I just want to make something clear

I just want to make something clear.

Jorge and Anfisa are still together and madly in love.



Attached: anfisa-jorge-90-day-fiance.jpg (500x500, 42K)

how to get a gf like this?

They sleep in separate beds. Call that whatever you want.

Order one

why was he arrested?

It's more comfortable. Some people snore or move a lot during sleep.

He's in the medical marijuana business

Take a guess

didn't this girl have a mixed baby

this guy is a ultra cuck


Ugly bitch.

Attached: model.png (724x698, 525K)


>bad angle
>poor lighting
>blurry photo

Attached: 0214-anfisa-nava-hot-shots-photos-footer-1.jpg (728x483, 124K)

Nah that was the Mormon one.

The only somewhat healthy couple that ever came out of this show was there Colombian whore/effeminate Christmas. I think it's because they were of similar attractiveness.

>Good angle
>Unrealistic lightning
>Photoshop and manipulated photo

Mine is more realistic.


post a pic of the mormon one

They've scrubbed all of social media but I find this pic.

Attached: 90-day-fiance-aleksandra-josh-daughter.jpg (750x545, 38K)


what race is this?

mixed, half russian, half plastic

caucasus mongrel


she is a good fkdoll

la creatura...

Attached: 1520692399111.jpg (400x266, 11K)