Why did orc follow Sauron?

Why did orc follow Sauron?

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cause they're pack animals and he's the big dog

Because he had a good tax policy.

I dont like tax policy meme.

They were created to serve dark lords, it fulfils a biological need for them

if i took his ring would he die?

It makes fun of George R.R. Martin, so this meme is inevitably hilarious.

Sauron was a populist

The nose knows.

Good dental plan


No, unless you are bigger guy than him.

Sauron got them hooked on Orc Draught. It gave them energy and numbed pain but was highly addictive. Orcs served him to get their next fix.

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No, he gave them manflesh.

Why did muslims follow Muhammad ?

Arabian proto nationalism.

So yeah, mordorian (?) pro nationalism

Because Muhammad (pbuh) was a prophet sent by God

Orcs don't live only in Mordor, and there are humans in Mordor. Sauron is leader of multiculti empire.

Promise of gibs


pls explain?

there's no such scene in the movies

Interestingly, those two orc captains in Cirith Ungol were planing to ditch Sauron and go raiding independently, once Gondor is defeated.

I would really love to learn more about orcs and their culture

George criticised Tolkiens writing once in an interview, said something along the lines of ''but the question tolkien doesn't ask is, what was aragorns tax policy?''


he has a point though, doesn't he?

George is fucking retarded


No he doesn't. The economic state of Gondor is not important to the story of the books. Not everyone writes about every shit a character takes

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Okay but what was his tax policy?

>The economic state of Gondor is not important to the story of the books
That is certanly true. But since LOTR is such a influential piece of literature, one shouldn't ignore that it is basically glorifying an opressive, feudal regime.

What a disgusting old man

what's wrong with this quote?

In a better timeline he got drafted and died in nam

We don't know if Aragon's regime is opressive or even feudal. For all we know a week after becoming king he turns Gondor into a democratic republic. But none of that is important in the context of the story of LOTR so Tolkien didn't write about it. He just ended the book.

stay in your safespace

its not you idiot. as lotr plays in wartime, the monarchs of lotr are basically just commanders in chief of their armies. no army is democratic. also the fact that monarchy is the primary type of government in lotr does not mean that its glorifying an opressive, feudal regime. the regime is feudal because the world is feudal. there are also no parts where either rohan or gondor is depicted as opressive towards their people.

he doesnt, he stays king for more than a century after the war ends and his son takes over after him.

>For all we know a week after becoming king he turns Gondor into a democratic republic.
You didn't even read the books, and yet you somehow feel qualified to talk about this subject

So men, elves and dwarfs were nation-states and Sauron was globalists ?

He also says he ''puts himself in the mind'' of his characters when he writes them, so those chapters involving little girls discovering masturbation or ramsey having his dogs rape a woman or similar shit have an even more sinister undertone.

feudalism is the natural state of the universe. even the workings of your body functions on a form of feudalism.

Isn't orc canon that they're basically animals but Sauron controlled them like a hive mind, improving their intelligence slightly just so they could understand orders and communicate better? Once he's destroyed, orcs look around confused and flee.

For what would every orc fight for. A promise of elven breedstock.

>there are also no parts where either rohan or gondor is depicted as opressive towards their people.
That is what makes the book glorify feudalism, since it doesn't show any drawbacks of feudal system

>The economic state of Gondor is not important to the story of the books.
Actually it is. Back in Tolkien's days we can tolerate this kind of ignorance but not anymore now.

back to Sup Forums retard


it also doesnt show any advantages since there is no democracy in the books to compare it to. how can you not get this? lotr is not political in any way. its a fantasy epic.

>So men, elves and dwarfs were nation-states
Each race had at least several states, tribes, whatever. Though elves and dwarfs seem to have deeper racial solidarity.
>and Sauron was globalists
Imperialist, he used pretty much every race for his goals, though elves aiding him only trough treachery.

If anything in the books Orcs are way smarter and less animalistic than in the movies. They are masters of malevolent crafting and machine building. They are cruel and cunning.

The Orcs break and flee after the fall of Sauron because they are cowardly.

No you're thinking of olog hai, the ''smart trolls'' like the one aragorn fought at the black gate. Orcs were still active and evil before and after sauron was in power, just not a serious threat

Last part is true, but they were not hive mind.

Not really, fantasy novels are naturalistic or realistic novels with a fantastical setting whereas LOTR is a constructed mythological epic.

The same reason humans follow Sauron; weak minded fools brainwashed into eternal servitude.

