In the name of Renly of the House Baratheon, first of his name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die.
In the name of Renly of the House Baratheon, first of his name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men...
>murders Renly's heir
Nice going dumbass
Damn, women are dumb.
>I barely remember you and my story was written poorly anyway, at least Im still in the book, do your duty
why didnt stannis stand behind renly, then use his ghost babby to kill him after they win?
Because Stannis is an honest man
Would have made too much sense
When she was nude in the tub with Jamie was that the actresses actual ass or just a body double?
Why was she so loyal to Renly. Litetally had the least righful claim to the throne.
because she had a massive crush on him
>I'm here to protect Sansa
>fails to protect Sansa
>suffers no consequences
>everything she ever wants is fulfilled
What are some other Mary Sues in current television?
because stannis didn't want the pussy ass tyrells to have any power
they didn't even show her ass. watch the scene again
>kills the man who Eddard Stark died for using a bastardised Lannister version of his sword after abandoning Eddards daughter to kill Stannis who fought to kill and remove the murderers of Eddards Son, wife and men outside Eddards home in sight of his battered daughter
I remember ass. How could my memories be so wrong.
>Why was she so loyal to Renly
What is the purpose of a knight that has no loyalty/honor?
>You always disappoint, Kingslayer
Jaime had a hard life
She's not a knight...
Renly was the only one who wasn't a cunt to her on her big night.
Stanislaus is too proud to support Renly. He believes that he is the rightful king and won't pretend to support Renly.
I also don't think he knew about the smoke baby. I believe he was surprised that Renly died like that.
Jaime's ass
god they fucked her character arc and every other character in the show's arc except (((maybe))) the hound, thoros, and dondarrion
It was the combination of these. On her birthday all the guys pretended to be nice to her and laughed behind her back. Brienne found out and started crying. Renly then danced with her, made her feel normal and told her not to give them the satisfaction. She fell in love with him here.
Pretty sure they said somewhere they have no idea to do with the Hound. That's why he just sticks around meme'ing it up until he can finally fight his brother.
Did she ever say she loved him? I thought it was just respect and devotion to the only man that ever showed her kindness.
Fake and gay
yeah that's why I say maybe cause they're still the same characters unlike everyone else completely 360° moonwalking on their characteristics from the stories
She had to have a crush on him. Doesn't she talk about how handsome he was?
>I drink and I know things replaced this
who remembers how bad they fucked up stannis
Isn't Brienne dead in the book? Last I remember she was being hung to death by orders of zombie Catlyn.
>ser barristan died for no reason so that we could never get this
Lost half her face and is leading Jaime to a trap with Lsh
In the show, no. She was clearly infatuated with him in the books, though; she's transferred her feelings for him onto Jaime.
she said
or some shit then found jaime like other guy said but I don't remember her losing half her face maybe was in the fight with fake hound? gotta reread the books
I believe in her last chapter she was taken before Lady Stoneheart and it ended with her being hung. But she does appear in Jamie's chapter telling him that she has a surprise for him
>maybe was in the fight with fake hound?
Yeah in AFFC the fight outside the orphanage against Rhorge and Biter
She gets messed up pretty good in the books
she's not a mary sue in the books
fucking showrunners having her literally teleporting anywhere at any time to save anyone of note in trouble and killing all the big bads
I don't remember her loosing half her face in that fight though
probably biter biting that shit
Biter chews off one side of her face, she gets taken to Stoneheart while she convalesces.
Seeing Tyrion now, I think he should've died many seasons ago. I have no idea how they'll wrap up his story at this point. Only route he can go is hope Dany keeps him around if she wins, he dies or he just goes back to Essos and wanders around because ain't anybody gonna let a suspected kinslaying, kingslaying dwarf ruling over the westerlands or some shit without Dany and her armies to enforce that.
Because Stannis was the rightful king, plus Reply already made it clear that he was perfectly willing to murderer him if he didn't join.
poor hyle
Nothing about Renly's claim was worth anything. For a character they portray as overly honourable and knightly she was perfectly OK with shitting all over any rights of succession just because some poofter was nice to her.
She's the WORST character
>first of his name
She's a good one in the books.
And last of his name, probably.
What he fuck
Nobody liked Stannis. Nobody wants him as King, so he doesn't matter.
Why was he standing outside the door when Jon and Dany were having sex in the show?
in what order did the show runners destroy a character most?
I mean all of them are pretty fucked up but which are the worst of the worst
I mean dany is pretty fucked up too she's literally just a retard who screams BUT IT WAS HER (my) TURN now
I think Staniss was pretty good till they ran out of books.
they fucked up robb and his arc pretty bad too, went from doing something noble from a mistake he made while clearly drugged/near death that he didn't mean to cause he didn't want a bastard child to be raised like jon to literally DAT ASS IS FAT GIMMIE DAT PUSSY
>no mention of any of the Dornish characters
did you even read the books
What about the rhoynar?Is dorne a free region then?
She isn't that much better in the books. She mostly sits around thinking about prophecies and falling in love
>I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die.
and for the first time in the series I'm going to kill you off camera.
