There was a thread earlier discussing Steven Spielberg, and I decided to check his filmography...

There was a thread earlier discussing Steven Spielberg, and I decided to check his filmography, and I realized he has made more critically panned/bombs than he has made kino. Why did he keep getting jobs after Joe Versus the Volcano or Gremlins 2? Or Hook? I've seen so many directors with real kino under their belt, John Carpenter or Peter Weir, pass into obscurity over 1 poorly performing film, whereas Spielberg churns them out but has a seemingly teflon coated record. What is he doing that other directors/producers/writers aren't?

>Empire of the Sun (Directed)
>Always (Directed)
>Hook (Directed- bombed commercially and critically inb4 nostalgia)
>Amistad (Directed- failed at the box office and recieved good to poor reviews. Failed at the Oscars despite obvious Oscarbait)
>Dad (writer and producer)
>Dreams (writer and producer)
>Joe Versus the Volcano (writer and producer)
>The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Directed- inb4 nostalgia)
>Gremlins 2 (writer and producer)
>A Wish For Things That Work (writer and producer)
>The Terminal (Directed)
>The Legend of Zorro (writer and producer)
>The Transformer Series (Producer and writer for the first, producer for sequels- critically panned despite being commercially successful)
>The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Directed- bombed in the box office and panned by the critics)
>Bridge of Spies (Directed-bombed and panned as boring)
>Cowboys and Aliens (written and produced)

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Oversimplification but basically Spielberg is really personable with loads of connections, easy to work with/work for/manage. If you can keep that up plus make a few genuine hits you can coast along in Hollywood for decades. Ridley Scott is the same way, hes made a load of shit everyone forgets because hoyl fuck Alien/Blade Runner/what have you.

Because his hits are so colossally successful and popular, and so front-loaded in his career, that he can keep on truckin' regardless.

He's one of a handful of directors whose name became a brand in itself. You would go to see a Spielberg movie because it was a Spielberg movie.

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being successful in hollywood isn't just from box office returns. sure, you should have a hit or at least a critical/awards success every once in a while but more than anything it's about successful networking and pleasing your higher ups.

>He's one of a handful of directors whose name became a brand in itself.

McDonalds and Coca Cola are a brand unto themselves amd dominate the world market, but that doesn't change that they're just caffeinated sugar water and high fat high carbohydrate heart killing garbage.

>The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


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It was absolute dogshit

why is Sup Forums comparing movie directors to soft drinks

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Because they both contribute nothing to your life but momentary pleasure which is quickly forgotten.

what was wrong with Empire of the Sun?

Probably the weakest of any of his movies.
A real dog shit tier flick

ur gay

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It's a million times better than The Lost World

Food analogies are easy for dumb people to make and understand

His first feature film is still one of the greatest films of all time.

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Hook is fantastic, fuck you.

Not to shit on the Crystal Skull hate, because it is a bad movie, but it didn’t bomb in the box office. It made back most of its budget in its opening weekend, and has made more than the others in the series. Which sucks, but it’s true.
It wasn’t a critical flop either, 77% on rotten tomatoes isn’t a flop.

What the fuck? Because I criticize Spiebergos filmography I'm a nazi? Fuck off redddit

>Talking shit about Joe Versus the Volcano

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Spielberg had a knack for stroking Americans, back in the 1980s-90s. He lost that talent, and became a boring propagandist.

Gremlins 2 is kino

Why does George Lucas take the blame for Crystal Skull but Raiders of the Lost Ark praise go to Spielberg?

Because internet manchildren demonise and deify creators of entertainment accordingly to fashion commonly-agreed upon good guys/bad guys to blame for the peaks and valleys in their bland, indifferent, entitled, mollycoddled, ungrateful first world lives.

Lucas' stake in Indiana Jones is far bigger than most realise. Creatively speaking it's 70-80% his baby.

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>Makes list of Spielberg's "failures"
>90% of them are just movies he partially co-produced with dozens of other people and didn't direct himself
Ignores his huge list of similar co-productions that were hugely successful
>talks shit about Gremlins 2 which we all know was pretty fun
>pretends JP2 was an actual failure and not just a usual sequel downgrade
>talks shit about Hook which was still above average at worst (thank you based Hoffman)
>talks shit about Crystal Skull which....ok you've got a point there but you're still a faggot, OP

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Causing it's easy to blame things on Lucas (if it's bad it's Lucas, if it's good oh it's somebody down the production line going against his wishes), even though all the elements of Raiders were Lucas, while Spielberg wanted Indy to use the whip to catch beer or pull women, and thought Burt Reynolds of Mikhail Baryshnikov would be a good Indy while Kasdan was pissed cause Marion didn't get drunk and almost fuck Belloq.
And since Spielberg has like 4 Oscars and veto powers he could've said no to the aliens plot. He's the only peer Lucas listens to, not some fabled yes man people think follow Lucas like entourage.

He's a kike, duh