Reddit hates last week tonight now

reddit hates last week tonight now

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wtf im a based redditor now

90% of reddit is the same exact shit as on Sup Forums but with puns
the biggest difference is that reddit has 10% that is "leftist/SJW" that stays away from the rest while on Sup Forums you're not allowed to have any sorts of liberal opinion or threads that don't fit the hivemind.

Is he, dare I say it, argui?

yeah all the upvoting and downvoting on Sup Forums makes sure of that

Worst post I've seen todan

Sort of but also kinda not really
I stay away from Plebbit but if I ever need to ask a specific question about something it's a better place than Sup Forums although you have to make sure you type like other Redditors and I can't pull of "Reddit voice" convincingly enough

based redditspy

wtf I love john oliver now

Time for Sup Forums to start loving John Oliver as a direct consequence, I guess.

Give it more time,the day just started user

t. never been to reddit

>reddit hates last week tonight now
wtf I love last week tonight now

When will John Oliver transition over to the alt-right?

Don't sell yourself short. You are crushing it. I almost started looking for an upvote button after reading your post.

Honestly this, John Oliver is based and always has been

weird liberal opinions can't hold up to shitposters and can only exist with censorship

Nice dubs. But also apparently is new to Sup Forums. Allegedly unable to have a liberal opinion, but Sup Forums allegations are roundidly thrown out and posts are deleted if it even slightly steps off the liberal narrative. I have never seen leftists/ liberal comments removed or deleted, ever. Wonder why that is, on this predominately "alt right" image board?

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wow. that's the first time in 6 years that i liked something on reddit (other than porn).

wtf i love last week tonight now

Remember when Oliver dared Trump to run?

i have thousands of posts on reddit.
r/dc_cinematic + r/prequelmemes + r/freefolk is basically 90% of Sup Forums content

I haven’t been to Reddit since Election Day salt mining. But last time I was there, you literally had to be a Hillary fan to post on most boards, and you were automatically banned from most subs for being subscribed to certain other subs. And you would get downvoted until your comment was basically nuked.

The fact that Kotaku in Action was considered “right-wing” tells you everything you need to know about reddit. Absolutely shit gathering of people.

Here you can say whatever you want, but be prepared to either defend your statements or be called a soy cuck.

It's over Drumpf we love Oliver now!

if you actually think this you are a tourist

> The fact that Kotaku in Action was considered “right-wing” tells you everything you need to know about reddit.
but kotaku in action is right wing. Just because they're not psychotic nazi school shooters like you, that doesn't mean they're not conservative

>kotaku in action is right-wing
No, they are Sargon tier liberal faggots.

>r/dc_cinematic + r/prequelmemes
Maybe if you didn't hang out in capeshit and starwars threads you wouldn't see so much reddit

based oliver confirmed for /ourguy/

They have "based mom" who is just another feminist too

>while on Sup Forums you're not allowed to have any sorts of liberal opinion


Someone on reddit a while back discovered a group of 'power-users' who have taken over half the major subs and turned them into SJW hugboxes. All those subs that ban you for posting 'problematic' things are run by the same few people.
All the posts and the entire subreddit talking about it got taken down by the admins though more info if you care

Reddit is fine as long as you stick to the smaller subs with stricter moderation.

they forgot the self-referential "i'm british" bits

reddit is full of normalfags, you're wrong.

based john oliver

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All it takes to be considered conservative these days is to be pro freedom of speech and anti-censorship.

>arguing about the intricacies of specific reddit boards
Holy fuck reddit isn't just a meme, you're all actually reddifags

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>while on Sup Forums you're not allowed to have any sorts of liberal opinion or threads that don't fit the hivemind.
Why not? How are you stopped exactly?

2 years max and pol will start claiming they were always ironic since mainstream political consensus is shifting to the right

90% of Sup Forums is the same exact shit as on reddit but with puns
the biggest difference is that Sup Forums has 10% that is "rightwing/pol" that stays away from the rest while on reddit you're not allowed to have any sorts of conservative opinion or threads that don't fit the hivemind.

> freedom of speech is when you ban feminists from having an opinion about video games

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If it shifts to the right we will just shift further right

>reddit silver the post

I steal the memes here and repost them on reddit for karma

>mainstream political consensus is moving to the right
Then why are our governments moving further left?

no you won't. see bush era
???? the left is on life support in europe


the upvote system makes a tremendous difference. to get your comment noticed or reciprocated you have to play by the communities rules and pander to the lowest common denominator. people post with this in mind and tend to formulate something that has the highest chance to do so. it's an extremely controlled environment not dissimilar to an actual social situation and it is the complete antithesis of Sup Forums's foundation.

>criticizing is the same as banning Forums/

10 thousand people are online on that board right now
I guarantee that 70/80% of Sup Forums audience overlaps with reddit audience
Sup Forums is probably the only place that is detached from reddit, the anime boards there are completely shit

>the left is on life support in Europe
I guess we just fundamentally disagree on the definition of left vs. right.

I don’t consider someone right-wing just because they claim to be so.

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Bush eta this was a right wing board too

holy fuck that is cancer

and Sup Forums has sage and spamming threads with dubs that don't fit with the hivemind

This honestly explains a lot

sage isn't a downvote button
and spammers (occasionally) get banned

Sup Forums = contrarian

Reddit = Agreeable

Reddit hates Sup Forums because it's too abrasive and Sup Forums hates Reddit because people are overly polite and cordial

When did that ever happen?

