230 lbs

>230 lbs
I'm losing control. Post some fatkino.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw 6'4 270 lbs

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yarite you aint fooling us, we know you're 5'11

Stop putting butter on your crab legs.

Does Sup Forums have anyone close to 600 pounds browsing? Reckon Sup Forums would be the fattest board.

Lose weight before it gets worse brah

>be ugly, fat and miserable
>be ugly, skinny and miserable

/ck/ has a few 400lb+ posters, wouldn't be surprised if they come here

>>be ugly, fat and miserable
>>be less ugly, skinny and less miserable
Still worth it man

>less ugly
doubt it. you wont become magically handsome if you lose weight

Opposite problem here.
I was 145 last week, but was pretty sick.

Not talking about handsome, but facial aesthetics definitely improve with weightloss.

I just lost 10kg, fuck you

how much weight should you loose per week on a 1200 plan if you are 230 lbs? anyone has the formulas?

No, but anyone will always look better thin than fat

320 lbs reporting in.

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>facial aesthetics definitely improve
not in my case. i wont grow chin if i'll lose weight. i appreciate the effort but i've seen my skinny photos (when i was 18).

>6ft 2
Need the gym lads

don't project. it's definitely possible to be fit and attractive and still browse Sup Forums (t. me and I know several other people in real life).

by all means my life would only improve if I ditched this place but I'm past the 10 year mark so it's literally impossible at this point.


I was 300.7 lbs this morning.

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He should have said less repulsive


Do Keto Diet the memes are real and use it to detox yourself and learn about proper nutrition in the meantime

>Keto Diet the memes are real
you do realize that losing weight is relatively easy? the real challenge begins once you have to remain at target weight and not regain fat.


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Keto meme is a lie, it's really only useful when you're already at low weight and want to burn bodyfat, not weight
Don't suggest keto to people who needs to lose a lot of weight you idiot

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>the real challenge begins once you have to remain at target weight and not regain fat.

How does that make any sense

vast majority of people who lost weight, regained it

>I was 145 last week, but was pretty sick.
Same. It took me months of eating 2 cups of rice with every dinner and chugging thick protein shakes made with whole milk to gain 10Kg. Then I had flu, didn't eat for a week and lost it all.

absolutely disgusting

I stopped browsing for a few weeks, felt even lonelier and more alienated than before.

I don't think there's any solution to life, it doesn't matter if you stop channing, fapping, overeating whatever.

Absolute unit, I want you on my team.


I managed to leave porn AND Sup Forums for over 18 months. then I relapsed.

honestly I don't think it helped me any, barely anything changed in my life. caveat is that I do have a life, kinda.

t. me
but at least I only gained back 6-7 kilos, I just need to eat less for 6 weeks and I'm good

I can turn this around.

I’m 6’0 and 160, i don’t get how you fatties gain weight I eat so much

could it be genetics?

>152 lbs
I want to lose 14 lbs, then I'll move on to keto, before I started to lose weight I was at 180 lbs, you can do it user

'Sup, user. Do what I did - already lost 30 pounds, just get your shit together, you're still ahead of me.

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Genetics aren’t kept in the fridge bro. Also genetics don’t stop you walking, cycling or swimming

I eat two portions of most meals I cook. Yesterday had a plate full of chilli con carne with cheddar cheese and sour cream all over it

Try being me

>330 lbs

i imagine you look like a sphere

How ? I'm 6' 2 " and would be a walking skeleton at 130lbs.

the perfect shape

As in you need to gain 75lbs of muscle right ?

holy shit you eat TWO portions? fucking retard
you aren't eating as much as these fatties do

People who want to lose weight (or maintain it if they're hopeless at controlling their portions and appetite): try Intermittent Fasting. You fast for 16 hours every 8 hours. For most people it means only consuming calories between 1PM and 9PM, which basically translates to "skip breakfast".

I can vouch that this shit makes cutting super easy. This is my third year doing this, due to bulking and cutting. I've already lost over 5kg of fat (not water weight) and I feel just fine.

How'd you do it (not saying it's that difficult, just curious)? I did that US Navy calculator thingie and if I lose ~30lbs I'll be all set.

Yea I'm kind of a butterball

>100 lbs skeleton my entire adult life
>have gone up to 120 in what feels like the blink of an eye
I don't like where this is going

>tfw 6'1 and around 120 lbs

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Of course, up to 180 would do

Better plan if your purely trying to lose fat is coffee, cigarettes and treat food as fuel don't eat unless you actually HAVE to, that doesn't mean when your "hungry" your fat ass hasn't fealt actual hunger in years .

>Reckon Sup Forums would be the fattest board.
IIRC a while back Sup Forums did a census and it wasn’t that bad. Plus a lot of people on /fit/ like anime too.

How long did it take you to lose the 5kg?

>actual hunger
People with big appetites feel an aching hunger even when they're full. Hence why they get fat. So would you.

Almost lost 100 pounds, slim mode soon

You lost 11 pounds in three years and that's good for you?

>slim mode
Lose 40 more and gain them back in muscle, boi.

That's not real hunger fatboy, thats just zero self control.

