When did you drop South Park?
When did you drop South Park?
I never picked it up in the first place.
When the movie came out nearly 20 years ago. With the movie, you've seen everything they've ever done.
The norway internet troll thing. I'm just done, it's still not the worst show on tv, but it's not the same.
the first couple of serialized episodes made me lose my interest completely
They’re neo-con Republicans, meaning they supported Bush and his illegal wars, but they don’t support Trump and suck Hillary Clinton’s war mongering dick
came pretty close season before last
really seems like they're on the downward spiral
>implying trump isn't tjhe same old house with a new coat of paint
He hired Bolton for fuck's sake. We'll be in Iran by next christmas.
>Trump isn't a neocon
Thank god Trump hired Bolton and gave 700 billion to he Military Industrial Complex though, right?
Explain that's my bush
Yea, it just felt so lazy.
Before they actually had to put a full story arc into a single episode. Then they could drag out the shit over a few episodes which made it completely boring.
"seriously y'all like ta kill niggaz?"
when it stopped being just about kids going on adventures or making stupid schemes and turned into "Le Hot topic of the week" show with worse celebrity parodies then the Family Guy
The season before the troll one was great with their Kickstarter company failing, them going back to school but everyone being angry at them so they throw a party with Lorde/Randy, explain why Randy was Lorde, etc.
Great callbacks and setup for the next episodes.
theres a good chance they werent being serious
kill yourself shill rat
when comedy central started censoring their old episodes
>Matt & Trey: We are sick of making this shitty show, wow do we get fired from working on South Park, we can't leave without getting sued because of the contract
Coming out as Republican is the new coming out as Gay
>Vote for Hillary wanting WW3
>Get screwed when Trump wins.
Damn it! I wanted the dearha of millions. Just think, had she won we’d be at full scale war in the middle east. Russia, America, Iran, Israel, Syria, etc. Millions dying. Eventual nuclear strikes. And mass attacks that would have eventually have reached Europe and mainland America
around S18 or so
very lighthearted compared to stuff like "putins cockholster"
>le epic anti-neocon alt-righter xd
Fuck off. You're nothing but a racist virgin communist that thinks he is right wing. Neoconservatism is the best ideology, mostly because it triggers all Internet autists, be it Sup Forums or tumblr, so hard
How many rubles do you guys get paid for pushing this meme
>I chose my political views over what people find the most stupid and the one to be contrarian
Hopefully, the bots that shareblue left on when they closed their offices like will stop functioning soon
You’re right bro! We should go to war with Russia immediately!
>had she won we’d be at full scale war in the middle east
we already are at full scale war in the middle east why do you think Bolton is NS adviser
>Piece of chicken=Bait
>Baby=Sup Forums
At season 10, when Cartman's voice changed.
Russia is a shitty, Muslim-infested hellhole run by a corrupt autocracy led by a secretly-homosexual former KGB agent and his collection of rent-seeking autocrats who value their dachas and money laundering operations in richer European countries over the pride of their nation and the opinion of the average Russian person. The idea that they'd go to war automatically because Hillary put a no-fly zone in over Syria is laughable. They're total and complete pussies headed for demographic decline and eventual Chinese slavery.
You’re right bro! Totally good reasons to kill millions of people. If only she had won. It really was her turn (to kill millions)
Sounds exactly the opposite to real life, hmmm, really makes me think why dems want to start wars all the time
This is a good post.
It's making fun of how
You now what? Fuck you. You know what this is and you're just trying to stir shit.
The election season, every single episode was serialized, shit was boring as fuck.
The season before that while as a serialized mess atleast got some stand alone episodes.
Is your attention span that terrible?
The absolute STATE of Sup Forums.
based CIA shill
If you lived in the 80s, you would be scared of war with Russia
>then the Family Guy
>the Family Guy
Are you 80 years old?
Fuck off, cuck.
Trump is neocon tier anyway, down there with Hillary.
Are you from New Jersey?
Serious question, you are not the first person to have this reaction.
Because human's for the first time IN A LONG TIME have the power to pull away again from the herd. To pull away so far ahead of the general populace and into a new era: A new Plutocracy. It's because slowly sucking out of the money of a country while pumping into it GLITZ & GLAMOUR is working. Look up Wealth distribution in the United States and then Globally.
Look at this picture and see how quickly Putin was able to do this