> Liberal

You mean liberalistimistifistpisticist?

If that is honestly what you think then you probably post regularly on

The problem with modern leftists is that they have no real arguments. So when they come in here touting their shitty talking points that we’ve dissected a million times already, they are likely to be met with shitposts.

Be a little more clever with your posts and people will respond in kind.

I like Sup Forums because you can call black people niggers.

John Oliver is honestly pretty funny, even if he is a cuck. Right-wingers are so sensitive they can't even appreciate some humor aimed at them.

the only left party that is doing semi ok is labour
radical left is dead
socdem in france are dead same in italy. in germany they had to form a govt with merkel and it willl bite in the ass next time.
eastern europe is very right wing
dunno man. i feel like Sup Forums was much more libertarian and antisemitism was an edgy joke until it wasn't

The yin and the yang. A necessary compliment to each other.

threads dont get deleted for being liberal here. go make some type of conservative thread on reddit and see far you get. you get banned from certain subreddits just because you are subscribed to ones they cry about. Sup Forums is pretty free for a forum type site. sometimes a fag janitor will sneak through and delete posts they dont agree with though

the problem with modern right-wingers is that they always ignore the arguments and points leftists make and start spamming "nigger" and "soyboy" instead

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>So when they come in here touting their shitty talking points that we’ve dissected a million times already, they are likely to be met with shitposts.
>Be a little more clever with your posts and people will respond in kind.

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Anti semitism was an edgy joke until the West let in millions of UN-ironic, anti-Semitic muslims into their countries. Now politicians (especially in Europe) are pandering to their Muslim constituents, they are literally anti-Semitic governments.

You don't have to be right wing to use word "nigger". And what arguments does the left have anyway? Some oppression narrative most likely.

I love plenty of left wing comedians, John Oliver just isn't funny.

Put me in the r/Sup Forums screenshot! Haha yes dude! Epic! Sup Forums is gay, not like us redditors!! :^D

Why are Amerimutts go anti-mudslime but then suck Saudi dick like no tomorrow? It's one of the most hardcore mudslime countries.

What arguments do we ignore? “My feelings hurt” is not an argument. Sup Forums isn’t the best place for political debates either.

>but then suck Saudi dick like no tomorrow?

When did that ever happen? Why are you just randomly making shit up? Trump's arms deal with Saudi Arabia was heavily criticized by his base. One of his 2 genuine mis-steps since he became president. The other one being the attack on Syria, which luckily didn't lead to anything more.

Liberals never have to develop arguments because their beliefs are constantly reaffirmed by the media. When they are challenged on their beliefs on a place like Sup Forums, where an air of smugness is not enough to convince other anons you're correct, they break down and lose their minds. Resorting to calling everyone who disagrees with them a racist sexist drumpf-supporting Sup Forumstard

Saudi Arabia has money and is willing to buy weapons. We don’t have this giant military for nothing, we oughta be making some damn off of it. Hell, we just have the military $700 billion just for the next 6 months.

Just because we don’t Muslims in our country doesn’t mean we won’t do business with them.

>Now politicians (especially in Europe) are pandering to their Muslim constituents, they are literally anti-Semitic governments.
no they don't
merkel backpedaled from her immigration decision and she lost a fuckton of votes anyway
macron block people on the france-italy border despite schengen treaty
in italy lega got 18% and we pretty much created concetration camps on the lybic coast
in england brexit happened thanks to immigration

I am still just in shock that the guy who played Mankini on The Soup is an HBO talking head now.

> le rational slave to oligarchs and neocons

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Brits will likely allow even more pakis now.

yeah but thats because they're retards that didn't understood the implications of their vote

I like LWT and John Oliver, it's a pretty solid show, I just hate the live audience: it's just a dumb concept

tv has really gone to shit. thanks pol.

this has to be bait. I'll happily bite if so.

> they are challenged on their beliefs on a place like Sup Forums,
claiming that Hillary Clinton is a serial killer and leader of a pedophilia group is not an argument user.

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>in england brexit happened thanks to immigration
Yea, but you cucks are going back on that now

>immediately resorts to a strawman

You'll get banned for doing that on any non shitposting board

>giving weapons to a nation that's known to be one of the biggest sponsors of Islamic Terrorism

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>Resorting to calling everyone who disagrees with them a racist sexist drumpf-supporting Sup Forumstard
this is also a strawman

But you literally did exactly that lmao It's not a strawman if happens every single time

Fucking hilarious

I know, but no one's perfect.

im italian mate
maybe because they realized renegotiating every international trety in 2 years is a recipe for being assraped by every non irrelevant country
or maybe because the whole thing was a political move by cameron for securing his 2015 victory and everyone thought remain was going to win

>Saudi are the biggest sponsors of terrorism
Somebody has been reading RT. Tell me how Bush did 9/11 next.

Back to your shithole faggot.

but you did it first
there is nothing to challenge a liberal's opinion from chantards
Sup Forums has retarded political opinions even by right-wing standards, see above where anti-islam squad twisting in a pretzel to defend trump's arms deals with saudi arabia

See this is an example of a non-argument.

Holy fuck all this fucking cancer. This explains all the capeshit and spoonfeeding faggotry. Kill yourselves.

interpreting everything liberals and leftists support as "my feeling hurt" is not an argument. Keep crying about black people kneeling during the anthem

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