're playing along).
Vidya trying to be more like movies, or making movies from video game material is always going to be shitty because the whole point of video games is for you to interact with a digital world and explore the story through your own actions through the mechanics of gameplay.
Again. None of those things exist in other media, so all you're left with are stories written by hacks that couldn't cut it writing in television and film.
One of the things I liked about the assassin's creed movie was that it didn't try to remake any of the games. It's just another adventure inside the universe as loosely defined by the premise of the games (machine lets you relive genetic memories, conspiracyshit, 5D chess keikakus, free running). It's not a great movie, but it was ok.

>Fire visionary director Zack Snyder and replace him with a fucking TV director
>this is the outcome

Is anyone REALLY surprised?

spread the word brother