Weigh everything you eat
Count the calories
Learn to read nutritional labels
Do a quick search on your BMR,
Eat roughly your BMR amount to lose 2lbs/1kg a week
Don't do a deep dive into eating more healthy immediately, you will lose motivation/fun/will to lose weight, start off with portion controlling stuff you like to eat, and later on if you want, start to look into eating the correct macro's (carbs/fats/proteins)
You can lose weight by eating mcdonalds everyday is what I'm saying, as long as your calories intake is lower than your TDEE

If you're feeling hungry and you have little calories left on your day, consider a big bowl of lettuce with calorie-free hot sauce or something, if you want to be strict about it that is.

It's not bad to have a cheat day, but don't, don't don't, continue with being lenient on calories the next 3-4 days at least. You can pig out for one day every 10 days or so, and it won't affect weight loss that much because losing and gaining weight is about "consistently) eating more for several days straight. Starving or pigging out for a day isn't gonna do anything weight loss wise.

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Never understood you people, gaining weight was so easy for me. Went from 160lbs to 200lbs at 6'5. Whole milk, eggs, steak, bread were staples in my diet and I ate A LOT. With this diet + regular strength training, I went from a skelly to relatively normal like nothing. Feel a lot more confident now.

coffee is pretty much a staple on Intermittent Fasting, since you can freely have it during the "fasting phase" as long as you don't add milk or sweeteners that contain calories.
as for controlling your hunger and learning when you're hungry, remember that you spend hours of hunger every single day, so you definitely learn to figure this stuff out for yourself. Until you get used to it it's NOT easy being productive before lunch (and it's also not for everyone, some people can't stand it). Personally I love the idea that I can eat big meals and still lose weight. I can do rough estimations of how many calories I'm gonna eat, yet never feel like I'm eating baby-sized portions. It doesn't feel like a cut, once you get into the right mindset.

started at 82kg 7 weeks ago, now I'm at 74kg. I'd estimate about 3kg of that is water weight based on how fast I dropped it.

This. These motherfuckers say they eat so much and they just don't gain weight, then you find out the guy has a boiled egg and toast for breakfast, then skips lunch and has a porkchop with rice for dinner. Same as people who claim diets don't work for them, they're literally fucking lying and don't have the mindfulness to realize what they're doing.

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>I eat two portions of most meals I cook
A portion is fucking relative you blistering retard. If you can't say how much you eat in calories you might as well not even bother saying how much you eat at all. "I eat three portions for lunch, but the I eat 12 quarter portions of a half of chili"

I gain weight super easy, would need the gym to balance it out

/fit/ if you count all the "It's time to get in shape" threads. Otherwise i'd say Sup Forums.

Can you post a picture of your hand?

Just your hand. No one can dox you with just a picture of a hand.

if calories in is less than calories used, then you will lose weight

if calories in is greater than calories used, then you will gain weight


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get me a baker's dozen of pints of beer here's half a crown my good man

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me 5'9 and 145lbs

Fuck that post belly. No one can dox ur belly

LOL. The only thing that matters when losing weight is calories. It's not worth falling for some bizarre or ridiculously strict fad diet when they all just make you eat less calories in the end.

I hate fad diets with a passion, my family constantly falls for them

thats certainly a new and unique opinion i havent read on the internet for the past decade!


People are fucking idiots what are you gonna do?
And then they proceed to eat a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner comprised of fries and soda.

155 lbs

truly dark times

Also if you eating way too many calories, exercise aint gonna do much. An hour of jogging will burn about 400 cals, if you're eating 5000 calories you would have to do a lot of jogging to get rid of that.

you dont eat anything. get myfitnesspal and actually count calories or shut the fuck up

How bout both lel

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WOW, you're a big guy!

beachball mode engage

For you


I'm 5'7'' really good looking, 150lbs and married to a hot asian and I work out once during the week and play my team sport on the weekend.

Start fasting


>married to an asian

checks out

you can lose 50 lbs a month fasting, you could be under 200 lbs by June 1st

fasting is also the only method known besides surgery that takes care of loose skin, it does this via autophagy during fasting, which means your body eats up the spare tissue for energy, look up dr. jason fung


I've lost 17 lbs this month and I still have another week.
I'm a manlet so 17 lbs is a big deal for me.
Maybe I can lose another 3 lbs before the week is over for a full 20 lbs in 4 weeks.

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I simultaneously want to hug you but also punch you in the gut.

I starved myself down to 187 pounds but still have a massive belly. Help me guys

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For you fatties in this thread, DRINK ONLY WATER FROM NOW ON. You can continue stuffing your face but you WILL lose 10-30lbs quickly for free with barely any effort depending on how fat you are.
>waahh but it tastes so bad with my meals!
You need a pallette cleanse buddy. Water is delicious and after a week you're gonna be loving it.
If you can't or won't sign up to a gym then do a 4 day fast once a month. That means 4 days of not eating and only drinking water.
>b-but I'll die!
This guy went over a year without food and turned out fine. He was over 400lbs. Fast more often and for longer periods if it doesn't bother you that much.
That's only for people who refuse to go to the gym. I fasted before and I don't like it but it fucking works. I prefer to eat all I want and working hard at the gym though.

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375, down from 500
no surgery, just diet and going for a walk every other day

Lift weights and stop starving yourself.