New Hawkeye #14 cover
things are finally looking up for cuckeye
What are some good Hawkeye comics?
Who's the jailbait?
Writers have wanted to do this back when girl Hawkeye was "Hawkingbird" or whatever and still in high school. Clint is pushing 40. It's gross. I'd honestly take her thing with Speed over this.
This is a good thread.
Kate looks like a little girl here.
She's been 21 since Gillen's Young Avengers
This is gay. It better not be what it looks like.
Really? Did that stick? She was in high school when she first showed up, and based on how they're treating the Runaways, these guys have only been around 3 years in-universe.
It's stuck for now.
Weird. I mean, Prodigy was Kate's generation and he's just now enrolled in college. And isn't Patriot off in college somewhere too? I don't think they thought this through.
Either way, this isn't illegal or anything, but it is creepy.
They were teasing it so hard at the start of Fraction before they ruined it like everything else.
>Either way, this isn't illegal or anything, but it is creepy.
Eh, it's not that bad.
The tumblr brigade called it eewie so Marvel had to change it.
Marvel has actually slid back on listening to them, despite what you might think
he's a sometimes burned out cape vet with a divorce and a string of bad relations and a girl who may or may not be college age depending on what the story dictates who probably sees him as some type of mentor or replacement father figure.
it could be a lot better
I actually enjoyed Fraction's Hawkeye run- though the Kate in LA part was an unending chore to get through. Should I pick this up?
Clint and Katey
Sitting on a tree.
You say that, but this is the same company who had Shadowcat have a past relationship with Sentry.
Hell, a middle aged man hooking up with a young woman ain't even that weird IRL. At least it's not a middle aged man and a teenager like it used to be.
I wasn't asking them to show them fucking on panel, but the attraction between them was an interesting dynamic. Tumblr also thought Zola' s daughter was underage when she slept with Falcon because they can't do fucking math
Have they ever bothered to adequately explaim whem these Sentrt stories happened?
Hell Yeah.
>This is gay.
so if she was kissing America, it would be less "gay"?
>You say that, but this is the same company who had Shadowcat have a past relationship with Sentry.
Rogue, not Shadowcat.
Still bullshit, of course.
So who has the weirder/more fucked up bow-based family now, Ollie or Clint?
Yeah, Clint/Kate is gross. They've been mostly written as a big brother/little sister duo, with hints of Kate maybe having a crush on him.
To act on it is weird.
I don;t think Ollie was ever that close to getting hot and heavy with his jailbait female legacies. Unlike Mockingbird, Canary is a good woman who stands by her man and know he just needs a good whack over the head when things get dicey
I love the unspoken background behind this image.
>stands by her man
Fucking finally
And what would that unspoken background be?
It's ridiculous how every single Hawkeye writer after Fraction has tried to imitate Fraction without understanding what made Fraction's run so well-received.
Clint went from cocky but ultimately competent and determined to a bumbling loser who constantly gets his ass handed to him and gets zero respect from anyone. Kate went from snarky and reckless but also fairly competent to yet another cookie-cutter Modern Marvel Female who's quirky and quippy and not much else.
Wait so she's not gay anymore?
But he to old for her. They like father and douther.
Awesome, hopefully next we get Carol & Jess?
There are people in this thread who unironically think that this cover means that Kate and Clint are getting together. I guess Sup Forums really is filled with autists.
We've been asking for that for years and it hasn't happened yet. It probably never will even though 99% of their interactions practically have a guy off-panel shouting "JUST FUCK ALREADY"
There's objectively nothing wrong with a middle aged man hooking up with a younger woman.
No one thinks its gonna happen.
>cant even greentext
but there is an unspoken rule of a professor not sleeping with a student, even if she's not taking his class
it's a denotes an abuse of even indirect authority over someone even if they both admit consensual attraction
>people falling for cover bait
this has unironically worked for like 70 years and it always will work. it only needs a "READ THIS ISSUE TO FIND OUT!"
HELL YES, was waiting for it to happen after reading all those fanfics.
>this has unironically worked for like 70 years and it always will work. it only needs a "READ THIS ISSUE TO FIND OUT!"
so you're saying that Superman really isn't forcing Jimmy to marry a gorilla?!
Weren't they actually in a relationship then?
Of course it was part of Wanda's Bendis-caused nervous breakdown so it didn't last.
That was twitter.
not even lying, this is what my wife's bull did with my wife
>Hawkeye posters are cucks
Checks out
Jess's baby is obviously Carol's already.
I never got that Clint was particularly interested in Kate though.
To me Fraction's run is like Clint trying to have a day off except all his days off keep getting interrupted by bullshit.
It shouldn't be that 100% of the time.
I miss purple circus man Hawkeye.
The reason being is that they have never read anything about Clint beyond this run and they're too blinded by how awesome and "empowering" Kate is. I was pleasantly surprised how Thompson wrote him in the Generations issue.
Member when Fraction said they wouldn't happen? (he dislikes them as a pairing) And everyone was like "Lol yeah right"
I hope he sees this.
For one covers lie and second Clint isn't OK with women who are significantly younger than him.
He's also into psycho blondes.
>He's also into psycho blondes.
also psycho brunettes (see Jessica Drew)
and psycho redheads (Natasha)
actually pretty much any hair color is fine, so long as she's psycho
Fuck you, Clint and Karla is the only OTP.
My nigga
I don't think Clint and Melissa are that far apart in age. She's younger, yes, but not -that- much younger. "Kid" was just a thing young guys called younger girls back in the day before people decided it was "demeaning."
>He's also into psycho blondes.
The psycho part is more important than the blonde part. He must have some fucked up maso kinks.
That's hot
Matt Fraction's run.
>Nat is dead. Until she faked her death. Bucky will fuck her.
>Bobbi is a cunt fucking Peter
>Jess fucked some OC
>Karla who?
Ya know what? Good. Fuck Kate. Do it.
>Clint is pushing 40. It's gross.
I'll tell you a secret user.
A lot of women like older men.
Even modern Feminist Mockingbird is a better pairing for Clint than this.
Yeah, what kind of man would want to fuck a young hot woman?
Here’s what will happen.
Kate Bishop and Clint Barton will trail a suspect or gang. In order to blend in, Kate will pull the old “let’s kiss and pretend we’re on a date” trick to fool the guards.
The End. Thanks for your $4.99!