
Earn is a bit of a dick

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>"comedy"-drama about black people being black

why do you watch this? it's genuinely unoriginal and unfunny.

That’s not true. It’s genuinely better made than most other shows.
Regardless of the topic, you are absolutely wrong if you think it’s a badly made show.

>"comedy"-drama about black people being black
Thats the amazing part. It's like this show is self-aware. While in contrast "Dear white people" really doesn't come off as even being slightly self-aware. The cast seems to be just about to realise it. But stops

All the characters are shit people.
All the serious moments are laughably bad and the girlfriend shit is always tedious.

Atlanta is to black people what The Big Bang Theory is to nerds.

did they break up or what

They were never together she just uses him that's the whole point.

My dude I never thought I would find an Atlanta fan on Sup Forums

I disagree entirely. Obviously, i'm biased against it because is about black culture, which i know nothing about, and i care even less than that. The whole "cops are bad imarigt" shtick doesn't appeal to me.
But on a side point, it's badly made. You have Louie, you have Curb your enthusiasm... Classic comedy shows that try to make the sincere-deep spin at the end with some kind of message. Those are well made.
This glover child cannot act, and doesn't understand comedy, hence when the drama finally comes, i cannot care at all. It's bad, it's boring, and should be forgotten.

People have defended Moonlight here, what are you surprised for?

It's still a shitty show, don't matter how much negro inclusivity programs you lay over it.

The last few scenes just gutted me. Hit way too close to home.

why are white people always so insecure?

cant have an Atlanta thread on MUH BOARD

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I like it

where can I watch this? or should I just torrent

based Amy Seimetz directed last episode.

>The whole "cops are bad imarigt" shtick doesn't appeal to me.
which episode was about cops being bad?

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It's my favourite show and I'm not too thrilled about Sup Forums having a go at it

Just another "niggers are people too even if they commit crime all the time" show.

Season one had decent thread here too, it just get lost in the sea of capeshits.
You should not wast your time to type so much bullshit.
its on FX or you can torrent it.
t. never watched the show
I mostly want to know why they feel the need to come in the threads of a show they like about people they hate.

pretty revolting then?

What is the Sillicon Valley of black people then ?

Atlanta is literally Breaking Bad

Im I the only one that founds disturbing at alan resnick level all the weird shit in the show?
I think that its more like a twin peaks and a lot of comedy.
I dont know, Im not black and I love it.

Dolan are you in this thread?