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Share your opinion about this show without using the word reddit. I watched all the episodes for the first time yesterday and kinda liked it.

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Hit or miss, and overly praised by my peers. It can be good stuff, after watching moral orel anytime rick and morty tries to be deep is just a groan fest.

>Morel orel is deep

Are you a 14 year old athiest or just very dim?

The first few episodes were funny, but when you see a few seasons it quickly becomes formulaic and lame. Of course, that's exactly what happens to atheists when their trite hedonism is overcome by existential ennui

At best it can get a few chuckles. The last season was pure trash though.

I like it, although the fans make it almost impossible to like it publicly since they all have autism and are extremely vocal about it.Some of the jokes are kinda sophisticated, most aren't.


It's good. Season 3 was pretty lame though.

Futurama is better; but it's better than no sci fi cartoons at all.

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it's reddit.

>I watched all the episodes
>all the episodes
>and kinda liked it.
then you are a faggot nigger from reddit

In the first season and a few times in later seasons this show did a really good job making old scifi tropes feel fresh. It was pure formula by the end though. This show is the Nickelback of tv, deserving of hatred but bandwagoned by mediocre people who also deserve hatred. Philosophically it pushed pure poison to kids a few times, particularly in later seasons.


>one throwaway line about God during all 3 seasons

Hurr Durr atheists.

>share your opinion about this show without using the word reddit
you're asking too much of Sup Forums

>reddit spacing
really gets the neurons fired up

But God existed in Morel Orel

>reddit & memey


Funny, because 4 years ago Sup Forums was all over this show's dick until it became popular

>he hasn't seen Morel Orel
It's more about family ties and trying to exist in a very structured world. The creator has a lot of other projects that touch on similar themes. It's not what it appears to be on the surface.


It was interesting and fresh for a while. Season 3 I could very easily tell that there was a change in the writing staff, including people who were fans of the show which is always a poison, characters had complete 180s in their personalities for no reason (Morty being competent and Summer being "SO DONE WITH THIS RITE NOW" were the two most glaring ones). I actually really liked the sub plot of Jerry growing as a person after the divorce but they just completely undid all of his growth in the finale. Overall it was an 8 out of 10 show that a bunch of people bandwagoned on and made it bigger than it actually was.

Shitty art, unlikable characters, and forced humor. It might have been decent if it just focused on the adventure aspect, but all too often it gets caught up in boring family/relationship drama which makes it unwatchable half the time.