What do you guys think of Chinese bootleg man?
What do you guys think of Chinese bootleg man?
He's alright
He brings something new to the table without being overly preachy.
Fatbat is a gift
One of the best rebirth comics and a sterling example of a legacy character.
I really like him. The trigram thing is really smart; it turns it into a hybrid cape wuxia story.
This! Fatbat is best husbando
Keep on shilling because this title sorely needs it
>likeable asshole superman
>fat punished Batman
>snake girl Wondie
>sassy girl bully Flash
I love the Chinese league, can't wait to see their Green Lantern counterpart
Rooks rike a jerb for Superbman!
Very fun, very good. I dread the day there's a change of writers.
He's like Jake Long except minus the Wigger part.
I fucking love New Super-Man
I actually hated the MC but I liked Batman and Wondy.
needs to be mentored by August General in Iron so he can serve China better.
This. It's a trinity with actual personality like RHatO
I loved the concept, but the slow start made me ignore the book.
I've started reading the past 4 issues, and it feels like a completely different series, being one of the best comics DC is making right now.
Why wont Bat-Man rape the Alpaca?
He and the JLC are great.
I'd be fine with Avery Ho getting the Impulse Monkier.
Love him and his book.
I'm glad they kept his dead alive, i thought that was the coolest character.
and giving the Great Ten an actual good comic
Dude, that's incest
He's great. His book's great. His team's great.
Baixi is best Fatbat, Deilan is my snakefu.
I don't care about Superman, this one is my superboy from now on lol
It isn't really important that he is chinese but the book is so cool, this guy looks great too...the colors maybe, red, black and gold look elegant besides he isn't so super, more like a normal guy
He is a treasure, and his book is the best Rebirth title.
Love it. Makes me really question who buys comics when Harley Quinn and Suicide Squad and a few other trash books get greenlights to keep continuing when NSM gets the axe. Even if we are supposedly getting a JLC book instead.
They uncancelled it.
#18 was going to be the last issue, but now it's continuing with a filler issue by the chick who writes (She-)Hulk before Yang picks it back up at #20.
The early chapters and the premise of literally being bootleg supes doesn't help it
It isn't cancelled at all.
eat shit kiddo
stay mad
Yes. Because there's 22 shills
>implying I don't actually like New Super-Man
I understand why you're so defensive, but you misunderstand, I want you people to keep shilling this book so it stays alive, it's one of the few things that DC is producing that's worth while at the moment
There are plenty more shills than just 22 user, I'm betting there is closer to 52 on Sup Forums at any given moment
>Implying gooks and nips would sit with Chingchongs
Batmao is a precious cinnamon roll who must be protected
Super Young Team crossover when?
She's his nbr sister.
Yellow ranger when?
>no hyphen in Justice League
It's China. They're all yellow rangers.
I want a RHATO crossover
t. Commissioner Jiu Guo
I love how all the variants involve food in some way
RHatO has been good lately? I dropped it about ten issues into the nu52
Yeah, the dark trinity is great now, Jason is husbando material, Artemis makes you want to stop for a quick fap at least once per issue and Bizarro is just great in general
>tfw the future Chinese “green lantern” wears a yellow power ring.
Bizarro? Fuck, I had no idea. Time to find links for all those issues I've missed. I assume it get reset back to #1 with Rebirth?
You haven't read it, have you?
Thanks bud
Kenan's hot mom!!!
I am genuinely curious about how they will pull this off since rings are not easy to get and cannot be replicated by humans, I am hoping its a shitty knockoff that can only create illusions and the most basic shape constructs (which would just be force fields or something like that), like a device that is only supposed to mimic the rings in a superficial level but can only do a small fraction in comparison
>Chinese Lantern
Shit's cash. It's basically anti-America
I honestly prefer the new artist over the old one, but that's just me
>It's basically anti-America
You are very seriously misunderstanding this comic
I mean America the Marvel comic
Oh, right. Yeah ok I see where you're coming from then
A Chinese lantern would have an orange ring because they're all greedy fuckers
So do you think Kenans run got extended to launch a JLC or JLI book?
Remember to think with your head and not your heart
How much pull does Lee have in the company right now? Because this book is Lee's baby, so it might survive another few months by the virtue of being daddy's favorite
I never knew how perfect this would be and how much I needed it.
The Chinese govertment would never be ok having a green latern that is not 100% under china cotrol.
Does anybody else think DC are going to try to kill off the Great Ten at some point?
Considering General's the only one who even rates, it wouldn't be much of a tragedy.
>Artemis makes you want to stop for a quick fap at least once per issue
jesus christ this. what the fuck shes so hot
This is the only book that I double pull for the variants.
You don’t know what you’ve missing on, m8.
Didio has done so frequently with books like All Star Western, and Lee's either equal to him or right behind so I imagine he can easily get the pull he needs.
These fucking guys...
As a Marveldrone, this is the only DC comic I'm regularly reading. Amazing how DC managed to do a legacy token right when Marvel continually drops the ball on em.
Does that mean no JLC?
Iirc, they're changing the name after issue #20, but they announced what the new name will be. So we'll still probably get it, with #20 being a transition into JLC.
Based as fuck
Fuck you.
Neat costume, I have absolutely no interest because the chinese bootleg doesn't really carry to me.
Yeah, I thought the same thing.
The Chinese Green lantern would use the closest thing to lantern ring that human can make.
Do they have hard light technology?
>Do they have hard light technology?
Yep. There were like, two whole issues about it
He is been great, i hope the Justice Legue of China become a reality
The batman academy uses it for training
Yeah and it looked like the construct were very similar to the Green Lanterns, but they were created by a giant server and not a ring
But light construct are already a thing in China, the ghost girl have a gun that shoot constructs
Fat Batman is best Batman
I like that it feels like an episode of Jackie Chan Adventures. Definitely glad I started reading.
It's just a green holodeck but I think they actually do refer to it as based on or inspired by GLs. I'm sure it was to set up the eventual bootlegging of a ring.
Thats awesome.
All the dudes that cosplay as kenan are actually the chillest guys at cons
They talked about a Lanter Academy so i think they will eventually have one in the team
Probably no one have graduated yet
This for some reason. Polar opposite of deadpoolfags