In a instagram post from the character designer of Tulip from IT, she says "Last year cartoon network asked me to do some character designs for a new pilot called Infinity train"
As you can see, she made this design in early 2015, at around the same time the other 2 pilots were already finished. CN specifically desire this kind of character. Only one can win.
Zachary King
Isn't it obvious why they have red hair?
Brown/Black haired girls are seen as too plain to be the lead character.
Blondes are seen as too stupid/wacky and is reserved for sidekicks.
Red is seen as adventurous and passionate, the main traits of most lead characters.
Bentley Martinez
Sure, but we haven't really had any characters that fall into this archetype since Kim Possible, that was ages ago and was a Disney show.
I was wondering why they suddenly strongly felt the need to have a show with a mc like this. The fact that they went out of their way to make sure 3 of their new pilots have this kind of a mc show that they want to do something special maybe?
Grayson Torres
All shows follow trends. I image CN is has been searching pretty hard for the last 2 years for a show that can replace Adventure Time.
Or, at least they where before TTG took off.
Wyatt Nelson
I think the TTG ship is sinking, fortunately, so they're probably not going to abandon all the hard work and resources they put into making these pilots.
Ethan Kelly
wish Sup Forums would talk about pilots and shorts more again. Nickelodeons been posting one a week and the threads just die.
Caleb Perry
because we know Nickelodeon will not pick-up any of them
Cameron Bennett
Do they? Kind if stopped watching but I liked the one about the two mice girls who were in a band even if that sandwich was disgusting.
Joseph Russell
CN got Adventure Time, the pilots could still eventually do something. Even then, I remember the pilot/shorts threads on Sup Forums half a decade ago being very popular.
Camden Myers
yeah, looks like every saturday for two or so months. a few are really good. they are on facebook and not youtube though, so maybe thats why no one knows.
Brandon Ward
Literally had no idea about those.
Adrian Brooks
Red head is best head
Bentley Allen
Truth right here, my fetish is satisfied, I'm personally rooting for Tulip.
Colton Brown
Also, redheads are even more rare then blondes, it lets the MC stand out without going full anime.
Jace Price
Red haired girls from manga are usually the greatest though.
Landon Harris
I guess people are getting tired with Purple and Blue.
John Turner
Glad you agree.
Charles Powell
Stop making them happen, it will never happen
Andrew Scott
>Infinity Train got greenlit Yes, more lewds.
Bentley Scott
What did he mean by this?
Fucking ew, gross.
Jeremiah Davis
Reggie easily has the best design.
Lincoln Roberts
>Fucking ew, gross. What did he mean by this?
Gabriel Turner
Tulip is fucking pure, you whore.
Kevin Scott
>Red haired characters taking over children's cartoons
There's more trannies than redheads but the moment you see more than one at a time everyone freaks out about over representation.
But a million redheads and it's like they think they really DO have a redhead girl living next to everybody's doors.
Lincoln Richardson
They saw how much porn of Gwen from ben10 is and know a young girl with red hair is going to be popular. I want to see something like that happening in the show, like a traincart where her boobs get bigger the more she stays inside and she has to find the way out before they become to big for her to move.
Brody Williams
The real question is
blue eyes or green eyes?
Isaac Adams
Well, all of them have fucking black eyes, so I guess the question doesn't apply here.
But that is a tough question to be honest. I think I like both equally when it comes to precious redheads.
Hunter Morris
>There's more trannies than redheads
I refuse to believe that
Colton White
Sorry man
You got brainwashed into thinking redheads are more common than they are
They're like, a very small bit of less than a percent of the world population esp. compared to trannies.
Nathan Mitchell
Why the shit can't the show look like this
Benjamin Garcia
Korean animators Not all intended actions get into the final product because of lack of skills of certain animation studios. Also money. It's always money.
Connor Brown
Whites are a very small percent of the population. The default human is Asian or Indian.
Logan Hughes
Red hair is the most unusual colour out of naturals, helps if you want your protagonist to stand out.
Hunter Phillips
And it's the best hair color.
Alexander Morgan
Twelve Forever should be a better choice to be greenlight than Infinity Train..
Isaiah Russell
but twelve forever is boring as hell
Dominic Lopez
because its hell to animate something of that quality with the budget the animation studios have
Evan Perez
Are there any news about Infinity Train?
The protagonist has potential to be interesting (Or be complete trainwreck). I also want people to make more porn of her
Cooper Miller
Only in fiction. Real life red heads are mostly terrible. Both would be fine with me.
Oliver Butler
Well, there has been a severe lack of redhead representation in the past few years. Recently, except for Archie, every time a red haired comic book character has been adapted into live action, they've become black.
Thomas White
Sup Forums, I have a serious problem. Since I've saw a certain film (I think it was a Burton one), I started to fulfill a folder of redhead girls. But I think I might have gone too far. The folder have now 263 images of redheads. What should I do now, Sup Forums ?
Josiah Rivera
Post them in an archive
Evan Peterson
People just thirst for Lauren THAT much.
Luke Robinson
a good number of male characters have red hair in cartoons i guess it has to do with red drawing the eye
Chase Jones
>Asuka >Evangelion
Nathan Wright
Owen Dennis mentioned recently that he's not on Close Enough anymore, and someone on reddit is claiming to be an animation student who visited CN and saw that IF was in production
Jason Parker
Post them obviously, this thread is obviously pandering to reheadfags.
Plus some people were calling out the student a few days after he made the leak and he then proceeded to delete his post.
Here's the topic, only the comments other made remain, if anyone cares.