It's a white rapper pretends he doens't have white privilege and makes an entire movie out of it episode

>it's a white rapper pretends he doens't have white privilege and makes an entire movie out of it episode
why was this allowed?

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This was back in the 90s, white privilege didn't exist yet.


It was rude to admit it out loud, but eminem used his privileged brain to write better limericks than most other rappers of his day

Being white in the rap game is the opposite of privilege. Black people are super bigoted and his skin color was used as a criticism against him constantly

>there are no poor white people in the USA

how did this meme gain traction

rich white people sold it to the world

Eminem himself said it (in 2002, before de SJW Em): "If I was black I would've sold half"

He owns his career to white privilege, the thing is that Eminem knows and addresses it, not like the Sup Forumstards that say 'hurr durr we are al equal, we have the same opportunities white privilege doesn't exist'

The opposite is true. If Eminem were black no one would've ever doubted him. He would have been universally hailed as the GOAT

exactly, you think millions of suburban white kids would've bought the Slim Shady LP if he was just another black guy?

Yes, because millions of suburban white kids already buy rap albums by black artists.

When he is making his own film?

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Bernie Sanders

When is another nigger going to shoot him?

guchii gang

>Eminem and Dre, probably kings of an industry they know like the back of their hand say something (and a lot of people in the industry agree).

>Probably white kid on a Chinese breadmaking forum that was like 5 years old when eminem started dropping music and his highest achievement is having a house in minecraft "uhm, actually, those people are wrong, I know more thant them".

>white privilege didn't exist yet

White privilege hasn't existed since 50's

Because he's famous has money and wanted to make a film?

(((Rich white people)))

because of Eminem

There was a higher bar for him to actually enter rap though. The reason his shit sold is because he filled a niche no one else had of legit and respected white rapper.

Hence, why his success has no been repeated.

exactly, WHITE