Well Sup Forums

Where where they???

hanging from trees

Leafs on a roll today.

Between WWI, WWII, Korea War, and Vietnam, pretty much no ones life mattered. Before that the fucking consumption would kill you.

FIghting a civil war to end slavery.
Actually making progress with civil rights movements.

So nothing worth their effort really, he's got a point.

>The intoxicating vanity of thinking that the distinct denigration of human rights and slavery only dates back to 1619
>Rome took three times more slaves than the sum of slaves procured by the entire trans atlantic trade
>In Rome, Latin prostitutes were forced to dye their hair to lighter colors because light skin and hair made you the nigger of the day
>Fair complexion characteristics were the mark of the enslaved
>but u kno keep drumming that negroid rhetorically selective historical narrative

What did he mean by this?

Whoops, looks like I forgot that slavery and racism are uniquely American institutions, thanks for the reminder.

Why are nigger so obsessed with American slavery. The ones bitching were never slaves. If it bothers them so damn much they should go to countries with slavery, not kill cops here.
Mindless drones.

Reading the Bible and worshiping a dead Jew on a stick?

I may just be retarded, but what's the significance of that year?
13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were in 1865, Civil rights act was 1964, so why 1968?

not born yet?

B-but it thought Romans were white?

Killed by socialist and communist dictators.

Working to free, insure your right to vote, your right to integrate, allow you to play in all white major sports, dumbing their own white kids so retarded niggers can catch up, allow you to be on tv etc.

Nigger contributions to whites = 0

Best thing all kunta kintes can do is return to Africa and prove to the world how amazing you are.

Pro tip: slavery was the BEST thing to have ever happened to pavement apes

Draft maybe?

Fighting for blacks. Blacks started slavery, white people ended it

By modern standards they'd have been called white, but during ye olden times back to the early days of the Roman Republic, an absolutely staggering proportion of their slave population was from the northern gaulic and gothic territories.

Frenchies/Germans = Sub human nigger slaves in the roman republic

The Romans regarded Olive complexion and dark hair as the symbol of the civilized man

>1 post by this id
guys Sup Forums really is infested with bots.

Where was "black lives matter" when your fellow africans sold you off to us as slaves?

What the fuck is this racist shit!
Fucking racists fuck off!

Abolitionists, I thought we learned that in elementary school.

>Nigger contributions to whites = 0
so why did you bring them to america then

No worries up until the emancipation proclamation. We take care of our farm animals so they can do their fuckin jobs. At least the shit skins had jobs and didn't need welfare.

Not castrating your nigger balls.

I don't care. I didn't live back then and neither did you nigger

Waging a war to free the nigger slaves and unify the country i guess

Where was "Black Lives Matter" during that time?

Where's BLM when black kids kill each other over drugs and gang feuds?
Where's BLM when a black kid drops out of school?
Where's BLM when a black kid dies of drug abuse?
Where's BLM when he commits a felony and recklessly gets himself killed?
Where's BLM when a black girl becomes a single mother to mooch off the goverment?

>ancestors literally started the black slave trade
>we're not white so black people can't use their usual tactics against us

>why did you

1% were slave owners, user

we aren't "they"

Who thinks all lives matter anyway? Some serial killer or evil person like George Soros, their fucking lives don't matter. Criminals and parasites don't matter.

Enough with the equality meme

>arabs castrated their slaves

we made a mistake

Black lives matter didnt exist back then either..

As usual, black racists cant into logic.

I live in Memphis and we've had a huge number of homicides this year mostly blacks. Of course the black around here don't give a shit that their kids are going off the rails and killing each other over petty bullshit.

Maybe it's time the black community took a good look at the stock they've kept and come to terms with the problems in their community so they can save themselves rather than wait for others to do it for them.

Black lives do matter but it wont matter if they're all snuffed out by other blacks.

All Lives did not matter back then. Things have changed for better. He should be glad for it.

Where was "Black Lives Matter" when blacks were being sold by their tribal leaders to pay for beads, guns, and shoes?

Buying slaves from black Africans.