LOTR is a work of Romanticism, which glorifies the "old ways" and portrays medieval way of life in an unrealistically sympathetic light.
While this is certanly legitimate, so is critizising this piece of literature, and pointing out that the actual medieval times were not as perfect, and that it is not so easy to be a "just king"

Tbqh, human were his best servants (they made last stand while orcs fled), to the point that he supposedly even feared them.

Not just orc but people too. Sauron was a honey tongued deceiver, a pretty boi a long time ago. He later lost the looks but gained the ring which amplified his propaganda skills.

Was his boipussy worth it?

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This is like a Honda Civic owner criticizing Ferrari's cars. Tolkien purposely chose to mimic the style of olden Sagas and myths.

>why isnt this medieval fantasy kingdom a liberal democracy?

actual medieval times also didnt have magic, elves, orcs, gods and wizards. why does everything have to be political?

Because politics has everything to do with the fabric of society

>Tolkien purposely chose to mimic the style of olden Sagas and myths.
GRRM isn't saying Tolkin is a bad writer. He is just pointing that in his opinion, Tolkines work didn't accuratly depict the political system of a feudal society, which is one of the major point in a Song of Ice and Fire

Ignore the angry GRRM fanboys, they always get worked up when a better writer is presented to them, same goes with the RPO crowd.

LOTR doesn't really portray how a medieval kingdom opresses average peasants

GRRM's major point should be to write a good series and not focus on whose cunt becomes the world or how many times a character shits water.

>The Captains bowed their heads; and when they looked up again, behold! their enemies were flying and the power of Mordor was scattering like dust in the wind. As when death smites the swollen brooding thing that inhabits their crawling hill and holds them all in sway, ants will wander witless and purposeless and then feebly die, so the creatures of Sauron, orc or troll or beast spell-enslaved, ran hither and thither mindless; and some slew themselves, or cast themselves in pits, or fled wailing back to hide in holes and dark lightless places far from hope. But the Men of Rhûn and of Harad, Easterling and Southron, saw the ruin of their war and the great majesty and glory of the Captains of the West. And those that were deepest and longest in evil servitude, hating the West, and yet were men proud and bold, in their turn now gathered themselves for a last stand of desperate battle. But the most part fled eastward as they could; and some cast their weapons down and sued for mercy.


Sauron was the most loyal boipuci of the god that created them.

they're happier that way faggot

>t. elitist monarch who needs to met the guillotine

Based "based" poster.

>millenial child of the bourgeois larping as a proletarian from the 60's
you need to soap and grow up

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>when Americans try writing fantasy

He had great menus

They were afraid of him. Also their race was "created" by morgoth, and sauron is his heir, so they're following him to please their "god."

>It makes fun of George R.R. Martin
So keep it in your containment general
>so this meme is inevitably hilarious.
It was stale and forced when you stole it from /lit/

It wasn't even a criticism, retards. There's no need to act so insecure.

>He later lost the looks but gained the ring which amplified his propaganda skills.
He forged the rings of power when he was still able to shape shift.
He hides the ring in the foundations of barad dur before he surrenders to the numenoreans.
He is then taken to numenor and corrupts their king, who breaks the ban of the valar, and gets a continent dropped on his head.
He is destroyed, but since the ring has a piece of his "soul" in it, it acts as an anchor to the corporeal world and allows him to keep coming back.
Compare to the death of Saruman in the shire, a great cloudlike mist rises from his body, takes the form of a man, looks to the west, and is dissipated by a strong wind. He had no anchor, so once he loses his physical body he can coalesce without allowances from the valar.
Sauron's ring means he doesn't need a hall pass to be a real boy. As soon as it is destroyed though he's pretty much banished as a formless spirit the same way saruman is. He can't be destroyed completely, but now he can't be anything more influential than a chill on a breeze.

Frodo stop!

i have valuable knowledge implicating gandalf as the true sith lord corrupting the sena--

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Or, conversely, it's a fucking fantasy world where people work a bit differently given that they're depending on shit like magic rings to up their willpower and such.

If you've ever read the last ringbearer Is 100% true

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>glorifying an opressive, feudal regime.
One literally lead by a prophesied messianic figure that literally delivers the world from evil in it's darkest moment.

>girls masturbating
please tell me this is fake

If you don't care about tax policy then you are a literal brainlet only interested in the worst of fantasy where realism is totally removed.

Weren't they elves perverted in creation by Morgoth and when Morgoth got cast out of this reality they follow Sauron, Morgoths right hand

- Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien, 1977

It's a little-known fact that Sauron actually gifted the idea of restaurants with a lot of meat on the menu to the Orcs in exchange for their eternal servitude.