

shit man this movie is SO good because it's so bad. It's like meta i just found it the other day oh man, it's like a parody of itself and the main star is like fucking with the production company

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>it's so bad.
its good tho

it's so fucking bad it sucks
it's so fucking suck it fucks

chicken nigger

I like retarded absurd shit but god damn this movie is just something else. Tom green is a cuck.

Yes, we all saw the RLM review.

Hey there newfriend, your opinion is not needed.

This movie is legitimately funny. The meta stuff is just the cherry on top

>getting this triggered over a youtube video
It's time for you to stop browsing the internet.

I'll always respect Tom Green for pioneering webcast shows. pretty impressed that he was doing it before anyone else (that I'm aware)

it is good though

fuck off reddit


>literally a cuck leddit plebia thread

Fuck off. Unless you were an impressionable teenager in the 90s, you have no business watching this or thinking your opinion on it matters.

I dont know how I didnt notice until their review that eric andrea is just a complete rip off of Tom Green

you guys need to be more subtle
youre trying way too hard

>is SO good because it's so bad
it's good because it's good retard

I didn't know much about Tom Green. When they played clips from his show I immediately thought about Eric Andre show even before they mentioned it. And they just say "it was kinda like the Eric Andre show", but it's actually 100% like that.



it was the exact same thing. He had a talk show, but it was complete batshit bizarre stuff. His side kick was his best friend from highschool Glenn and he would always fuck with him and he would have these ridiculous skits and fuck with guest and none of it made any sense.

I know Eric said he based his show off of Space ghost, but its pretty clear he just copy pasted Tom Greens show. I remember I would cry laughing at his show


>implying we weren't talking about this movie long before RLM

I watched this for the first time since I was a teen 2 years ago and it was hilarious

Uh, ok. Just because RLM made some video I haven't even seen, doesn't mean I can't form my own ideas. What the fuck.

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