Name a funnier cartoon thats currently airing (there isnt one)
Name a funnier cartoon thats currently airing (there isnt one)
Let's start
>Bravest Warriors
>Camp Camp
>OK K.O.!
>We Bare Bears
>The Loud House
To name a few
>The Loud House
Yeah maybe if you like retarded poop and fart jokes
None of those are funny, try again
I like TAWOG a lot. It's just a shame that 30% ish of the episodes are kind of wack.
Eh, thats really only been this season but it makes up for it with other episodes. Honestly I enjoy almost every episode even when its not "good"
This show is family guy for kids
I forgot Sonic Boom
That show has more meta humor than Gumball you autist
God I hate these threads. It's just some prick who thinks his opinion is better than everyone else's and when he's presented with a logical response he hits you with the "akcshually"
OP we all know you're the samefag replying to everyone else who's opinion doesn't match yours
ok ko but that's just my opinion it's fine if you disagree
Where did I say anything about metahumor? And also, you're fucking wrong.
Teen Titans Go. S4 TTG is way funnier than S5 Gumball
I do love Gumball, Sonic Boom, and Titans Go for their meta humour, but so far on gumball I'm only up to season 2
I disagree but I'd say TTG is the 2nd funniest cartoon on right now
Nothing in Gumball can beat the Night Begins to Shine, man. That shit was too radical.
Something about Gumball feels incredibly smug to me, same with Gravity Falls.
A challenger approaches
Bait post
I fuckin hope so. See I love TTGo but I have to say, episodes themed on a single joke or line, or holiday episodes are utterly indefensible
>holiday episodes
That's where you're wrong.
Only one of the shows on that list is actually good and funny.
Oh yes, please give me another santa sketch with "all hail the jolly fatman" in the background. The one where they kept fucking up New Years Eve was a good twist, but in general, hell naw dawg
>complains about "baits" in a "my cartoon is better than yours" bait thread
>all holiday episodes are ttg
Agreed. OK KO is head and shoulders above those others.
Are you implying TNBS was not fucking great?
It was shittier than the show normally is, there was 1 "joke."
Actually, I was referring to Clarence but alright.
Now this is a bait
Clarence and KO
If you're young enough to think TTG is funny you shouldn't be here.
>namefag thinks his opinion matter
>putting sage in all fields is a namefag
How new are you?
Not a fan of TTG but its funnier than the Loud House which gets a fuckton of praise for its "comedy"
Wow. You are really stupid
>Meta humor and memes shoehorned in a whole season makes a show funny
I agree. The sad part of this is that TAWoG is even that funny, especially not the current season where it becomes even more reliant on unfunny meta and referential humour.
This is wrong.
This recent season hasn't been funny at all.
There were a lot of good episodes
Yeah but some Gumballfags are delusional
i can't
only sonic boom comes close and the last time i laughed at a cartoon other than those two was bojack horseman
we got a few episodes unreleased. that makes it kinda still airing.
The videogame episode was the only good episode
That's one of the most overrated episodes in thr entire show, literally all referential humor, there were plenty of good episodes this season that weren't "the console"
It actually does, name a funnier cartoon
>That's one of the most overrated episodes in thr entire show
That is a weird way to spell, The Choices
The choices was actually funny
It wasn't at all
get out underage
Anyone else tired of the sudden TTG fan barrage?
Here you go
Now you must kill yourself.
Take a knife and cut your own throat.
Ok ko, that shit has me in stitches while at this point im annoyed by gumball, since its the only thing CN plays besides teen titans go
I kinda agree on that, but the show is geting worse. Think they are running out of the gass, with all this musicals, flashbacks, and shorts, this season.
Petals, console, matchmaker and copycats were good and ex, heist and best were great.
In term of humor, show could never hold a candle to V bros or Archer, though.
>Autist Time Bootleg
>literally who
>Weeb Progressive Bear shit
>/LL/ and /SS/
>Autistic kid as protagonist
to OP: i can list 3 shows that are funnier than the Meta Show
>Teen Titans Go!
>NuBen 10
>inb4 some faggot tells me i'm wrong cause i listed kid shows
>NuMickey Mouse
>Mickey Mouse's VA sounds nothing like Mickey
this guy
man, that shit got old after 4 or 5 seasons. I tried watching the detective season and it was so bad
>matchmaker and copycats and ex, heist
All these were mediocre at best
I think OK K.O. is hilarious, but that's just my opinion which is subjective.
>it's b8 cause my autism can't handle kid shows
go back to watching your 2DEEP4YOU shows friend, maybe you'll figure out how to have mindless fun once you're done
>Mainstream media
>An entire industry that provides funding for the Clinton family
>Of any quality whatsoever
Enjoy your Soma, everyone.
Sure show have it's down, but if you say, that overall archer isn't one of the funniest shows there is now, I would assume that we have rather different sense of humour.
You're right.
Having just watched the series for the first time a couple of weeks ago, I can definitely say it's one of the best times I've had in a very long time.
Even in the fifth season where they get more aggressive and ham-fisted with their memes, the worst I find myself doing is feeling a little off for a few moments before it goes back to being a great time.
There is something to be said about being able to watch it all in one shot, however. I suspect that it might be a lot harder going in from the perspective of a veteran, getting these newer episodes as they come out.
Like I said, enjoy your Soma.
The fuck you are talking about?
>Doesn't read dystopian literature
>Thus proving them right
Faggot Nigger is your new name
>attacks with insults
what a surprise
Gumball has got nothing original going for it anymore, it's mostly meta humor and when meta humor becomes the norm, it loses all of its charm because it's no longer unexpected. Still a fun show to watch and it certainly looks better than most other shows of this decade.
Cool it with the autism please.
>Mainstream media
>Nothing original
No shit.
Fuck off.
Why don't you cool it with the liberalism?
Does anybody get what this guy is typing? All I can see is: "I'm retarded Sup Forumsish namefag, hurr durr".
Says someone who can't make arguments against what I'm saying
>Sup Forums
I just called you out for liberalism, why would I be in the company of more liberals?
>>Meta humor and memes shoehorned in a whole season makes a show funny
>It actually does, name a funnier cartoon
>it actually does
with that logic even nuPPG is good
Did I win?
It was until this fall. This latest set of episodes have been fucking awful. It's like their trying to be South Park-lite with Family Guy tier cutaway gags. Too topical with Donald Trump, SJWs, outdated memes, and Star Wars sequels.
Also, that bath salts joke went too far. I can't remember what episode that was but this show isn't the Gumball I started watching anymore.
Pretty much this. The show's just way too damn smug all the time.
True, the last 10 or so episodes they've released were mostly shit, there were a few good ones though like the singing and the petals
How is season 2 so far. I love this show but I don't have Disney XD. Are there any decent rips?
The good episodes of season 5 are some of the best in the series, but the but it has season 1 tier episodes quite frequently as well.
The quality of the show has dipped of late, but that's natural, really. All good things must come to an end.
Let's just hope they end it with season 6 - I'd hate to have it turn into another Simpsons
Season 5 has some of the best episodes in the whole show but also some of the worst like "the sorcerer", "the best", "the stars"
you start
It might of dipped in quality but not as bad as Rick and Morty, the last season was complete trash
Agreed. I laughed maybe once in the first 4 episodes and then stopped watching.