
Was it actually good?

Self bump. Genuinely curious, never saw any discussion about it here and the reviews are gushing.

Thought it was ok. Definitely toned down a lot, and the comedy wasn't that good (considering it was mainly made by Cohen Edenfield not Hussie) I feel like they wanted to appeal more to a younger audience to get more sales.
Overall if you liked homestuck and don't mind childish humour I would recommend buying it. The music is also really good

No Vriska.
No 8uy.

I want to say sunken cost fallacy here, but I also feel sorry for the backers after the studio took the moolah and ran (I think the studio was "men who wear many hats" or something), then made unrelated games with the siphoned off millions. that infuriated me, thinking that such a bunch of pansy-ass "gentlemen" would funnel off all the cheddar like that

I only watched my pal play it, but it looked alright to me. I might buy it if it ever goes on sale

actually it was the odd gentlemen and they ran off to make King's Quest. So far the most solid proof without anyone official enough breaking NDA or a possible court order is the Polygon article where they said they ditched a project they were working on to do King's Quest and since they were a literal who dev team, it's pretty obvious who they were shafting

ah yes, my apologies, I get confused with the names sometimes

its a damn shame and another infuriating crowdfunding betrayal.

now I wouldn't say betrayal. This was just the first and biggest sign that Hussie is a fucking shit development lead. First, he trusted a team that ultimately fucked him in the ass and then moved a new team to a New York office before ultimately dissolving it and sending all those people back home, He hired a lead programmer who couldn't program and restarted development I think the count 4 times.
See, betrayal would mean he never intended to put in the work and make a game worth at least the initial KS goal, Hussie is just incompetent

He's saying TOG betrayed us, you dope.
They took the money and ran.

>get a huge chunk of money from a clear idiot who wants to do as little as possible so you can make a game pandering to a cancer that at least by this time has ruined so many conventions hotels have started making rules against them because their shitty body paint are ruining their bathtubs
>get approached by Activision, a real company that can help your career future to make a game based on an established, beloved franchise that's based on fantasy and general humor and not internet memes
fuck a contract, I'd jump ship too

It's not GOTY. It's not a blockbuster. But the constant pursuit of the bombastic is what's ruining the video game market.
It's short, it's sweet, it does what it's supposed to. It's a "Grim Fandango" kinda game without voice-acting. I expect the next chapters will be better than this and it's already a good experience.

even in the 'passion project developers just hope does okay' market it's pretty mid tier in a year Cuphead and Hat in Time gets released

>Siphon money instead of making the shitty little game you were contracted to make and act like massive scumbags

Who you're working for doesn't matter, pulling a Randy Pitchford makes you human trash. They STOLE over a million dollars.

oh don't under sell it
they stole whatever amount wasn't allocated for backer rewards and what little work they did put into the project, settled in court to give the money back and if the rumors weren't exaggerating, gave back less than half what the court told them too probably because they knew Hussie couldn't afford to do shit against a team under Activision's umbrella
it's like a fucking bully made to give a kid's candy back because he ran to mommy and then taking a big fucking bite out of it right in front of him before handing it over and getting away with it

>davekat spammer flipping out and throwing a tantrum in the /aco/ thread

>fuck a contract, I'd jump ship too

This mentality is literally the cancer killing video games.

that means he'll only have to wait 14 hours before someone calls him a fag

>now let me spam this thread to show how not mad I am

This actually came out?

Yes and it's short.


Still better than the 3d pregnant shit

Not by a fucking longshot.

it's another telltale adventure game that thinks releasing in episodes is a good idea. I'm almost positive other games did the episodic release before telltale but let's face it, they probably did it this way because people still jerk off about how much they love the first walking dead game

Found the davekat spammer.

I would take an entire thread of 3D over any davekat, and the fact that you don't makes me frankly question your intelligence. Davekat is literal trash.

Yep, definitely them.

Xerxos needs to be more chubby

>People go to prison for years for stealing a few thousand
>"It's totally cool to swipe over a hundred thou"

Its a good idea to calm people who backed it for sure.

700k actually

>only one possible person could dislike my terrible fetish; it must be that guy with that other terrible fetish

You're defending the davekat spammer in any capacity, forgive me if I think you're a samefag for having such shit taste.

>hates pregnancy
Opinion discarded

>never saw any discussion about it here
do you see superman discussion on Sup Forums

At least the 3D guy gets the characters right.
I can't think of the last time I saw any davekat (or really most homestuck yaoi) that actually felt remotely in-character.


>people STILL pretending TOG is the only reason hiveswap failed
never gets old

to be fair, it's the first and biggest misstep of the project. Nothing gets people attention more than tripping over your own feet and face planting at the start of the race.

fucking 100% this. anyone who expected a decent product is completely delusional
>claimed it would have nothing to do with trolls or homestuck itself
>trolls are the main focus, doc scratch is in it and there is obvious cherub fuckery going on

>sources Broken Age as inspiration, one of the absolute worst point and click adventure games, wastes as much money as DF did, hardly any gameplay whatsoever


>original lead artist was a macrofag fetishist who runs a sizeplay convention and regularly draws scat porn

>makes the most rookie mistake of all by buying office space in one of the worst areas of the world for their "dev studio"


>claimed it would have nothing to do with trolls or homestuck itself
>trolls are the main focus, doc scratch is in it and there is obvious cherub fuckery going on
the real shitty thing about that is the kickstarter used art of all the characters from the comic, misled a lot of people like that
>original lead artist was a macrofag fetishist who runs a sizeplay convention and regularly draws scat porn
this is a dumb point though, paul robertson did art of shitting nazi dicks but he still gets work because he's capable
>makes the most rookie mistake of all by buying office space in one of the worst areas of the world for their "dev studio"
two office spaces you mean, they moved into a larger one just before they shuttered the 3D team, it was mentioned in one of the kickstarter updates

That's adorable why haven't I seen it before


tumblr'll do that somehow
>see: undertale, GOTY 2015

Undertale was good

steam sales data

I don't understand the graph. How are owners supposed to go down?

he plays fucking soccer, go back to tumblr

it was good yeah, but not game of the year material.
top five i can see it, but its too short and it didn't really get enough out of its save file gimmick.

6 hours with replayability is not so short

people refunding the game


I still don't get how they were able to get away with it. This all sounds insanely illegal and it's surprising they haven't been sued or arrested or something.

American court takes a large ammount of time and money so Andrew opted for a settlement so he could finish Homestuck and the game. If there is a NDA, we will know by 2019.

This is a joke right?

>john making a cameo in hiveswap



What was his name again?

>6 hours

I think Steam changed it so your review only gets counted towards metrics if you bought it from them directly. All of the positive reviews are from people who didn't kickstart the game.
