Childhood is idolizing Goku

Childhood is idolizing Goku
Adulthood is switching to Vegeta
Ascendance is realizing Piccolo makes the most sense

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Back to your degenerate playground, child.

why do you type like this

piccolo is a cuck raising another man's child

>watching child shit as an adult

Piccolo and Vegeta are both Hitler tier characters in that fictional universe, both responsible for thousands of deaths. The fact that they had a change of heart and became anti-heroes is one of the biggest asspulls, and quite frankly, disturbing parts of DB.

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is it still being a cuck when you take someone else's child and basically become a better father figure than the actual father

>Piccolo and Vegeta are both Hitler tier characters in that fictional universe, both responsible for thousands of deaths. The fact that they had a change of heart and became anti-heroes is one of the biggest asspulls, and quite frankly, disturbing parts of DB.
You're correct about Vegeta, but Piccolo? Maybe his dad was the monster, but did Piccolo kill thousands?

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Piccolo Jr. didn't kill that many people, and his change of heart was done much better than Vegeta's

Vegeta is 100% for children

Piccolo Daimao and Piccolo Jr. are the same person.

>Piccolo Daimao and Piccolo Jr. are the same person.
Then why is Piccolo Jr. nothing like King Piccolo?

It's more of a Buu-Uub situation

>wasnt asked to do this.
>didnt attempt to contact the mother.
>took a child he saw power in and attempted to train him.
>literally mutilated the child
What made him a cuck, soyboy?

With Piccolo it's more indirect, I guess. It's convoluted. But new Piccolo is the reincarnation of King Piccolo, who came to a medieval earth and caused great devastation and carnage. Piccolo Jr himself only killed a few people. It's up to you decide if reincarnation gives you a new clean slate.

>Piccolo and Vegeta are both Hitler tier characters in that fictional universe, both responsible for thousands of deaths. The fact that they had a change of heart and became anti-heroes is one of the biggest asspulls, and quite frankly, disturbing parts of DB.
So basically you are saying "Once you do bad things, stick to it and NEVER attempt to atone for your sins, redemption isn't possible". Am I getting this right?

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Imagine if the Dragon Ball franchise was still good. It would be hype.

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This website is for 18+.

Adulthood is realizing you are not the main character. Vegeta is reality.

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Are you implying characters in the Dragon Ball franchise have depth and arcs?

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>With Piccolo it's more indirect, I guess. It's convoluted. But new Piccolo is the reincarnation of King Piccolo, who came to a medieval earth and caused great devastation and carnage. Piccolo Jr himself only killed a few people. It's up to you decide if reincarnation gives you a new clean slate.
It's a classic "death and rebirth" story, whether you accept that he's a "clean slate" is up to the viewer, but i think the author is making that claim

just wait til december

Freiza too after tommorow

>Are you implying characters in the Dragon Ball franchise have depth and arcs?


They quite clearly have enough of an arc to turn from bad to good. Admittedly, that isn't much, but what kind of argument is it to scoff at this suggestion when its self-evident?

I wish I was insanely strong and in a loving relationship with a rich wife.

>Childhood is thinking DBZ is loved by all
>Adulthood is thinking DBZ is only loved by cool people
>Ascendance is realizing that only low test soyboys and basic females cannot into dragon ball cause all they see is chests and think of sex

>Universe 6 girls are a shit

And to go behind the beyond and go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND

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nah, piccolo took care of gohan turning him into macro chad powerful enough to kill cell. gohan's mother turn gohan in tosoyboi

So what you're saying is... who does that remind me of?

But yeah. On the christfag theology stuff, I do think that redemption is a croak of shit that was introduced in order to make people with guilty consciouses do less bad things, essentially.

Going back to DB, I just feel that it's disturbing that, at least in the case of Vegeta, he was more-or-less accepted into the main cast of heroes, with basically no acknowledgement of his past sins. Again, it's like if Goku became friends with Hitler. It's just like... lol wat.

At the end everyone will recognize that Goku is a retard.

How did Vegeta redeem himself between being space Hitler and becoming part of the crew?

>Super dies in a couple hours

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Goku became friends with Beerus, who destroys planets for fun.

I just want to fuck Bulma in the pusy

Thsts not a characrer arc. Everyone dick rides Goku.
See up

>posts on Sup Forums
>undoubtedly posts in 1 capeshit thread a day
>calls others manchildren for liking japanese capeshit

Godhood is realizing that Super is trash and GT is superior

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Yeah. The mythology was ruined for me once they introduced Beerus. In my head canon, the events of "Super" are non-canon.

Fighting their villains
Fucking Bulma and hanging around sometimes with her
Exploding himself to save everybody from fat candy genie

This is a common trope in asian fiction. In "Journey to the West", the Sun King, the pig god and the fish god are all evil as fuck but working with buddha is how they redeem themselves.

Is it better to punish evil people or is it better for them to find redemption?

Elder-godhood is realizing DB is superior to DBZ, GT and Super.

wrong. goku trained him to fight cell, piccolo actually wanted to throw the towel

Super is a pure kino

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>tfw all the people who have been shitting on GT for the last decade now dickride a piece of shit known as Super that doesn't even try to hide that it's a soulless cashgrab

>Changes as he is reincarnated, such that while taking over the world, he is less cruel, no longer damning his victims souls
>Decides to train Gohan for his own survival and, given he is now less evil, forms a bond with the boy, developing a real friendship
>Through this friendship, stops being evil and instead fights to protect Gohan, and eventually, the world
I'm not claiming its Shakespeare byany means, but you're completely fucking wrong and lazy, and you should feel bad.

>Piccolo hasn't always been his favorite character

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Super is genuinely shit. Not just technically but the "story", characters, and fights are so bad. My friends in HS are acting like its amazing and trying to reccommend it to innocent bystanders.

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>Elder god
>Basic response

Bitch it's been obvious forever, the power gap from power levels going from DB to Z is almost equal to the power gap in quality.

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Yes, 100%

>How did Vegeta redeem himself between being space Hitler and becoming part of the crew?
That's up to you to decide. He realized he was wrong and went through the process of changing and doing the right things, eventually. It doesn't erase what they did, but that's never really the point of atonement.

>But yeah. On the christfag theology stuff, I do think that redemption is a croak of shit that was introduced in order to make people with guilty consciouses do less bad things, essentially.
Redemption isn't necessarily a theological concept only, it also has psychological roots.

>Thsts not a characrer arc. Everyone dick rides Goku.
Vegeta NEVER did, that's his arc, realizing that being the best comes down to character and not training or will.

>Super continues to do so well in sales it's getting it's own movie and another series
>It's shit

Never stopped Japan before now did it.

Interesting. Thanks.I didn't know about that. I should've studied eastern religions in college.

not really piccolo its a reincarnation of king piccolo a real baddy, and vegeta is simply subverted prideful prince cucked by frieza

I meant to write piccolo, gohan amd vegeta as exceptions. But thats still lazy writing when 2 main characters have the same arc. But that still doesnt make up for everything post freiza up until Super.