You look lonely...
You look lonely
>..and your other lonely
Yeah well it aint singles night so give me the damn popcorn! If there's a problem, get Robert! Let me talk to him.
Ey gurl lemme cum on ur face plz
Can I get one bucket of good joe
W-where is R-robert?
a daring synthesis
Nice wig Robert. Give me a large. Just a large, I don't care what it is.
Give me a beer.
A large BBC?
Fuck off roastie, where's Robert?
>have to visit the cinema showers for the second time after seeing this
>see my sister entering the kino viewing edifice with Robert as I come out
>singles camera focuses on me
>cinema jester hits me with the butter mallet
Thinking of suing, should I bother?
There's nothing about this post that I don't love
that would be me if i ever actually left the house
>Single for "Do Robots Dream Of Electric Falcons" please.
Holy SHIT, I literally came into this thread to post this exact post. Nice one, user.
This. Is why i never go anywhere.
Holy shit you scared me to hell! Why are you naked and where is Robert? I am so confused.
is this from a new murdoch murdoch or something?
There’s no way this is real
1960s housewife joi is best joi
Can I still get crab legs or is that holographic too?
Where is Robert?
>cinema jester hits me with the butter mallet
Hey man, don't hate on the jester he's just doing his job. I worked as a cinema jester when I was in school and it's fucking miserable. We had to wipe down the loads in the cinema showers at the end of every shift
So that's why you guys look sad despite being jesters.
has photoshop gone too far?
is this the reddit meet-up thread
Here's your snack user!
look at this face, so cute, gib pls
Oh... ;_;
This shits real. I went to a hockey game and after they do the kiss cams of the couples they zoom in on one lone guy and play that "All by Myself" song while a packed arena laughs at him. It's brutal.
user...robert is dead.
Sorry but I refuse to believe you.
>Enter the cinema elevator to ascend to the viewing platform
>It descends to the basement instead
It’s not fake, but it is part of a night where this team tries to make the experience as bad as possible as a gag, where every fan gets the worst free give away imaginable, all the logos are poorly drawn, and this cam exists. It is really but is part of a joke and taken out of context.
Google the Havoc "awful night".
What? No its real and happens every game.
t. has never been to a hockey game in his life
>they zoom in on one lone guy and play that "All by Myself" song while a packed arena laughs at him.
jesus christ
Look it up user, seen it every time I go to a game here in tampa
Why didn't they just dump all old androids into the space and call it a day?
That's why you order crab legs, retard.
>mfw watching the cashier try to crack open the crab legs by hand and get me in trouble