I'd argue that was an improvement on Dany by just playing it straight as a Mary Sue savior. Honestly I know you want to show "realistic" teenage girls, but I dunno what kind of man wants to read that shit. Like people hate Cat, but I'm mostly fine reading about her thoughts most of the time. With Sansa and Dany, it's like a constant reminder to myself, "ok remember you're reading about dumb teenage girls so it's supposed to feel like an awful slog."
OHHHHH now I see why Sup Forums is so upset about stannis death, because it was a fucking woman
that makes much more sense.
everything dorne related
>no quentyn
>no jon con
>no victarion
fuck dorniggers
>D&D actually got upset that Stannis had so many fans
>I know let's have him burn his daughter for no reason and lay siege to Winterfell with no equipment after 20 good men annihilate his entire camp somehow
>and then this small castle is garrisoned by a hundred thousand cavalry
>big nig taken out by some little girl with a dagger instantly with one quick stab in the back
More importantly,
>no darkstar
Why did she call him the rightful king though
Also can you just go around killing whoever you want just by saying that
Stannis is too proud to do that. He's not above betraying his king (like during Robert's Rebellion), but he's not going to sneak around and literally stab the king in the back. Even though the result is exactly the same. It's the same logic that lets Ned feel morally superior to Jaime.
They butchered Dorne a lot, but it is pretty complicated in the books. Too many characters needed to be introduced and there was no way they couldn't replicate that on the show.
whole dorne line was completely butchered
it's definitely possible, just forgo the bro adventures or have it so that they find marcylla after she runs off with the bad pussy snek and crew and they find her instead of areo hotah
They didn't need to replicate it but some kind of story that actually made sense would have been nice.
>we're going to avenge Oberyn by doing the exact opposite of what he would have wanted
>we're also going to kill his brother and nephew
You could simplify Dorne a ton without butchering every character involved. The barebones outline of the story, with Arianne trying to declare Myrcella queen, could still work.
Can I be sentenced to eating her cooter while she is face down, ass up? Amirite?
Stannis (was never portrayed favorably AND accurately even for a moment. every single scene of his has problems.)
Tyrion (good moments but has had other moments whitewashed even in S1)
Robb (from brotherly love and duty to chasing ass)
Yara (had none of Asha's charisma, first character "development" was becoming a lesbian)
Roose (became an idiot and did things he wouldn't do after Red Wedding)
CIA (became an idiot and did things he wouldn't do after Red Wedding)
Jaime (whitewashed after losing hand)
Talisa (from interesting minor character to muh stronk indep wimmin with too much screen time)
The Hound (turning his captive into a side-kick he shares his feelings with, losing to fucking Brienne, terrible one-liners)
Tormund (isn't funny)
Barristan (killed randomly because show skips Ashara storyline)
Jon (suffers from a bad actor)
Arya (suffers from a bad actress)
Ramsay (being turned into Euron)
You have terrible taste in women
the only half interesting bit related to dorne is alleras in old town. the rest is all shit
I guess they could've tried to do a Myrcella as the new queen storyline, but then we would have another person claiming the throne.
I don't believe it would work without Griff/Jon, Young Griff/Ageon. Quentyn could be left out, he was fucking useless.
Who is that? I don't remember.
This is good, I think Brienne is up there with Stannis though. How can two people get one character so wrong.
Quentyn was pretty good, although useless. It could have been played out in like 15minutes combined on screen just to show that the dragons don't just let anyone meme up on them and that them being friendly to Tyrion/Jon actually means something.
Its important to note that in the books, Brienne is like 18-19. She was 13 when Renly showed her that courtesy. Now Martin is a little screwy when it comes to ages, but regardless, she's supposed to be young. Catelyn always thinks of her as a girl, not a woman.
Honestly, instead of being annoyed they made her pretty, I'm more annoyed that they made Brienne so much older. They made Brienne into the most generic badass warrior woman in the show, when in the books she's clearly vulnerable and lacks self-esteem from all the bullying she's suffered, and from her youth. Not to mention her dumb cool girl misogyny
it's sarella sand, oberyn's daughter. she's in old town using alleras as an alias and she's involved in some type of game that doran is playing
Why did he marry one of his most valuable assets off to a house that he was about to depose with the help of Stannis anyway?
Also Doran was completely destroyed.
because fan fiction. LF isn't retarded in the books
Stannis didn't know about the ghost baby, it's something melisandre does without telling him.
Ahh shit yeah him, Areo (prick to the back LMFAO) and Ellaria. Them cutting out Aegon has really buttfucked the power dynamics and motivations of the show characters.
Reminder that, TO THE AVERAGE WESTEROSI THAT DID NOT SEE GAME OF THRONES, Stannis was not by any means the Rightful King. The only things backing up his claims are a book and the words of a woman that belongs to most mischieving and cunning family of the continent. Absolutely no reason to start a war for
Reminder that Stannis was also an idiot. If he had any brains, he would have used his killer ghosts (he had two in the books) to kill both Joffrey and Tommen, thus becoming, at last, the Rightful King. And don't give me no shit about the ghosts having to be near the target to kill. Davos could smuggle Melisandre easily into Kings Landing if he wanted
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