This is Emma Dumont, she's an actress

This is Emma Dumont, she's an actress.

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What are you, a fucking necromancer? Get that skeleton looking shit out of my face

I loved her in Pan's Labyrinth

Best Emma

Consider me spooked.


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Never post her again you dumb nigger.

That's not okay.

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She looks like that retarded pornstar minus the tits

i'd break her bones if you gnomesayin

hmm very attracticive, will consider thinking about her later


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Do we know which necromancer summoned her?


he probably means Stoya.

That's a sex doll. Putting her in your homemade porn vids doesn't make her an actress.

yass queen slay


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ayy queen slay, nigger

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I loved her Paul.

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Good hips. Needs a little more weight and a baby in that stomach, that'll sort her right out. Trust me.

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she's like a crazy drag queen now or something

She's dressing as a man?

what a braphog

where do you faggots FIND all these talentless literal whos and make threads about them?
what in the actual fuck
waifufags need to commit suicide STAT

we actually watch movies and tv

Mostly tv I'm guessing

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She's a piece of shit millennial

haha based doggo!!

so is every woman you're remotely sexually attracted to. And since this is Sup Forums whatever comes after millenials too

and how do you go from watching movies and tv to looking up every single d-list thott that gives you a boner then post a thread about her?

you autists really need to stop. NO ONE gives a fuck about these whores OR their career OR their "body of work"

>i don't care... so no one cares

>reeeeee stop talking about actresses

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why would anyone care?
they're shit actresses, shit entertainers, shit people and even shit fap material
at least post an actresses that's actually hot and/or talented

OR it could just be their publicists making these threads to get incels to fap to them for a publicity and google search boost, dunno

either way kys

Clearly you do. Enough to REEEEEE. That's enough for us to continue.

>kill yourself for making a thread i don't like!

nah i usually filter those threads. just posting now out of genuine quriosity on why you do this
but clearly i'm not getting an answer so...

Take your pills Kevin

>i usually filter those boards,but it just so happens that i don't now

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If she waifus my waifu, she's good enough already. Best Emma

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yes ok i'll just assume you're her publicist shilling her and move on


>Emma Dumont
>Busty buffy/lucie wilde

but what if we like dfc?

She has a magnetic personality.

he means lucie wilde
idk i can see why people think she looks retarded but she's
inb4 it's just the big tiddies
anyway yeah OP here misspelled anorexic