This H2O was brought to you by Star Wars™
This H2O was brought to you by Star Wars™
Pretty sure it was bought to me by the money I spent on it.
Why the fuck are they advertising on products I pay for anyway?
Does stuff like this actual sell on brand name? Or is it just a cheap way to make it seen like the brand makes more money than it does?
cause you're a stupid goy
>drinikng water in plastic bottles
The definition of soy boy.
>your a big gay...
>natural apple and yelderflower flavour
Fucking what
those go great with this fruit I bought
Does Rey even sell anything? I'd never buy a product with her on the package.
Looks like a normal ho to me
Head On
>it has no weaknesses
It's actually Daisy's filtered piss.
>buying bottled water
I liked to refill plastic bottles of water because the tap water is good in my county and having bottles in the fridge is convenient. Ended up with a bunch of Rose Tico bottles, her fat ugly face staring at me whenever I go for a drink.
where are the Rose and Finn merchandise?
This has been going on for decades. It's nothing new.
Why wouldn't you buy bottled water? Tap water is shit
>living in third world shithole
Nothing's wrong with these. It's not like they advertise burgers and soft drinks.
Her acting is as light as the calories in the water her face is printed on.
Fucking shill
Bottled water is more expensive than petrol. Pretty wild considering you can get water for free.
Slavshit here
I once seen a potato sack with Dart Vader sticker on it in the local shop.
>Tear up the package and buy only 5 bottle
Great joke man
>apple flavor
What did they mean by this?
is this supposed to make me want to buy the water or to go see the new Star Wars™?
The entire packaging is retarded if you break it down.
>implied naturally apple flavoured mineral spring water direct from a fucking volcano
>is confuse by the concept of flavored drinks
Some bottled water is just packaged tap water.
I have a Brown's gas torch. Burning H and O2 produces water more pure than anything you can get in a bottle. Plus it looks like a little lightsaber.
I can only assume it's to remind people that there's a new Star Wars movie out.
Welcome to a galaxy far far healthier.
Genuinely makes me wonder who paid who for the sponsorship deal. The marketing campaign seemed based around making Star Wars out to be a once in lifetime unmissable cultural event so I wouldn't put it past them to sponsor fucking water.
where can i acquire this based product? need to support /ourgirl/.
Autism speaks
>once in a lifetime unmissable cultural event
>that happens once a year
Is it that hard for star wars to make a profit in the US that they have to resort to such aggressive marketing techniques?
I'm in the UK we have the Star Wars water
It's just to maximise awareness. I'm not sure I'd know about these new movies if it wasn't for Sup Forums.
>the tap water is good in my county
really user
Where i live the local distribution company just pays the local news to show a bunch of cosplaying nerds at their theater premiere and then show tv ads.That's enough to get normies to take their kids to watch it apart from all the social media shilling.
But this is some next level shilling trying to get the star wars brand associated with healthy food.