what are the best redemption arcs in movies?
What are the best redemption arcs in movies?
>80th most anticipated indie film of the year
this is an achievement?
They're still dating, this macro is inaccurate. Also, Riley is pathetic as fuck.
/ourchad/ always wins
>bitter, lonely man who fucks people and has a void where his heart used to be
>"/ourchad/ always wins"
This is some delusion.
Flushed the soy from his system. Took me 10 minutes to understand this infograph.
>"Pardon the shirtlessness"
>not top-level soy
And the delusion continued
/ourguy/ could literally tear you apart limb from limb if he felt like it
The Lives of the Others
American History X
Three Billboards
Maxi Pereira
Toy Story
Lion King 2
Beauty and the Beast 1991
Based PUTA posters
Why does it even matter? Look at what she looks like in their pictures together from ten years ago versus what she looks like now. He got her in her prime.
exactly, /ourchad/ won
And then he'd cry about it for hours afterwards and tell his gym buddies what a traumatic experience it was for him while posting endlessly about every stage of production on his new movie that nobody is going to see while the love of his life gets fucked in the ass hundreds of miles away by a guy he tried (and failed) to kill with a katana.
His life is a fucking joke.
>what she looks like now
Literally the best look. Ewan won.
ok ewan
I'll let you in on a little secret - the bit about the katana is a hoax invented by the malicious trolls on a notorious underground website named "Sup Forums"
Damn, Riley looks like *THAT*?
Riley Stearns (holding a katana): This is katana. She's got my back.
>didn't even have it in him to try and kill the man who fucked his wife
This is just getting more and more embarrassing.
>YWN wrestle with a barefoot Poots in a Morrissey t-shirt who giggles as she chokes you
I think we can all agree that this is, in every detail, the apex of human experience and the madman casually posts a video of it on Instagram.