How to fix Sup Forums

get Sup Forums X extension for chrome
settings wrench
filters tab
choose general
copy paste the following:

#waifushit and pedoshit

boards:tv;op:only;/next for/i
boards:tv;op:only;/see this/i
boards:tv;op:only;/what do/i
boards:tv;op:only;/at a party/i
boards:tv;op:only;/blocks your path/i
boards:tv;op:only;/this girl/i
boards:tv;op:only;/beautiful woman/i
boards:tv;op:only;/body of work/i
boards:tv;op:only;/she's back/i
boards:tv;op:only;/her career/i

#pointless threads and autistic memes
boards:tv;op:only;/OH NO NO NO NO/i
boards:tv;op:only;/trying to convey/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/putting together a/i
boards:tv;op:only;/will never understand/i
boards:tv;op:only;/just a story/i
boards:tv;op:only;/how do we save/i
boards:tv;op:only;/what is some/i
boards:tv;op:only;/what are some/i
boards:tv;op:only;/mean by this/i
boards:tv;op:only;/is back on the menu/i


boards:tv;op:only;/until avatar 2/i

#Sup Forumsshit and bait:

boards:tv;op:yes;/and that's a good thing/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/and it's beautiful/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/wifes son/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/wife's son/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/wive's son/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/wives son/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/wifes boyfriend/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/wife's boyfriend/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/wive's boyfriend/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/wives boyfriend/i
boards:tv;op:yes;/'s burden/i

Attached: cropped_10552084_1210262170_Nfk9_Fotolia_44394950_Subscription_XL%2B_281_29-4354x2795.jpg (600x385, 76K)

BASED. thanks

t. hates fun

>he literally filters "beautiful woman"
The absolute state of redditqueers

Attached: two-girls-laughing-white-background-8038497.jpg (800x533, 82K)

>same shit threads and unoriginal memes every day = fun
>shilling of literal who actresses= fun
>cp/lusting after underage girls = fun
not my definition of fun
thankfully harebrained autists like repeating the same phrases over and over so it's easy to filter

>boards:tv;op:only;/until avatar 2/i

This but I’m not filtering Avatar 2 threads. They are the glue that holds this community together

Attached: 1473885671866.jpg (936x960, 302K)

>boards:tv;op:only;/beautiful woman/i
LMAO how gay can you be

Attached: laughing-504143.jpg (1300x957, 387K)

Sure, you can adjust it to your liking my dude
The Sup Forums technician fixes it to your liking!

For shilling add the stranger things cast and stranger things general, you wouldn’t want Reddit shit in your board.

it is to filter the cunnybot morons

The only thing I filter is /who/ and those stupid reylo threads, if pictures of beautiful women upset you then you should consider going back to r*ddit

The current state of Sup Forums is because of people using filters instead of doing everything they can to get the parasites off the board

don't use gimmicks like this
fight them head on

Making a wild assumption here...
If "they" finally go commercial and try to become a social network, expect to see a lot of refugees across the blue boards. "They" have increasingly caved into media pressure in recent years and are on a holy quest to make their site more advertiser-friendly. A significant portion of their userbase doesn't like that at all. And if it finally gets unbearable, they will just leave. But to where? Certainly not Voat.

All the shit that gets posted here is a necessary evil.

>filtering out waifus and cunnies
Holy shit nigga how gay can you be.

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You just blocked 100% of the catalog you faggot.


Attached: DEH.jpg (480x360, 4K)

lel no

it only blocks 10-15 threads at the time and they're all shit, brainlet

Not him but I'll try it. Just stop advertising chrome. Chromium has literally the same advantages and Firefox+Tampermonkey can do the same here. So no need to throw data like a normie.

kys. not everyone is a neet pedo
i don't want little baby girls in suggestive poses on my screen while i browse Sup Forums at work (or any other time for that matter)

>t. Dagon

>#Sup Forumsshit and bait:


you can talk about whatever the fuck you want Sup Forumstard
i'm just not going to see it

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I mean if you wanna talk about Sup Forumsstuff, I know this will be hard to understand for you, why don'T you talk about it on Sup Forums.

Attached: the_donald17.jpg (512x512, 47K)