Just rewatched Star Trek TOS and I've got to say that "Andomeda's Tears" is the best episode of this series...

Just rewatched Star Trek TOS and I've got to say that "Andomeda's Tears" is the best episode of this series. Even better than "Emperor Spock!" like everybody claims.

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I've not really watched any of the fanshows. They always seem like they're just too embarrassing to sit through.

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"Do Not Go Gentle" is pretty good. So is "A Minor Oversight."

guess I just love TOS.

Pleb tier episodes, everybody says they like "Andromeda's Tears" . "Let the Children come", "An exercise in Stardust" and "The Enterprise Factor" are the unsung classics.


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It's "AndRomeda's Tears" you fucking idiot.
(Pic related : spock confronting Andromeda)

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Season 1 of TOS is genuinely good and funny (minus few episodes). S2 is also good. S3 on the other hand is mostly terrible, every episode is : Kirk and crew go to some new planet, kirk fucks some chick, she falls in love with him, kirk beats the bad guy, they leave the planet.

What about Kino season 3 episodes like "who mourns for a king" and "Klingon Stratagem"? I think you are selling S3 short just because of stinkers like "Mudd in the game"

"The Stranded' was also season 3.

I have too rewatch it one day, it's been years.

y tow faves are "The Rigel Solution" and "Visions of Icarus."

That's not Whom Gods Destroy

>it's an user doesn't get the joke and spoils the fun for everyone else episode

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Am i missing something? A lot of these episodes are not listed in the episode list for the original series and i don't remember them

Yes you are missing something.

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What? A meme i'm unaware of?

Memes didn't exist in the 1960s, so no.

Must episodes:

"The Goddard Dilemma"
"Empty as the Night Sky"

TOS diamonds in the rough:

"All in the Game"
"Litany of Sirens"

But ironically, "Diamond in the Rough" was not a good episode.

I agree that "A diamond in the Rough" was prety bad, but not as bad as "Laughter's Paradox."

>It's another being with god-like powers episode

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"Does the king not do the bidding?" Easily has the hottest guest chick of all season 3 eps.

"Gordian's Gambit" is my favorite Kirk argues a computer to death episode.

"the plebes gambit"

how did you do it,seriously what made you decide to go back to 79 episodes consisting of 50 minutes each ?
To accomplish this task it took me more than a month,I kept watching episodes everyday,EVERY SINGLE DAY,I couldn't even leave the house,I would wake up in the morning at about 12, open up VLC and then I wouldn't stop until 3 AM.
I cannot imagine myself going through this ever again.

What was the most kino name of any TOS episode?

Let That Be Your Last Battlefield

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky