Pacific Rim: Uprising

>main reason Sup Forums shit on the movie is because of that "War Ready" song in the trailer
>It's not even in the actual movie, just the trailer
>Sup Forums will meme it to death anyway.
Bravo, Sup Forums/.

The movie is actually good.

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sorry mate, but you have shit taste.This film is garbage.

yes, lack of War Ready in movie was big lettown...

Its not good I literally just watched the cam

Weekend shills hard at work...

Have you seen it? It's not a master piece, but it's a solid 7.5/10. It depart itself fromt he first movie, but doesn't forget its roots.
Watch it again. Good fights. Nie characters with good chemestry and it make good use of the threads let in the first movie. It really don't see why you would hate it.

>this guy doesn't think like me
>must be a shill
Great rethoric, there, user.

The movie's decent. I wouldn't say good.

I think the reception of this movie wwould have been different if Sup Forums had seen that trailer instead:

Movie starts out really strong, and then gets a little cliche. Rushes emotional peer bonding moments. Villain is fucking GRADE A, unexpected plot twist, to the max. No way was I thinking what would happen actually happened.

Good action, but it all felt very rushed

I had fun watching it. I think what was telling me the most about the quality of this movie was how that little kid was pretneding to be a robot and making punhcing and fight ing sound right after the screening. He clearly loved it.

nice try shill. kill yourself

It's objectively a shit movie, not even the critics can pretend otherwise. Why on earth you'd want to make a sequel to a movie which bombed in the states is just insane in itself, then make it even worse than the original.

No wonder they have to pay guys like you to try and trick people to watch it.

This is so good.

>Objectively a shit movie
It's not. It's a crazy fucking movie and I think idiots go in expecting retard transformer shit and they don't get that at all, so they say they don't like it.

Critics have never understood giant monster movies, especially giant robots fighting giant monsters, and they only gave the first such a good score because it was directed by Del Toro.

>It's objectively a shit movie, not even the critics can pretend otherwise.
It's objectively a fun movie. When it comes to giant robots fighting giant monsters, it's probably one of the best.

>Why on earth you'd want to make a sequel to a movie which bombed in the states is just insane in itself
It succeed in china and they helped in investing in the sequel.

>No wonder they have to pay guys like you to try and trick people to watch it.
People can have differnet opnion than you without needing to be paid.

If "you are getting paid" is your best argument, then you have none.

Did you see it?
Because it's not "shit."
The pacing is too fast, but otherwise, it's a very solid, general action flick. The giant robots/giant monsters are really fucking well done.

Too bad it spoils on the final monster.

yeah but that's like saying Godzilla spoils by showing Godzilla

Its worse than the original in every way and that says a lot considering the first wasn't even that great

It's worse than the original but gives us more robots and more monsters so that's that.

I have literally just seen it in at the cinema, was meh. should have had more actual mech fights. and wtf is it lately with these little girls being geniuses and building big robots, on their fucking own?
aside from that, I never actually liked the idea that you need 2 people in some retarded fusion-type thing to operate a robot, whats up with that

the kaiju cyborgs were cool and obsidian fury could've really just have been THE monster antagonist the whole time. i feel like they had enough material to work with for a sequel without jumping RIGHT back into kaiju shit.

imo it could've gone:
>10 years later, could have the movie dealing with the worldwide tension of governments having giant military robots
>jaeger drones are being made, that in and of itself could be a factor of tension in the plot; will they be used properly/unjustly/etc
>play up the whole "there's a traitor in the PPDC" thing
>obsidian fury shows up, wrecks shit, that plot goes the same but just later into the movie
>newt activates his plan, kaiju cyborgs attack
>new cadets have to fight the kaiju cyborgs lead by obsidian fury
>move the obsidian fury siberia fight to the end
>either A) hint at kaiju coming back or B) go balls to the walls with it and have newt win at the end and the kaiju return but escape, leading into a third movie

It's not as good, but it's still good.

I will say that though, one thing urpising does better than the the first movie is actually display the fighting abilities of the secondary jaegers more.

>he copypastes his comment for (you)s
Aww, here you go sweetie
Poor little guy, bless his heart

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That youtube video doesn't make sense. if anything that movie should receive better review, not worse. I feel full bullshit from this.

>i feel like they had enough material to work with for a sequel without jumping RIGHT back into kaiju shit.
But that's how they did it. Before the Kaiju, there were the drone.

Kek, this guy REALLY wants you to go see this shit flick panned by critics and audiences alike, in fact he'll spend his entire saturday arguing for why you should pay good money for watching junk.

>but he ain't no shill, oh no...

Just rip it from the web and only go see it in theatre if you like it, if you must. But I enjoyed that movie.

I don't care about crititc, and I feel like people who give the most hates to that movie are actually the ones who haven't seen it.

