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I was watching SNL like I do every week a few weeks ago and something surprised me - almost none of the non-whites knew how to skate. But every white person did. This shocked me. I mean, they basically all from New York but none of them knew. Micheal Che, The giant gorilla woman, that other woman who I cannot tell if she is white or latino with big teeth.
In fact Kenan was the only non-white who did, and he skated really easily, so I know it's not just a genetic inability to skate. What was this about? Why didn't they know how to skate? And how come every white person did?
He was in mighty ducks tho
yes or no?
Skates cost money. Kenan wasn't raised in a typical black household on account of being a child TV star, but the others were raised by mothers who 100% said "I ain't payin for no got damn skatin lessons or not got damn skates. Now do ya chores before ya catch a whoopin"
Superior white brains easily calculate all the variables involved in skating. Nigs can be trained.
All my Yes.
i don't know, but it's weird how one of the best american speed skaters of all time is black
100% yes. If women age like wine, then small women age into balsamic vinegar.
how dumb would you have to be to think it was a realistic possibility that it was a genetic inability?
>If women age like wine
They don't.
Oh, that's right. What I meant to say was, if women age like milk, then small women age into expensive cheese.
I hate this show. Ron is supposed to be a stiff libertarian Michael Scott. Aziz has no acting skill. They keep loading it with social commentary. They force drama (suddenly Chris Pratt goes from cleaning the apartment with bilateral femur fractures to make a romantic evening to lying about his length of treatment just to shake up the plot) for ratings and failed to realize that the jew they try to play off as a seductive ladies man has the charisma of a plank of wood and mediocre looks. Amy Poehler has to carry this shitshow on her back and it shows.
Americans have niggers. Other countries have barbarians and black people who don't make a big thing about being black, so partake in activities that won't label them an uncle Tom or whiteboi.
chris prat is pretty funny in this tbqh. once he lost all the weight he became a fag tho
Probably the same reason why blacks don't swim or blacks don't like car racing or skiig. Don't give me any of that shit about costs.
An okay pair of skis costs 200$. Jordans costs way more. The only problem with skiing is the inconvenience of it. You have to drive an hour to get to a place.
Skiing is just seen as a white thing to black people.
Bitch clearly you never paid for a ski trip
>failed to realize that the jew they try to play off as a seductive ladies
You mean the character they wrote off early on because they realized he sucks and nobody likes him?
>that other woman who I cannot tell if she is white or latino with big teeth.
you watch your tone when talking about my melissa , boi
>doesn't know that the dollar sign comes before the amount
>thinks his opinion on anything matters
>Amy Poehler has to carry this shitshow on her back and it shows.
And she isn't funny whatsoever so the show is garbage. Agreed.
>stiff libertarian michael scott
not really, he's smart and not a manchild
Exactly, but for a while they forced the fuck out of him
Ironically I don't think anyone Parks was jewish
jean ralphio spin off when?
>I enjoy the worst part of a terrible show
it's shit for rich white people
Would absolutely ruin her
He was only there for the 6 episode first season that doesn't count, and the second season. There were 5 whole seasons that he wasn't involved in, because the creators tried to make the character work and quickly realized he didn't.
>Bitch clearly you never paid for a ski trip
To where? The swiss alps. wtf do you think you're making?
this is /tv. who cares.
jean ralphio is kino please go away
Look at the producers, writers, etc. Mostly Jewish.
In Knope's office there are multiple photos of popular and known female political figures. One I always notice is Bella Abzug, a powerful 2nd wave jewish feminist and congresswoman that 99.9% of the world has never heard of. I always get a kick out of seeing her forced photo.
A lot of people care about whether or not you're American, which is the only type of person that matters.
>Whips out penis
I did find it odd he left after the first season. Probably his penis story followed. Which probably means many people in the industry knew about way before it got out.
Name five good sitcoms that weren't written by Jews. Also, neither Greg Daniels nor Michael Schur are Jewish, and the only two prominent Parks and Rec writers who I know are Jewish are Joe Mande and Harris Wittels
This is how shitskins think of everything they can't do.
Use Sup next time
Failed. See me after class.
I first heard about the jacking off shit on Sup Forums several years ago, it's funny it only gained traction during #metoo
>good sitcoms
That's where you messed up.
Are you just going to ignore my second point about how Parks and Recreation's Jewish writers number is far below the industry standard?
literally everybody in comedy knew and nobody cared
Because he did nothing wrong.
of course, but nobody wanted to step forward and be seen as defending sexual harasser by defending him, which they do in private
Leslie's obsession with Holley Clinton and female politicians was repeatedly shown to be childish and ready superficial, at least. They didn't really celebrate Hillary with that gag.
Criticizing Parks and Recreation for the way it handles politics is a total brainlet move. You'll never be able to convince that type of retard that he's wrong.
I'm reality, a very small percentage of people know how to skate. Most of the white people I know can't skate despite having two public rinks within reasonable driving distance. Oddly, a lot of black people I know can skate because of the popularity of inline skating in the 90s-early 00s.
At least he doesn't think The Office was a liberal show
Ice skating, not land skating.
Greg Daniels is a New York Jew, he married Susanne Dari (neƩ Lieberstein) Daniels, who is also Jewish.
Michael Schur is also Jewish
>Good sitcom
Sitcoms are bottom barrel entertainment revolving around forced relationship drama and wooden, stereotypical characters. The genre is the popcorn entertainment for the bored. That said, Parks and Rec is not a good sitcom.
Look, I don't know what to tell you, man. If you don't like Jews, then you don't like American media.
Most American media is garbage. Cancelling my cable was one of the best things I ever did.
Okay, cool. What movies and TV do you like?