Why are there few kinos about popstars? Perfect blue is good but I'd rather watch real people...

Why are there few kinos about popstars? Perfect blue is good but I'd rather watch real people. La vie en rose almost fits the bill but it's obviously not one.

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What's the actual story about this song showing up in everyone's recommended feed?

Someone high up at Youtube liked the song or what?

>New algorithm swap + everyone affected is a fucking weeb who listened to a lot of Japanese music
Is my guess.

it's a good song...

It gets sampled in all the latest meme tunes so it showed up in everyone's related section.

I honestly cant stop listening to this song
based youtube

If you're a complete pleb sure. City pop is grossly overrated by people with limited knowledge of anything but entry level music. The sound is very typical of the 80's and is absolutely everywhere if you took a minute to look past what gets put in your youtube sidebar

Selection bias. It keeps showing up in "people's" feeds because those people spend a lot of time on the internet, watch anime and listen to NEET music like vapourwave. And the people who hear about those people fall into the same demographic.

yet you won't post better songs

Wait does everyone else here like vaporwave? Anyone check out Trash's beanwave video? Kino.

get kino'd bitch

Poster better songs than you Sup Forums browsing autist

>Sup Forums calling

The Kids Are Alright is one of the best documentaries ever made. I know it isn't what you're looking for here, but it was just what came to mind. It isn't a documentarty where you hear a narrator talk about the band, it's literally all live clips and interviews, even if you don't like the music, The Who is probably the most entertaining band to watch.

>thinks vapourwave is some niche thing known only to an elite few

Nice fear grin, bit embarrassing but I'll let it slide.

I didnt say elite i just dont know if it is popular i cant tell i am atomised like everyone else. I doubt everyone gets all those zizek vids in their feed.

it's russian probaganda


Why aren't there any kinos about lofi chill hip hop that you can study/relax to?




why are 80s japanese girls so perfect bros?

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/teencore/ general?


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>Why are there few kinos about popstars?
Because you're a blind underage living under a rock. Become a Duff Buff and you'll experience real kino.

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No! 80's Hong Kong girls!

It's known but not by normal fags who use the internet for basic shit

>you will never be Mariya's plastic love

you dont even understand a thing

stop liking what I DISLIKE REEEEEEEEEE

>he listens to meme shitty Japanese music from his youtube recommended feed
>he listens to Japanese music at all

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you have to go back

>he listens to music

>Why are there few kinos about popstars?
Clearly you are not a cinephile.

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thoughts on this small playlist

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i prefer Koreans

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I'm not a vaporwaver but I get it too. Shit's strange

I'm not sure if you're looking for documentaries as well but give this a try.

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Based !!!FACT!!! poster

joey wong and maggie cheung are top cuties.

getting plowed by a manlet

Patrician taste

8-90's Japanese women > contemporary Japanese roasties

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>playlist name
>playlist music

haven't they split up?

Soon, hue.


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almost famous???

if rock counts

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My guess is because it has enough crossover appeal to be recommended to those who watch Vaporwave/ Sample-based hip-hop/ Mac Demarco-core indie videos on youtube. So basically all roads of meme music lead to this song.

based Bob Spiers

I'm sure most will disagree. But then it isn't your fault that most of you were born into a world of jaded cynics.

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>I'd rather watch real people
ABSOLUTE pleb detected

>he doesn't know about refriedbeankino

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Help! is the best Beatles film though. it has best songs, best plot, and that one scene where the boys are sledding in the alps

Kojima knows

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my nigger

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I'm not exposing good underrated songs from Japan so a nigger like you can get his hands on it.

I don't think this is exclusive just to Japanese. Any girls from 80s and 90s were cute and didn't look like the shit today from the west.

>Any girls from 80s and 90s were cute
I lived in the 80's an I've always hated mall hair and high waisted jeans.

I swear only fucking nigger weebs are impressed by this shit. Literally just a ripoff of multiple shit from America in 70s and 80s, but because it's japanese you think it's revolutionary or some shit.

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70s japanese girls are better

I prefer mid 90s girls more and at least 80s fashion is still better than todays.

The ending was kino

can you believe this singer thought she needed plastic surgery because her look didn't match the genre she was singing.

this is before btw

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>this is before btw

??? She looks more like a plasticy average korean bitch in that picture than the "after". What gives?

Help does have a few better tunes and a certain crazy quirkiness to it, but AHDN is technically a better movie. I do like the one scene in Help where they're recording some music in the studio and one of the engineers asks them if there is something buzzing in the studio and I think it was Lennon who replied "I left my stuff in the car"

they are both from before.

this is after

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at least asian are doing plastic surgery the right way and dont end up looking like some abomination like in america

Absolutely disgusting plastic whore like the rest of them. Good, I thought something new was happening.

What if guys had Chad face operations with jawline changes and nose reprofiles and they all looked the same?

>not being a natural chadface

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What are some movies with a future funk soundtrack?

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>What if guys had Chad face operations with jawline changes and nose reprofiles and they all looked the same?

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>actual old music
>future funk

u fukken wot m8

>nobody mentions The Bodyguard
The fucking Bodyguard