>panned by critics
that would mean it's good, only literal retard listens to SJW critics

This movie is pure contrieved bullshit that shouldn't exist. They use their suercomputers to compare the kaijus' paths from both invasions and they discover the aliens just used them to find volcano minerals to make a quimical reaction and poison the entire world. So why the fuck create giant monsters in your stupid lab, deploy them from the ocean, if the real reason you created them was to find a fucking volcano? Why not just create the portals in japan instead? Why not creating the portal right underside the volcano,taking the materials that you need without alerting the humans, and doing your thing? Why need giant monsters at all, why not opening the portal and doing it yourself or sending a machine to steal the minerals? Fucking retarded bullshit movie pissed me off

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>the kaiju cyborgs were cool and obsidian fury could've really just have been THE monster antagonist the whole time. i feel like they had enough material to work with for a sequel without jumping RIGHT back into kaiju shit.
nigger the point of the franchise is robot vs monster fights, both you and Steve DeFag didn't get it

One good thing I to the credit of that movie, when the "Child prodigy" actully get to the academy, she actuallly suck because of lack of professional credit.

So glad they didn't go with the "she is breaking all highscore on her first testrun" BS

Yeah she was a genius but sucked dick and made stupid decisions.

this desu

that's pretty neat.

>shilling a movie that made 10 million dollars
>will probably be a niche film

Maybe they actually just liked it

Wow a discussion thread with 50 replies about a critically panned movie sure would have a lot of marketers and shills on Sup Forums

>People can have differnet opnion than you without needing to be paid.
you have shit opinions. my opinion>yours, kill yourself shill.

>I-if the critics hate it, that means it's Good! A-and if they like it, that means it's bad!
The absolute state of Warner shills

>this beat up bloody guy doesn't look pretty
no fucking shit?

Most critics and viewers aren't going to understand this movie, just like they didn't get the first one.

One of the critics insults it by calling it transformers shit.

It's literally not even remotely similar to transformers level stuff. The guy is so brain dead he can't separate "robots" in movies.

oh so know you are pulling the "critics AND audiences are too stupid to get Snyder's epic biblical references" card? Get the FUCK out

I'm a bit dissapointed with Gannicus cameo. I expected him to have more scene like Ashur did instead of just standing around.
All the female cast are cute though, so that's a plus.

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>This movie is pure contrieved bullshit that shouldn't exist.
Uh? No. Plot is solid enough to carry the fights, which is what matter.

>o why the fuck create giant monsters in your stupid lab, deploy them from the ocean, if the real reason you created them was to find a fucking volcano? Why not just create the portals in japan instead?
Because they first had to find the earth to find the actual volcano with the right rare metal in enough quantity.

They don't know form the start were it will be. And apprently, you need deep water to create those portal.

>Why need giant monsters at all
to carry the huge quantity of blue blood needed to create the reaction and make sure nothing get in their way. It's not the amount of of liquid you can carry discrelty anyway.

>Fucking retarded bullshit movie pissed me off
Look like the reason you hated the movie was a what you think was a small plot holethat could easily get explained anyway.

There, I just destroyed the only reason yopu hated that movie, What do you think of it, now.

I wish there were more kaiju throughout the movie so they could show the throwaway ones in the trailer without revealing anything about the climax

Like I said before, if your only counter argument is that I am a pay-shill, then you have no argument.

No? I'm saying it's a movie about giant robots fighting fucking giant monsters. You don't go to this kind of movie to be fucking critical. Jesus Christ.

Me having shit opinion still doens't make me a shill. Try again.

What is it you think they're not getting?

Not that user, but you're truly mentally deficient.

This movie is the equivalent of a big budget, modern, 1970s Godzilla movie where he stomped around in a suit and broke buildings. All of them had nonsensical plots, crazy sci-fi shit, and rampaging monsters that just destroyed shit for no reason.

Movie goers obviously don't understand that. Just like they make fun of Godzilla movies for being campy or make fun of the suits, they just don't get these types of films. It clearly isn't working. That does not mean it's a bad movie. It's like seeing James Bond and bitching about it being a spy movie.

That the film exists solely to provide people getting into giant robots to beat the shit out of giant monsters and destroy as much of a city as possible in the process. It's literally a KAIJU movie.

All of the dialogue and plot exists to prop up the main point of the movie, which is giving characters a reason to rampage around a city.

I bet critics similarly pan the movie RAMPAGE because it's about giant monsters destroying a city and the plot only exists to make sure we see giant monsters destroying a city.

People just do not seem to understand these movies are not serious critically engaging dramas.

>the movie is actually good
>taking a property and ruining the entire point of it by making the Jaegers into Transformers fast ninja bullshit


>All of the dialogue and plot exists to prop up the main point of the movie, which is giving characters a reason to rampage around a city.
And uprising does a good job at that.

It's not a masterpiece, but it provide a plot that justify the big fights and that's what make it a fun movie to watch.

They aren't transformer fast ninja shit. They move a little better than the Australian Jaeger did in the first film because they're upgraded.

it was kind fun
>boyega is the worst part but bearable
>a lot more robot punching than the first one (even though its not as good)
>the little robot was nice
>gypsy does most of everything again
>charlie day and burn gorman were the best once again
>tfw no lesbian scene with mako and the chinese chick

it's not great but please support this flick at your local kinoplex so that we may keep getting giant robots on the big screen anons

>war ready song not in the movie

Right, and that fact is lost on critics and most common movie goers.
Critics think it's some fucking big production and rate it like they would a hollywood drama or some shit.

