Movies you wanted to like but simply could not

Movies you wanted to like but simply could not.

I'll start with pic related. Good cast and good production values but mediocre direction and garbage screenplay that snipped out nearly every punchline or else assumed you know the books/ radio show/ tv miniseries and therefore would think everything funny instead of actually executing the humor and jokes in its own right.

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It had Zooey Deschanel in hot pants but I just couldn't like it :-(

>the director of "Sing"

Well there's the problem.

That's like saying Fury Road sucks because George Miller directed Babe 2: Pig in the City.

Fury Road does suck

>Haha! You think you've got me in a logical snaffu! Well, little did you know that I have no taste whatsoever and will shamelessly shit on good movies if it means that my original argument shall go on unaltered! For I am never wrong and must never admit defeat!

But Babe 2 is kino

Babe: Pig in the City's kino level is magnified if you watch it immediately after a Mad Max movie. Preferably Beyond Thunderdome.

I genuinely do not like any Mad Max movie other than The Road Warrior.

I used to enjoy this movie, but I've been re-reading the books lately for the first time in years and now I despise it.

it wouldve been a better movie if terry gilliam directed it desu

It was good but the TV show did a better job because of course it has more minutes to work with.

Zooey was nearly worth it

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Why? That's really sad if it's true.

It's a decent movie, not a particularly faithful adaption but has its own merits. Nighy as Slartibartfast was perfect and the Vogons were pretty well done as well imo. No clue in hell why they picked Mos Def for Ford though.

PitC is very underrated and surprisingly dark. As the years go by I'm liking it more and more as it really isn't your typical, sappy talking animal sequel.

Really disliked the robot. Always imagined him as depressed grey box robot. But maybe I missed the actual description in the book?

I liked it.
Not as good as the books but on the same level as the radio series.

>Mos Def
I was worried at first but he actually turned to be quite good as Ford, he had this human but alien quaility.

It was Sam Rockwell as Zaphod Beeblebrox that was little dumb, he was fine at first but got annoying when he lost one of his heads

Yeah, Mos Def was a pretty good Ford. And it made the implausibility of his existence on Earth a bit funnier.

It made him being named after a car a lot less implausible though.

Both Babe movies are good as shit, pleb.

Thanks for putting that into words. See that shit an awful lot.