Viewers think they're going to watch transformers make fart jokes.


>I bet critics similarly pan the movie RAMPAGE because it's about giant monsters destroying a city and the plot only exists to make sure we see giant monsters destroying a city.

I swear to fucking god if critics pan Rampage for BEING WHAT FUCKING RAMPAGE IS ABOUT

>>taking a property and ruining the entire point of it by making the Jaegers into Transformers fast ninja bullshit
You haven't seen the movie, haven't you?

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Right, I agree, I was wondering.

The problem that presents is that without all the higher-minded criteria upon which you can judge a movie what you're left with is purely the audiovisual experience. And from what we've seen of the film the visuals pale in comparison to those of the first movie.

You know they will. They don't actually understand giant monster movies

I hope you fags aren't implying Vince Staples isn't lit af

I will watch it on the theater because I'm not a dumb racist.

Movie was fun
Better than the first by a mile

is there a correlation between low-t and not liking giant robots?

>Actually pulling the "It's shit so it doesn't need to be critiqued alongside other movies' card
Fuck right off

This has to be the dumbest poster imaginable.

The precursors don't make machines, they make biological monster like machines that they sent through to terraform Earth.

Quite probably, but I think it would be wrong to assert that the inverse is also true. All people who dislike giant robots have low testosterone, but not all people who like giant robots have high testosterone.

No one pulled the
>it's shit

If you read my post, what I said was that critics are fucking retarded and are rating it as if it's supposed to be an epic drama, and viewers are fucking stupid because they don't know this isn't a transformers testicle joke movie.

American cinema can't handle giant monsters or giant robots. They just can't. The shows with giant robots always get cancelled and movies are never critically enjoyed, ever. Pacific Rim and Godzilla 2014 got close, and Godzilla 2014 needed 80% human drama and relationship bullshit for people to understand it.

>Because they first had to find the earth to find the actual volcano with the right rare metal in enough quantity.
>They don't know form the start were it will be.
the dumb sequels says all kaijus ever deployed were actually on their way to Japan, they knew.
>And apprently, you need deep water to create those portal.
You are making this up

I suspect Railegh and Herc Hansen are the actual pilot of November Ajax

>Megas XLR
>Sym-Bionic Titan

I'm hurting

>Some teenage girl builds her own fully-functioning jaeger (with the capability for solo piloting)
>Lol all kaiju were trying to get to Mr. Fuji despite that clearly not being their goal in the first film at all.
>Also the jaegers now fight like transformers with laser wips, building jumps, and super sick fast-paced action.

Americans do not get giant robots. Period. They never will.
This is a caption from Rotten Tomatoes
"A Jaeger bomb, but no worse than its humdrum predecessor."

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>the dumb sequels says all kaijus ever deployed were actually on their way to Japan, they knew.
No, they actually odn't say all of them.

>You are making this up
Moire like inferring as even the drone need to do it in water, but it makes sense. When an easy explanation can be found, then it's not a plot hole.

>>Also the jaegers now fight like transformers with laser wips, building jumps, and super sick fast-paced action.

None of that happens

it looks too "serious"
I want a stupid movie as the first

The Breaches only happen in the pacific.

well I infer you are wrong and a shill. I watched it yesterday that's what they said

Some sequences are straight out of Evangelion. The black Jeager getting corrupted by an infection looking brain, the white Jaeger drones being air dropped and going berserk. Plus the orange looking Jaeger

>(with the capability for solo piloting)
Because it was smaller.
>>Lol all kaiju were trying to get to Mr. Fuji despite that clearly not being their goal in the first film at all.
Frist waeve wer scoutting the earth to find the best location only late wave headed for japan.
>>Also the jaegers now fight like transformers
You haven't seen the movie. The fight are actually closer to evangelion.
> with laser wips,
Hey the first one had sword whip.

You know what I actually liked all the new weapons and gadgets, that's part of the reason why I liked the first one. But the actual fighting and usage of those weapons was too spastic and ADD friendly

>criticizing people for criticizing a movie because of the trailer when the trailer was all there was to judge the movie on before the movie was released
That is the entire fucking point of the trailer you turbo autist

They had to balance like four jaegers fighting together this time. In the first I think we at most saw two together.

>well I infer you are wrong
On what basis?

> I watched it yesterday that's what they said
I watched it today, and they only show 5 or 6 at best heading for Japan. they were much more Kaiju than this.

The first film we saw Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha fighting separately and they died really fucking fast.

This one we had four jaegers fighting together on screen

Th first movie really did say they sent scouts through the breach, they didnt know what the kaiju were looking for

How far into this flick till the Jaegers all merge to form War Eddy?

I still wish Teldoro got his original idea of a timeskip to where we used jaeger technology to become a space faring race only to have the aliens invade us from space because we nuked their warp drive. Could have been literal gundam levels of awesome

>when the trailer was all there was to judge the movie on before the movie was released
The movie is out now, and people keep shitting on this movi and calling people who have seen it shill. what's their excuse now?

They don't like the fucking movie you utter retard

Then watch this trailer instead:

Meet the furries of the 21st century. :/